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Ayat ul Kursi

(a) Main Theme (s):

• This passages belongs to “Allah Himself”
• It describes Unity of Allah and His attributes
• Belief in the Oneness of Allah is the foundation of Islam
• No one can be a true Muslim without believing in His Unity
• Thus it goes against Shirk – Associating any partner with Allah
• Similarly, it talks about some attributes of Allah
• It included His Knowledge, Power, Majesty, unique from everyone
• He is free from human needs;
• He does not sleep nor take slumber
• Nor He gets tired
• “Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him.”
• His knowledge is per excellence
• He knows our Present, Past & Future
• The Quran says: “Surely, Allah knows the secrets of hearts.”

• Similarly it also describes the power & authority of Allah with the term “Kursi”
(a) Importance of the Theme in Muslims Life:
Importance of Recitation:
 Ayatul Kursi is a protection against evil, robbery or fire etc
 The Prophet (pbuh) used to recite Ayat ul Kursi before sleeping
 Reciter of Ayat ul Kursi after every Fard Prayer goes to Paradise as mentioned in
a Hadith
 Importance / Impact of the Themes:
 A true believer in Tawheed develops modesty, sincerity in his’ life
 It brings him closer to Allah
 It increases faith in Allah as the only True believer
 It makes him a responsible citizen in the society
 He avoids making Shirk which is unpardonable sin
 Ultimately a true believer becomes a sincere slave of Allah
2. Surah Ikhlas

(a) Main Theme (s):

 This surah was reveled at Makkah as a reply to the pagans who used to ask the Prophet
(pbuh) about the ancestry of Allah
 It speaks of Allah Himself and describes His Unity & Attributes
 To believe in His Unity is the most fundamental belief of Islam
 No one can be a true Muslim without believing in His Unity
 He is Al Samad means Independent & Eternal
 He needs no support from anyone but all depend on Him
 He is free from all human or blood relations, neither parents nor children
 Thus it goes against Shirk – Associating any partner with Allah
 It is also condemned in surah Baqarah in following words:
 “Then do not set up rivals to Allah (in worship) while you know (that He Alone has the
right to be worshipped).”
 His attributes are unique and matchless
o He cannot be compared with any one
 Importance of the Theme in Muslims Life:

 Surah Ikhlas has been declared as 1/3 of the whole Quran in a Hadith
 The theme reminds Muslims of Only One Creator
 They have firm belief in Allah and entirely depend on Him
 They abstain associating any partner with Him
 Called Shirk – Unpardonable Sin
 Belief in Unity makes them modest and responsible citizens.
3. Surah Baqarah (2:21-22)
(a) Main Theme (s) :
 This passage of Baqarah talks about a unique relation of Allah (swt) with His creation
 It describes Him as a Khaliq – the Creator and Rab – the Sustainer, it means that He is only
creator of the whole universe and after creation He didn’t leave them alone but also
provided uncountable blessings for their growth and life survival.
 The passage also states 4 marvelous blessings of Allah; they are 1) earth as a floor where
man can live, 2) Heaven as a protected shelter, 3) Rain as water which is a very significant
resource of life. Allah says: “Indeed We have created everything from water.” and 4) Fruits
as food
 Lastly the passage also rejected the concept of Shirk which is unpardonable sin in Islam,
Allah can forgive any sin but not the sin.

(b) Importance of the Theme in Muslims Life:

 The theme establishes a strong relationship of a man with his God, his faith and love
increase for Allah AL Mighty because he recognizes His blessings and utmost love
 It also develops sense of gratitude in Muslims for Allah (swt) and they start showing
gratitude either verbally saying alhumdulillah or practically through different acts of
 True Muslims also avoid making partner with Him which is declared unpardonable sin and
cannot be forgiven.
 It also motivates people to use His blessings wisely and preserve them

 For instance; water can be saved through the construction of Dam

4. Surah Al Zilzaal 99
a) Main Theme (s)
 This passage belongs to “Allah’s relationship with His created world”
 These verses portrays the signs of the Last Day and Day of Resurrection
 That day will mark the end of this world and will begin an un –ending life
 Everything which exists will be destroyed with one blow of trumpet
 The other part of passage speaks about the accountability when Allah will judge
and decide the fate of the dead ones either to heaven or hell
 The righteous people will be happy on the Day of Judgment when they will receive
their rewards of good deeds
 The holy Quran describes “ Some faces that Day , will beam(in brightness and
beauty ) look towards their lord”

(b ) Importance in daily Life

 The belief in the Last Day is one of the articles of Faith

 This passage shows clear relationship between this world and the life hereafter
 Thus we should lead a virtuous life and ignore illegal worldly pleasures, don’t comet
sins such as stealing , cheating , backbiting and ill relations because we know that they
will be exposed on the Day of Judgment
 This surah tells us about justice of Allah ,man will be rewarded or punished for his
 The lesson of this surah is to warn man to give up life of sins and prepare for
accountability and life after death
5. Surah Al Naas 114

a) Main Theme (s)

 The theme of this is Allah’s relationship with the created world.
 It is the last surah of the holy Quran.
 This surah was revealed along with surah al Falaq to cure Holy Prophet from the
black magic
 In this surah , believers are taught to seek refuge with Allah from all evils, Who is the
Lord , the King and God of mankind
 Quran says “If even Shaitan excites you to anger, seek refuge in Allah.”
 It tells us the reality that Jinns and also exists and that they cause harm as well , along
with evil minded people
 These two surahs are called Muawwazatain.

b) Importance in daily life

 This surah teaches us to lay our faith in Allah ,against all the satanic things
 We should not be afraid of satan, Jinns or any other human because Allah is supreme
 The best way to protect oneself from such evil minded people and Jinns is to approach
Allah only.
 Muslims should strengthen their relations with Allah to ward off all evil forces
 The Holy prophet (saw) used to recite surah al Falaq and surah al Naas to guard against
evil after his had cast magic spell on him
 We must recite these verses for our protection and must discourage witchcraft by not
visiting them , by not giving them money
 Whenever any bad idea comes in our minds , we should jerk that bad idea and repent to
Allah and pray to Him to save us from Satan
 This passage is very important in our lives as it is commonly recited to get cure from
diseases, to get protection from black magic and other devilish forces.
 These two surahs are recited in worst weather.

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