IPC With SPC300 - Step5 - K95 TAI LIEU SPC MOI PDF

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Crane 95:
Slot PLC Upgrade with SPC300

General information for installation and operation

Personal edition : for ................

Author : Dirk Remmert

Date : 25.11.2010 updated 23.05.2011

The Slot PLC retrofit kit consisting of a new IPC with additional plug-in board
SPC 300 is the replacement for the old IPC inclusive Siemens Slot PLC and
extension box.

The new IPC will be delivered with all necessary software installed. The slot PLC
board SPC300 is already inside the new IPC and the updated Step 5 program is
downloaded to the S-RAM and flash memory of the SPC300. The new IPC together
with the SPC300 is prepared for plug and play installation at customer site.
The Step 5 program will be modified in advance at GPT head office.
The Step 5 handling is the same like known from the former system which means
that a PG is required for troubleshooting respectively program modification.
The IPC operating system is still MS DOS / WIN 98.
The profibus interface is located at board SPC300.
The profibus configuration will be adapted from former ET200 into Sycon system
configurator in advance at GPT head office.

The user program is located at the S-RAM module.

It is saved by one ordinary battery size AAA if the IPC is not energized.
These battery is mounted at the UPS card of the SPC300 and should be replaced
from time to time to avoid an SRAM data loss.
The battery must be inserted with the positive pole down.
In case the SRAM is empty the display at the SPC300 shows slowly flashing the
information “0 – E4 - 0” alternating.
With the Interlink switch the program can be copied from the flash card to the S-RAM.

Attention: Once the power at the IPC was switched off the display of the SPC300
shows FF-0-FF alternating which means that the data backup is in process.
Do not switch on the power before the display is dark because the SPC300 will
switch over into Stop mode if the data backup procedure will be interrupted.
If the SPC300 is in Stop mode ( 0 ) move the switch R/S from R to S and back to R to
restart the SPC300.

Course of action:

1. Check all crane functions with the old IPC with Siemens Slot PLC if possible
2. Remove the old IPC and Extension Box
3. Install the new IPC inclusive all required connection
4. Modify the wiring according to the modified circuit diagram
5. Check the supply voltage and switch on the new IPC if the power is ok
6. Check whether SPC300, profibus, and visualization are in Run mode
7. Check all crane functions
8. Prepare the Claim Report and ask the customer to sign
SPC300 general information:

Display information and fault codes:

0 = STOP

1 = RUN = normal mode

5 = Checksum error

6 = Profibus Mastermodule ( Hielscher card ) not recognized

Further fault codes and explanation see also SPC Technical Documentation page 38.

Display messages :

E4-0-E4 alternating = no program in RAM memory

E5-0-E5 alternating = checksum error
FF-0-FF alternating = backup of data in process – is active if the IPC supply voltage
was switched off
Do NOT switch ON the power before the display got
completely dark!
80-10-80 alternating = program copy from S-RAM into flash card active

2 switches are available at the SPC300:

- R/S = RUN / STOP

- ILNK = Interlink mode

Home position = both switches to the left

PG connection and program download:

For trouble shooting, user program modification or user program download a
separate PG is required.
To establish the connection between SPC300 and PG the new red coloured
connecting cable is required ( scope of delivery new IPC ).
Connect the red cable between the SPC300 interface COM 1 and the PG COM2.
In the Step5 software presetting it is required to selected "COM 2 SONDER 4" or
"COM 2 SONDER 7" to get a online connection between SPC300 and PG.

If it becomes necessary to download the Step5 user program by PG into the SPC300
RAM take notice of the following. During the FB download the PG will stop the
download procedure at the FB120. It will be required to confirm with “OK” ( YES ) to
overwrite the FB 120. Afterwards the FB download will continue and stop once again
at FB238. Confirm manually with “OK” ( YES ) to skip FB238 until 243. After that the
FB download will continue automatically until the end.
Profibus Sycon:

The Sycon program is as of now the required Profibus software.

For monitoring respectively file download connect the red coloured cable between the
IPC COM1 ( above the printer interface ) and the SPC300 board ( DIAG / RS 232 ).
Use the Sycon software as well for troubleshooting.
Connect the Profibus plug to the SPC300 interface “Profibus”.
The Profibus Baud rate is 500 KB.

In case it is required to to install a new image the visualization program “GRAVIRUN”
must be installed separately. Take the visualization diskette insert in drive A: and
start the procedure.
Example: A:\install v203_1 Enter ( type in the file name corresponding to the one
on the backup diskette – only 6 digits )
Rear side of IPC / SPC300

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