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York University Practicum Summary Report

Shirin Manjra
Teacher Candidate Name: ______________________________ Division: P/J J/I I/S
Lauren Beckford
Mentor Teacher Name: __________________________________________________________
Mentor Teacher Signature: ________________________________ Date: _________________
May 11, 2023
School ________________________________________
Brandon Gate PS Board: __________________________

Evaluation Period:  EDPR3000 Evaluation Year TWO

 EDPR4000 Evaluation Year TWO

A. Creating the Environment for Learning Engagements

(Comments on: A.1. Materials, A.2. Classroom Organization, A.3. Affective Climate)
Shirin prepared resources for student learning, whether that was creating or curating worksheets, planning and preparing art
resources, or providing student group actvities. She created a climate of ease and connection with the students that made
them feel comfortable engaging with her during lessons, independent work times and breaks.

B. Classroom Discourse
(Comments on: B.1.Teacher Talk, B.2. Student Talk)
Discussions with the students were always set to encouraged participation, challenging them think a little bit more about how
they would answer. Shirin also participated in a book talk with staff and engaged in the discussion, sharing both
as a teacher-in-training and a parent. She provided support to parents during an evening Numeracy and Literacy event, and
also helped to ensure that parents could access the resources provided.

C. Individual Learning Engagements

(Comments on: C.1. Curricular Content, C2. Initiating, C.3. Sustaining, C.4. Culminating/Closing, C.5. Assessing)
Shirin spent time learning various strategies for division, both to bolster her confidence and ensure that she could teach the
students. She began lessons with an outline of what would be discussed, then engaged them in "minds on" activities. The
division unit required more time to ensure that students were growing in understanding, and she recognized the need for
more resources and different approaches. The final activities included both a project that applied the concepts and a test,
which she created. Assessments showed that more review was needed, which was discussed with me.

D. Learning Engagements within Units

(Comments on: D.1. Content)
The activities for the Art units were engaging and connected to the culmination activity. The first project connected
Indigenous People and water. Shirin read a book, shared an interview with Autumn Peltier and gave students time to
discuss. She review sketching techniques and shared videos on how to use water colours. The second project introduced
the concept of skin tone. Shirin shared a TED talk from Angelica Dass, supported the students in discovering how to blend 4
pigments (red, black, yellow, white) to create their personal skin tone.

E. Professionalism
(Comments on: E.1. Professional Curiosity, E.2. Professional Conduct)
From the beginning, Shirin looked for opportunities to fully engage with the learning community at Brandon Gate. From
attending the book talk, staff meeting, Numeracy and Literacy night, and the many recess breaks she gave to students for
remediation, she showed her commitment to her professionalism and her interest in how to grow as a teacher.

Recommended Practicum Grade:  Pass  Fail

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