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Olărescu Ion



a) Manufactures are ready to pay the films or TV companies to use their products,because they keen
to get their products seen.

b) TV represents our lives a bit more closely.TV series popular with teenagers gave a good
opportunity to sell fashionable clothes for the young.

c)After the sales some products are being advertised on TV,studies reported that there had been a
rise of nearly 800%


a) According to the text,what do most companies now recognise?-the key role of the celebrities in

b) The word willing is closest in mening to- ready


a) Celebrities choose which products they want to advertise FALSE

because,companies look very carefully at who they think portrays the right image for the product.

b) Extremely famous sportspeople and actors are the best for selling things TRUE

4. to attempt-to try

Increase-to rise

5. Ways to advertise

6. The author highlights the idea that a product can be advertised in a lot of ways.However,in order
to increase the sale of the product the company pays a celebrity to use their product. In conclusion
the popularity of a product depends of the way it is advertised


,,Should lyceum students have a part-time job?,,

Nowadays money is the principal thing in a humans life,because without money we can't affort
food,clothes or a house.

Everyone has a job,even lyceum students,and i agree that a student should have a part-time
job,because it makes them independent and prepares them for the adult life.However,they learn
how to manage and keep the money they earn.Other students due to family problems get a jobto
survive and help their families.Clearly is the fact that everyone has different reasons to start a job,but
the main idea is that they want to be independent.A real example is my daughter who is a high
schooler and recently got a part-time job,because she wants to earn her money by herself,she
doesn't like the idea to ask me or her mother for money.Moreover,a student with a part-time job
learns to be more responsible by arriving at time at work,and doing the things they are supposed to
do. Having a job also teaches a person how to communicate and interact with others.When at a new
job,it is common to have to deal with people and situations with which they are not familiar.The best
way for a person to grow mentally is for them to be out of their comfort zones,that's when they learn
the most.

Finally,the idea is that a part-time job is a good thing for a student,because it has its own
benefits,and it is a challenge that teaches a lot of things.

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