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Class 6 Swaraj India Public School Sheet- 17

Science (Physics)
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A. Name the following:
1. The beam of light from a source at a very far distance has light rays parallel to each other -
2. The region of partial darkness -
3. A substance that does not allow light to pass through it -
4. The body which emits its own light -
B. Fill in the blanks
1. Light travels in one second, a distance equal to _______________ in water.
2. The image formed by a pinhole camera is ___________ .
3. Lunar eclipse occurs on a certain ______________ ___________ night.
4. The portion of the shadow where no light reaches from the source of light due to the opaque object is
the _____________ .
C. Differentiate between
1. Luminous and Non- luminous bodies
2. Umbra and Penumbra
3. Transparent and Opaque substances
4. A Ray and A Beam of light
D. Give reasons for the following:
1. The shadows at noon, shorter than in the morning and evening.
2. The birds flying in the sky do not cast their shadows on the earth
3. There is brightness all around us, even if the sunlight does not reach there directly.
E. Answer the following:
1. What is rectilinear propagation of light? Describe a simple experiment to explain this phenomena.
2. What are the characteristics of the image formed by a pinhole camera?
3. Why does a blurred image appear on the screen when the hole is bigger than a pinhole in a pinhole
4. Observe the diagram and answer the following questions
a) What is an eclipse?
b) Name the eclipse in the given picture and
when does it occur?
c) When does a partial and total eclipse take
5. What is annular solar eclipse?

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