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IP-20C XPIC Configuration

Ceragon Training Services

CeraOS 10.0

Proprietary and Confidential 2018

• System Spectrum Utilization
• Adjacent Channel Alternating Polarization
• Adjacent Channel Common Polarization
• Common Channel Dual Polarization

• Co-channel System
• XPIC Recovery mechanism
• Mate Management Access (IP Forwarding) for XPIC
• XPIC Settings

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System Spectrum Utilization BW

• ACAP (Adjacent Channel Alternating Polarization) V 1 3 5 7 9

2 4 6 8 10


V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
• ACCP (Adjacent Channel Common Polarization) H


V 1 2 3 4 5
• CCDP (Co-Channel Dual Polarisation) 6 7 8 9 10

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CCDP Frequency Plan

• When Vertical and Horizontal Polarization are using the same frequency, they
interfere with each other creating - XPI (cross polarization interference)
• XPIC (Cross Polarization Interference Canceller) breaks spectral barriers.
• More problematic with higher modulation
• IP20 XPIC algorithm detects streams even at high XPI.

1 V V 1
2 2

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Co-channel Systems
• XPIC works only with XPIC scripts.

• XPIC mechanism adaptively subtracts from each carrier the interfering carrier, at the right phase and level.

• H+v is the combination of horizontal signal H(desired) and the signal V(interfering). Same is true with vertical
(V)signal= V+h. XPIC mechanism uses both feeds produces desired data.
• IP-20C’s XPIC reaches a BER of 10e-6 at a co-channel sensitivity of 10 dB. The improvement factor in XPIC
system is defined as the SNR@threshold of 10e-6, with or without the XPIC mechanism.

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RSL Vs. Threshold for system without CCDP
RSL (dBm)

Nominal Input Level

Fading Margin = 43dB

-73 Threshold level BER=10-6

S/N=23dB for 128QAM (37 MHz)

Receiver amplifies thermal noise
K – Boltzmann constant
-99 T – Temperature in Kelvin
Thermal Noise=10*log(k*T*B*1000) B – Bandwidth
Time (s)

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RSL vs. Threshold in CCDP system without XPIC
RSL (dBm)

-30 Nominal Input Level H

BER>10-6 Fading Margin = 12dB Threshold level because of interference without


S/N=23dB for 128QAM (37 MHz) Interference level in H (interference from V, separation
between H & V with very good antenna is 35dB)

Interference Threshold level without interference BER=10-6



Time (s)

Proprietary and Confidential 7

RSL Vs. Threshold for CCDP system with XPIC
RSL (dBm)
Nominal Input Level H

Fading Margin = 38 dB Interference level in H (interference
-65 from V, when XPIC is not enabled
XPIC will Threshold level when XPIC is ON
-73 Original Threshold level without CCDP and XPIC configuration
e for extra S/N=23dB for 128QAM (37 MHz)
26dB Interference level in H (interference from V, when XPIC is enabled
Interference level

Time (s)

Proprietary and Confidential 8

Conditions for configuring XPIC
Most IP-20C radio scripts support XPIC. The user must enable XPIC, after
loading the script.

In order for XPIC to be operational, all the following conditions must be

• The frequency of both carriers should be equal.
• The same script must be loaded in both carriers.
• If any of these conditions is not met, an alarm will alert the user.
• Events will inform the user which conditions are not met.

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Configuring the Antenna for XPIC

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Configuring the Antennas for XPIC
1. Align the antennas for one carrier (mute the second carrier during). Adjust antenna until maximum RSL for the first-
carrier link (the “RSL wanted”) - no more than +/-2 dB from the expected level.
2. Record the “RSL wanted” and mute the first radio carrier at each end of the link. Unmute the second (orthogonal) radio
carrier which was muted during antenna alignment.
3. Determine the XPI, by either of the following two methods:
1. Measure the RSL of the second carrier (the “RSL unwanted”). To calculate the XPI, subtract RSL unwanted from the RSL wanted.
2. Read the XPI from the Modem XPI field of the Radio Parameters page in the Web EMS. See Viewing the Radio Status and Settings.

4. The XPI should be at least 25dB, recommended between 2530dB, adjust the OMT slowly in a right-left direction.

5. Enable all four radio carriers and check the XPI levels of both carriers at both sides of the link by checking the Modem

BW support:
• ETSI: 7, 14, 28, 40, 56, 60, 80 MHz

• ANSI: 10, 20, 25, 28, 30, 40, 50, 56, 60, 80 MHz

Proprietary and Confidential

OMT use for XPIC alignment

• The OMT has wider screw holes for fine tuning so that the XPI levels are within
optimal levels.

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XPIC Recovery Mechanism

Proprietary and Confidential

XPIC recovery mechanism
XPIC recovery mechanism aims to save the link while attempting to recover the faulty polarization.
• Indication that the recovery mechanism has been activated is a loss of modem preamble lock, which
takes place at SNR~10dB.
• 1st action taken by the recovery mechanism is to cause the remote transmitter of the faulty carrier to
mute, eliminating the disturbing signal and saving the working link.
• 2nd, the Recovery mechanism attempts (intervals) to recover the failed link by doing:
• Unmute-ing remote transmitter for a brief period.
• Recovery mechanism probes the link to find out if it has recovered. If not, it mutes back the remote transmitter.
• Above action is repeated in exponentially larger intervals - meant to quickly bring up both channels in case of a
brief channel fade, without seriously affecting the working link if the problem has been caused by a hardware failure.

• The number of recovery attempts is user-configurable

• Every such recovery attempt will cause a brief traffic hit in the working link.

Proprietary and Confidential

Mate Management Access (IP Forwarding) for XPIC

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Mate Management Access (IP Forwarding) for XPIC – CLI only
• For 4x4 MIMO and 2+2 XPIC using an external switch with LAG, Mate Management Access
enables users to manage both units via in-band management.
• With Mate Management Access is enabled, the two units exchange incoming management packets,
ensuring that all MNG data is received by both units.
• Mate Management Access should only be enabled if these 2 conditions exist (otherwise, disable):
• In-band management
• External switch using LAG

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Mate Management Access (IP Forwarding) for XPIC – CLI only
• Enable Mate MNG Access:
• root> platform management mate-access admin enable

• To disable Mate Management Access, enter the following command:

• root> platform management mate-access admin disable

• To display whether Mate Management Access is enabled, enter the following command:
• root> platform management mate-access show

• Useful for managing more elements at once

• CeraOS 9.2 - option is available for IPv4 and IPv6

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XPIC Configuration

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XPIC Group Configuration

• Enable XPIC group

• Check radio parameters for
both carriers:
• XPI ≈ 25 to 30 dB is optimal
• MSE ≈ -41 dB

New CLI Command to Display XPIC Status:

radio-groups> xpic show status

Proprietary and Confidential

XPIC Troubleshooting
• It can take a lot of time to configure the XPIC link, sometimes.
• Due to this reason, the OMT device used in XPIC links presents some hardware design to allow for
some slight adjustments until proper XPI values are found.
• For this reason, we recommend that once a good RSL level was reached, but not the good XPI, try
keeping one antenna fixed, and slightly release screws & adjust OMT until good XPI is found
• XPI level on element


Proprietary and Confidential 20

What was discussed
✓ System Spectrum Utilization
✓ Adjacent Channel Alternating Polarization
✓ Adjacent Channel Common Polarization
✓ Common Channel Dual Polarization

✓ Co-channel System
✓ XPIC Recovery mechanism
✓ Mate Management Access (IP Forwarding) for XPIC
✓ XPIC Settings

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Thank You

Proprietary and Confidential

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