RPH Act No. 2

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Written Activity No. 2

1. A constitution serves as a framework of the government in terms of the

distribution of power in any democratic system country. This serves as a
system that generates a trust between the government and its citizens as it
contains the duties and the rights of the people. With the help of the
constitution, the tasks and obligations of the citizens are made clear. It also
limits the power of the government. That is why we need a constitution
because it sets boundaries to balance the political system. Just try to
imagine a country without a constitution. The people wouldn’t be aware of
their rights and responsibilities and the worst is when the government
abuses their power and the citizens aren’t aware of it. Without a
constitution, everything in this country would be disorganized.

2. The lack of clarity within the constitution can lead to inconsistent

interpretations of different branches of government. This will also serve as
a hindrance to an effective government because it delays the decision-
making process. The legislators will have a hard time in implementing
rules and regulations aligned within the constitution. Vague constitutional
provisions can also be exploited by dishonest politicians who could
manipulate their interpretation for political or personal advantage. An
example of vagueness would be the phrase in the Philippine Constitution
which is “the State shall protect and promote the right to health of the
people” in Article II, Section 15. This provision does not explain what
means the State should take to fulfill its duty, nor does it define what
comprises the right to health or who are the beneficiaries of this right. Due
to its ambiguity, people would interpret and apply it in different ways.
This can have an impact on the rights and freedom of individuals. To
prevent all of this, the constitution shall have clear and precise provisions
so it won’t cause any harm and chaos within the country. It is essential to
remove ambiguity from constitutional interpretations in order to safeguard
citizens' rights and maintain political stability and to ensure an effective

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