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CERTIFIES, prior to the approval of the corresponding minutes, that the
Governing Council in the common session held on February 25, 2021
approved the Regulations of the Final Degree Project of the Degrees of
Degree in Classical Philology, Degree in Spanish Language and Literature,
Degree in Galician Language and Literature, Degree in English Language
and Literature and Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures of the
University of Santiago de Compostela, in the terms of the attached
And for the record, I sign this certification in Santiago de Compostela,
with the Vo and Prace of the Rector.
Vo and Prace
The Rector Antonio López Díaz



Approved by the Governing Council of XXX of XXX of XXX.

Approved by the Xunta de Facultad in its session of December 11, 2020
and by the Comisión de Títulos de Grado in its session of December 7,
2020, after a positive report from the degree commissions in Filología
Clásica, Lengua y Literatura Españolas, Lengua y Literatura
Gallegas,Linguae LiteraturaInglesaseLinguaseLiteraturasModernas.
Chapter 1. General Considerations
The objective of these regulations is to organize the process of realization
and presentation of the Final Degree Projects (TFG) in the degrees for
which the Faculty of Philology is responsible, which in 2020 are: Degree
in Classical Philology, Degree in Spanish Language and Literature, Degree
in Galician Language and Literature, Degree in English Language and
Literature and Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures.
According to article 6 of Royal Decree 861/2010, which amends Royal
Decree 1393/2007, the TFG presented for the attainment of other
Bachelor's Degrees cannot be recognized. Given that the Degree in

Modern Languages and Literatures is a single degree, the completion of a

second mention will not require the completion of another TFG.
General criteria are formulated as follows: respecting the autonomy of
each Degree, it is convenient to establish a single evaluation system for all
the Degrees of the faculty, which avoids possible comparative imbalances;
the consideration that the tutor must grade the work, being that the TFG is
a subject of the curriculum of the Degree and that it is he/she who best
knows the process and possible personal progress of the student in the
elaboration of the work; and the understanding that, since there must
always be an oral presentation, this is a relevant aspect of the evaluation

Article 1. Objective of the TFG

As established in article 12 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29,
2007, and subsequent amendments, undergraduate studies will conclude
with the preparation and defense of a TFG, which must be carried out in
the final phase of the studies and will be oriented to the evaluation of the
competencies associated with the degree in which the student graduates.

Article 2. Number of credits

The TFG of the degrees of the Faculty of Philology is assigned 12
mandatory ECTS credits. This means a total of 300 hours of work for the
Article 3. Contents
As indicated in article 2. 1 of the Regulation of enrollment, preparation
and defense of the Final Degree and Master's Degree Projects at the
University of Santiago de Compostela (hereinafter, Regulations of the
USC), approved by the Governing Council of March 10, 2016, the TFG
shall consist of the preparation by the student, individually or in a team, of
a project, work, memory or original study that integrates and develops the
knowledge, skills, competences and abilities acquired during the studies
carried out in the undergraduate degrees and will include, at least, tasks of
bibliographic search and review, reading and integration of information,
writing, presentation and defense. Original work is understood as a work
of one's own elaboration in which the sources that were taken into account
for its realization are duly cited.
The TFG of the degrees of the Faculty of Philology must be adapted to the
contents of the corresponding Major and, likewise, must be written and
defended in the language of the Major, except in the case of the Major in
Romance Philology, in which any of the Romance languages may be used,

and the Degree in Classical Philology, in which Galician or Spanish may

be used. Among the modalities of work may be any of those proposed in
the TFG program of the degree for each academic year.
In the case of team work, this possibility must be expressly foreseen in the
offer of each teacher responsible for the subject. Students who wish to use
this modality must first contact the professor and he/she must inform the
CTFG or the Committee with delegated competences in this area whether
or not he/she agrees with the orientation of this TFG in teams and whether
or not this implies a reduction of the places offered by him/her. Team work
will imply, for the purposes of calculating the number of thematic lines
and places offered, as many of these as the number of registered members
of the team, unless otherwise indicated by the tutor. Teams may be
configured after the individual assignment of thematic lines and tutors,
always with the approval of the tutor. In this case, the responsible teacher
must communicate this circumstance to the CTFG without being able to
offer new places. If any of the team member/s is/are not in academic
conditions to be evaluated or renounces to present it, the evaluation will be
applied exclusively to the work presented by the other team member/s,
having in this evaluation the tutor/s or the tribunal present this
circumstance. In any case, the person/s not evaluable/beis can participate
in the oral presentation of the work, without, in any case, being subject to
the qualification.
The assignment of a TFG to a team will be made taking into account the
individual record of each member. In no case may a TFG be assigned to a
team, in the first phase of offer and selection of thematic lines by the
Commission, if the average grade of the academic record of any of the
members of the team is below that of another person who requested to be
assigned that line.
The number of pages or characters for the TFG in a team may exceed
those indicated in the program for an individual TFG in proportion to, and
depending on, the number of members of the team. Together with the
written work, the students will add a commentary of up to 5 pages per
person (1500 words) in which the following will be indicated: name and
surname of the student and under separate headings: a) the functions and
tasks performed in the project by the student, b) the experience and
training obtained and c) a constructive criticism of the project worked in
team, indicating possible discrepancies or personal proposals that would
improve the work.
As far as the report and evaluation of the team work is concerned, they
will always be individual, although the latter may also refer to the joint

work. The time of the presentation and oral presentation before the tutor or
tribunal can be up to 30 minutes and the tutor or tribunal can be up to 30
minutes or the tutor or tribunal can ask questions indistinctively to each
The TFG program of the different Degrees of the Faculty of Philology may
specify specific characteristics of development, reporting and evaluation of
team work.

Article 4. Management and organization of TFGs

As indicated in article 3.1 of the USC Regulations, each Center must
designate a TFG coordinator, either unique or by degree, and a committee
in charge of attending to the issues related to the development of the TFG,
either unique or by degree.
In the degrees of the Faculty of Philology there will be a TFG coordinator
for each degree, who will be the same person who coordinates the
corresponding degree, member of the Committee that has delegated the
powers of the Xunta de Facultad related to the TFG (hereinafter, CTFG).
This will be in charge of ensuring compliance with the stipulated in this
regulation (and interpret it if necessary) and will be chaired by the Dean or
the person he/she delegates. Among its competencies are the following:
- To elaborate annually the program of the TFG subject of each of the
undergraduate degrees.
- To establish the annual call and the TFG calendar.
- To update the documentation related to the process of preparation,
defense and evaluation of the TFG.
of the TFG.
- To request annually to the departments with teaching in the degree the
proposals of thematic lines and tutors, ensuring that the offer is sufficient
to cover the teaching needs.
- Approve the proposals of thematic lines and tutors.
- Approve and assign the requests for thematic lines, tutors, titles and
abstracts submitted by the students.
submitted by students.
- Approve extension requests.
- To authorize modifications to the topic and/or tutor that derive from
exceptional situations.
- Approve the evaluation tribunals and establish the rotation system, upon
proposal of the committee of each degree.
- Authorize the presentation and public defense of TFG in exceptional

- Authorize the defense of the TFG by telematic means and establish the
procedure to carry it out, in the case of impossibility or difficulty to do it in
person. The student must guarantee sufficient telematic means so that it
can be carried out.
- Decide and award the corresponding Honors Qualifications, in the event
that there is more than one tribunal per Degree, and propose the TFG to be
published in the USC repository.
- Resolve incidents related to the TFG.
- Any other management related to the TFG or that the Xunta de Facultad
may entrust to it.

Article 5. Registration
According to article 4.1 of the USC Regulations, students who have a
maximum of 75 credits pending to complete their studies, excluding those
corresponding to the TFG, may register for a TFG.
Enrollment will take place in the periods established by the USC and will
entitle the student to two opportunities in the academic year in which he/
she is enrolled. The maximum number of exam periods that the student
may take will be four, since obtaining a "No Show" in any of the
opportunities or in all of them will be computed for the purposes of
consuming the exam period. In any case, not meeting the requirements to
present the work due to having pending subjects will result in the loss of
the right to present it, so it will not be computed for the purposes of
consuming the call and the student may either request that the title and
summary be maintained, the major and after a positive report from the
tutor in the new call (which may be the same or another teacher) or apply
for a new call, in which case it will imply a new place within the offer of
thematic lines.

Chapter 2. Proposals of thematic lines and tutors and assignment of


Article 6. TFG tutor

The TFG will be carried out under the supervision of an academic tutor,
who will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the objectives set.
For justified reasons, with the authorization of the CTFG, another tutor
may be appointed, one or, exceptionally, two co-tutors, and it must always
be defined who is the tutor responsible for the subject.
The offer of thematic lines and the tutoring of the TFG may be done on a
co-titor basis, being that at least one of the tutors must be PDI of the areas
that teach in the degree program itself. If there is more than one tutor, one

of them will be the lecturer responsible for the TFG, who must
communicate to the CTFG the name of the lecturer who co-titutes the
work. In the case of the evaluation, the qualification will be determined by
mutual agreement of the tutors.
The co-titorization may already be included in the offer of annual thematic
lines or may be subsequently proposed by the tutor to the CTFG for
approval. In the latter case, the co-titorization will be made the largest of
the initial offer, without reducing the initial offer of the degree.
Unless otherwise indicated, for the purpose of distribution of teaching
hours, co-teaching implies the division of the number of teaching hours by
the number of tutors. Trainees may offer and tutor papers. Researchers
linked to the USC with a predoctoral contract will always do so on a co-
tutoring basis with a PDI who is not a PDI in training or who concludes
his/her contract before the evaluation period of the last call of the
academic year in which the offer is inserted, and who will be responsible
for the subject. Postdoctoral research personnel hired through human
resources programs (Ramón y Cajal, Marie Curie, I2C and equivalent)
may tutor TFG provided that the call for their contract includes the
possibility of having a teaching assignment.
Those tutors who have a contract that ends before the end of the last call of
the evaluation period started in the academic year in which the student was
enrolled will not be able to be tutors.
The task of the tutor will be to guide, advise and plan the student's
activities, monitor the work and supervise its progress. Depending on the
nature of the TFG, will set several tutoring sessions in order to discuss the
initial work plan, the partial results of the different phases of elaboration
and the final result. If the student is carrying out the TFG at the same time
as a mobility stay, he/she must agree with the tutor on the way in which he/
she will ensure compliance with the objectives set. Likewise, the tutor
must prepare a confidential report according to the existing model for this
As indicated in article 12.2 of the USC Regulations, the tutor who detects
that a TFG is not original is obliged to inform the Reitoría in order to
initiate the appropriate disciplinary actions, in accordance with the current
regulations regarding the evaluation of the academic performance of
students and the review of qualifications.

Article 7. Thematic Lines of the TFG

Each academic year the Center will make public the offer of thematic lines
and tutors for each degree program. The CTFG will ask the departments to

send proposals for each of the degrees and for each of the mentions in the
case of the Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures. It will also
inform them of the minimum number required, which must be at least 15%
higher than the estimated annual demand.
The Departments, through the course or Degree or Mention coordinators,
will contact all the PDI with teaching in the Degree requesting the offer of
lines and places, which after their approval and within the period
established by the Dean's Office, will be sent to the president of the CTFG,
to be submitted for approval by the Commission, in accordance with the
TFG calendar approved by the Faculty Board.
The proposals will include the number of TFGs offered for each thematic
line and tutor and, if applicable, recommendations to be taken into account
for their selection.

Article 8. Assignment of proposals

Students enrolled in the TFG will submit to the CTFG a request for
assignment of thematic line and tutor, through a form, published on the
website of the center, with the proposals that most interest them, in order
of preference, and will deliver it to the Secretary of the Faculty either by
email (in this case they must request acknowledgment of receipt) or in
person, in the manner and within the deadlines set for this purpose in the
annual calendar of TFG. Requests may also be made through the USC's
electronic office. One assignment request period will be opened for each
common enrollment period. The assignment will be made in three phases.
In the first phase, according to the annual TFG calendar, the CTFG will
approve the assignment, which will take into account the preferences
expressed in the application, following, in this phase, a priority criterion
according to the academic record of each applicant. At the end of the
process, a second phase will be opened in case there is a student who will
not be assigned any of the proposals included in his/her application. The
Commission must first communicate to the tutors the eventual requests to
direct TFGs that could not be assigned, and the tutor may accept to direct
TFGs, even if the number of places offered is greater than the number of
places offered. Once this process is concluded, the CTFG will proceed to
the official assignment of a thematic line and tutor and may consider the
opportunity to make a second call, also for exceptional cases or for the
attention of late applications, if any.
Students who wish to make a team work proposal must follow the
indications given in Article 3 of these Regulations.

Once the proposals have been assigned, each student must contact his/her
tutor in order to define the title of the TFG, subsequently sending to the
CTFG, through the Secretary's Office, the following information the
student must submit a form to the Faculty within the period established in
the TFG calendar.
If a student is unable to defend his/her TFG in any of the opportunities of
the academic year in which he/she was enrolled, an extension may be
granted upon request of the student, provided that it is accompanied by a
favorable report from the tutor who will guide his/her TFG in the second
academic year, who may or may not be the same tutor of the first year.
This tutoring will be carried out in most of the thematic areas offered by
that tutor for that academic year. In no case will a TFG be extended for
more than one academic year. This extension of the assignment does not
imply an extension of the enrollment, so the student must make a new
enrollment when it corresponds. The student may also request a new tutor
and subject line for the new academic year.
Students who did not defend their work in previous academic years may
resubmit the application for the title and summary that was approved at the
time. The CTFG will approve the titles and summaries of the TFG, which
will be published according to the annual TFG calendar.
Students whose application for the delimitation of title and summary was
rejected by the CTFG will be notified of the rejection, duly justified, and a
period will be opened for them to correct the deficiencies pointed out by
the CTFG or to present a new proposal for the title and summary. These
applications must be approved by the CTFG.

Article 9. Modifications
The student may request minor modifications (adjustments to the abstract
and modifications to the title) by means of a reasoned letter addressed to
the CTFG up to 30 calendar days before the beginning of the defense
application period established in the annual TFG calendar of the Center.
The CTFG will be in charge of approving, if necessary, the requested
Exceptionally, the student and/or the tutor may request the cancellation of
the assignment of the TFG, or the change of the project under the same or
different direction, by means of a reasoned letter sent to the CTFG and
presented to the Secretary's Office of the Faculty. The CTFG will analyze
the case and, if necessary, make a new assignment.
Chapter 3. Characteristics of the TFG

Article 10. Authorship

According to article 2 of the USC Regulations, the TFG can be elaborated
individually or collectively. The intellectual property of the TFG
corresponds to the student who carried it out. As indicated in article 14 of
these regulations, the Center will archive an electronic copy of the work
completed, which may be used for academic and research purposes,
always with specific mention of the names of the authors. For these
purposes, the student will sign, at the moment he/she requests the defense,
the corresponding authorization of diffusion or declaration that it is an
original work.

Article 11. Extension of the TFG

As indicated in the Memories of both degrees, the length of the individual
TFG will be, as a guideline, between 65,000 and 120,000 characters with
spaces, excluding appendices. As a guideline, the length of the TFG in a
team can be increased by proportionally to the number of members of the

Article 12. Form characteristics

The program may establish a common format for some of the elements of
the TFG. In any case, the work should adopt, approximately, the following
a) Cover page, in which all the identifying data of the paper should appear:
the USC logo with indication of the Faculty; the name of the Degree (and,
in the case of the Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures, of the
Itinerary); the title of the paper; the complete name of the author and of the
tutor; and the corresponding academic year.
b) First page, which reproduces the title page.
c) Copy of the title delimitation request and summary approved by the
d) Title in Galician, Spanish and English and, in the case of mentions, in
the language of the corresponding mention, summary and key words.
e) Declaration of originality of the work.
f) Index with table of contents.
g) Introduction.
h) Contents / Development.
i) Conclusions.
j) Bibliography consulted.
k) Appendices (if any).

Chapter 4. Submission of the TFG

Article 13. Deadline for submission

It will be the one established in the TFG calendar of each academic year
approved by the CTFG and published on the Center's website.

Article 14. Requirements for submission

According to article 4.4 of the USC Regulations, for the presentation and
public defense of the TFG it is an essential requirement to have passed all
the other credits of the degree. In order to verify that this requirement is
met, in the case that on the date of presentation and defense all the
evaluation reports of the subjects of the degree were not yet received, the
secretary of the Faculty will request the faculty in charge of the respective
subjects to report on the qualifications of the students who will present the
work at the same opportunity.
The student will request the defense of the TFG through his/her virtual
secretary's office during the period established for this purpose in the TFG
calendar for each of the opportunities. The student will upload his/her TFG
in his/her virtual secretary's office and in his/her defense request (also
through the virtual secretary's office), he/she will have to choose between
two options: a) evaluation by the tutor or b) evaluation by the examining
board. The student will declare that the TFG presented is an original work
and will state whether or not he/she authorizes its dissemination or not in
the Minerva repository. This procedure will also apply to each and every
one of the members of the team, which must send a document to the
responsible tutor and to the Commission on the chosen modality, which
must be common, approved by all of them.
Prior to the authorization of the defense, an automated analysis of control
of the infringement of intellectual property rights can be carried out. Based
on this analysis, if the CTFG considers that the aforementioned rights were
violated, it may deny the defense of the work if it considers that the rules
of validation are not valid.
Once the student submits his/her TFG to the virtual secretary's office and
makes the defense request, the TFG tutor must upload the confidential
report referred to in article 6, which will be available to the Tribunal, if the
Tribunal has to intervene, within the period established for this purpose in
the TFG calendar. The Center will publish the list of admitted applications
and, as indicated in article 11.3 of the USC Regulations, will file an
electronic copy that may be used by the USC for academic and research
purposes, always with specific mention to the authors.

Chapter 5. Defense procedure and evaluation criteria

Article. 15
At the moment of making the defense request in the virtual secretary's
office, the student must opt for:
(a) Avaliation of the work by the tutor.
The tutor will be in charge of the evaluation and qualification, which
cannot be higher than 7.00. The student must defend his/her TFG in a
public act before the tutor. The final grade will consist of:
- Evaluation of the work: maximum 70% (4.9 of the total of 7) The
student's academic progress, the contents, the elaboration process, the
achievement of the objectives and the written presentation will be
- Presentation and defense of the TFG: maximum 30% (2.1 of the total of
7) The oral presentation, the argumentative capacity of the presentation
and the reply, the clarity and self-analysis of the objectives, the
conciseness and the correct use of language will be evaluated.
It is the responsibility of the tutor to inform the student of the qualification
received for the work through the usual channels of information on
teaching evaluations.
b) Evaluation of the work by a panel of examiners
The work can be evaluated by a panel in public defense. The examining
board will be composed by three professors of the USC who teach in the
degree. The tribunal will be able to award Honors to those TFGs with a
grade equal or higher than 9. The qualification of the Tribunal will be
composed by the sum of:
- Evaluation of the work by the Tutor with a maximum of 7 points. The
academic progress of the student, the contents, the elaboration process, the
achievement of the objectives and the written presentation will be
- Evaluation of the presentation and defense of the TFG content by the
Tribunal with a maximum of 3 points, taking into account the oral
presentation, the argumentative capacity of the presentation and the reply,
the clarity and self-analysis of the objectives, the conciseness and the
correct use of language.

Article 16. Composition of the Tribunals

The Tribunal shall be composed of a president, a vice-president and a
secretary. The President will be the one with the highest degree and
seniority, and the secretary will be the one with the lowest degree and the

least seniority. The latter will be responsible for correctly filling in and
delivering to the administrative services of the Faculty the documentation
derived from the act of defense of the TFG.
An alternate must be appointed for each Tribunal.
Participation in the panels is obligatory for the persons appointed, except
in the case of duly accredited force majeure.
The Court will be able to invite to the deliberations the tutor of the work,
as well as specialized professors in the matter that is to be evaluated, as
advisors, with voice, but without vote.
It is the competence of the Tribunal to inform the student of the
qualification received by the work through the usual channels of
information on teaching evaluations.

Article 17. Appointment of the Tribunals

The members of the panels in charge of evaluating the TFG -three titular
members and one substitute- will be appointed by the Dean, at the
proposal of the CTFG.
The participation of the teaching staff in the panels will be carried out on a
rotating basis according to the system established by the CTFG.

Chapter 6. Public defense of the TFG

Article 18. Call for presentation

At least 5 calendar days must elapse between the defense request and the
presentation of the TFG.
In order to guarantee a better functioning of the procedure, the professors
or, if applicable, the tribunals will set and announce publicly the dates,
places and schedule of the defense of the work, within the period
established for this purpose in the annual calendar of TFG, and will
communicate it to the administrative services of the Faculty. The student
will also have access to this data through his/her virtual secretary.
In the case of work protected by confidentiality clauses, the provisions of
article 11.2. of the USC Regulations will be applied.

Article 19. Oral presentation

The defense of the TFG will be carried out, after a public call, in public
and in person before the tutor or the examining board, and will consist of a
presentation and a question and answer session. In the presentation, the
student(s) must present the objectives, methodology, content and
conclusions of his/her dissertation, for which he/she/they may use

whatever means he/she/they deem appropriate. It will follow a schedule of

evaluations, comments or questions from the Tutor or the Tribunal.
As a guideline, for the individual TFGs, it is recommended that the
presentation act and the answer to questions should not exceed 10 minutes
in each of the two cases and the total duration of the act should not exceed
30 minutes. In the case of team work, it is recommended that the
examining board consider the opportunity to increase each of these time
periods and that the total duration of the act does not exceed 60 minutes.
The CTFG will authorize, in certain circumstances, the defense of the TFG
by telematic means and will establish the procedure to carry it out.

Chapter 7. Evaluation system of the TFG

Article 20. Evaluation criteria

The qualification of the work will be carried out according to criteria that
allow to verify the achievement of the competences associated to the
The tutor and the evaluation committee will prepare a report, according to
the model approved in the CTFG and included in the program.
• The Tutor will evaluate the student's academic progress, contents,
elaboration process, achievement of the objectives, written
presentation (and oral presentation if only evaluation by the tutor is
• The Tribunal will evaluate the oral presentation, argumentative
capacity of the exposition and the reply, clarity and self-analysis of
the objectives, conciseness and correctness in the use of the

Article 21. Evaluation procedure

The authors or the panels will make public the qualification of the works
within a period not exceeding 2 working days from the date of their
In case of any of the following circumstances, the TFG will be graded as
failed (0):
a) When its contents do not match those of the corresponding Master and/
or are manifestly different from those included in the summary approved at
the time by the CTFG.
b) When it totally reproduces, or in a substantial part, a work done by the
student in other subjects or activities of the degree (self-plagiarism).

c) When it is not original in whole or in a substantial part (plagiarism).

As stated in article 12.2 of the USC Regulations, the Tutor or Tribunal that
detects that a TFG is plagiarized, in whole or in part, must inform the
Revision Committee to initiate the appropriate disciplinary actions, in
accordance with the current regulations on this matter.
According to the current evaluation regulations, once the last opportunity
for the presentation of the TFG of each degree corresponding to the
academic year has passed, and taking into account the work presented, the
Tribunal will decide whether to award Honors Grades to those TFG that
obtain a grade equal to or higher than 9, without the number of Honors
Grades being able to exceed 5% of the students enrolled in the TFG of
each degree in the corresponding academic year. If the number of students
is less than 20, an Honors Enrollment may be granted.
When more than one Tribunal is constituted to evaluate the TFG of the
same Degree, it will be the CTFG, at the proposal of the different
tribunals, who, once the defenses of all the works corresponding to the
academic year have been held, will award the corresponding Honorable
Mention qualifications.

Article 22. Review and claims of the qualifications

Students have the right to review the TFG on the dates and at the times
established for this purpose at the time the provisional results are made
public. The review dates will be within 10 days following the publication
of the results. At least two optional dates will be considered. For these
purposes the month of August will be non-business days and will not be
counted in this period.
The review will be personal and may be carried out by one or more
members of the Tribunal or Titor/a. In any case, there must be a record of
the holding of the review and the date on which it was carried out.
The complaint procedure against the qualification will follow the
stipulated in the current regulations related to the evaluation of the
academic performance of the students and the revision of qualifications.

Article 23. Dissemination in the institutional repository of the USC

In accordance with article 11.4 of the USC Regulations, the CTFG of the
Faculty of Philology will be able to provide the publication of the TFG that
stand out for their quality and, in particular, provide those of the students
who achieve the mention of Honors. The authors of the proposed works
that wish to be included in the institutional repository of the USC

(Minerva), must follow the procedure described in article 14 of this


Final Provision
This regulation will come into force with its publication in the USC
electronic bulletin board, after its approval by the Governing Council. It
complies with the remaining procedures and regulations of the USC that
are currently in force, among others, the regulations on the permanence of
undergraduate and master's degrees, the regulations on the evaluation of
the academic performance of students and the revision of qualifications,
the USC regulations on inter-university student exchanges and the annual
academic planning regulations.
Repealing provision

The Regulation of the Final Degree Project of the School of Philology,

approved by the Governing Council on July 18, 2017, is hereby repealed.

Firmas digitales / Firmas digitales / Digital signatures Firmante/Firmante/

11/03/2021 14:13:21.
Firmante/Firmante/Signer: DULCE MARIA GARCIA MELLA,
COMPOSTELA, 11/03/2021 13:24:26.
CSV: 535B-59FC-4164-873D

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