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The NCSF online quizzes are open to any currently certified fitness professional, 18 years or

Course completion deadlines correspond with the NCSF Certified Professionals certification
expiration date. Students can obtain their expiration dates by reviewing either their certification
diploma or certification ID card.

All NCSF continued education course studies are non-refundable.

General Quiz Rules

• You may not have your quiz back after sending it in.
• Individuals can only take a specific quiz once for continued education units.
• Impersonation of another candidate will result in disqualification from the program without

If disqualified for any of the above-mentioned reasons you may appeal the decision in writing
within two weeks of the disqualification date.

Reporting Policy
You will receive your scores within 4 weeks following the quiz. If you do not receive the results
after 4 weeks please contact the NCSF Certifying Agency.

Re-testing Procedure
Students who do not successfully pass an online quiz have the option of re-taking. The fees
associated with this procedure total $15 (U.S) per request. There are no limits as to the number
of times a student may re-test.

Special Needs
If special needs are required to take the quiz please contact the NCSF so that appropriate
measures can be taken for your consideration.
What Do I Mail Back to the NCSF?
Students are required to submit the quiz answer form.

What do I Need to Score on the Quiz?

In order to gain the .5 NCSF continued education units students need to score 80% (8 out of 10)
or greater on the CEU quiz.

Where Do I Mail My Quiz Answer Form?

You will mail your completed answer form to:

Attn: Dept. of Continuing Education
5915 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 60
Coral Gables, FL 33146

How Many CEUs Will I Gain?

Professionals who successfully complete the any continuing education quiz will gain .5 NCSF
CEUs per quiz.

How Much does each quiz cost?

Each quiz costs the student $15.00.

What Will I Receive When The Course Is Completed?

Students who successfully pass any of the NCSF online quizzes will receive their exam scores,
and a confirmation letter.

How Many Times Can I Take The Quizzes For CEUs?

Individuals can take each NCSF quiz once for continuing education credits.

Personal Trainers and

Anabolic Steroids
have become commonplace in sports as an
extremely effective means for performance
enhancement. In the sixties and seventies the
drugs were far less common, and use centered
on bodybuilding and resistance-based sports;
although some documents suggest Olympic
athletes were already using them with some
level of consistency. In gyms, dianabol was
the secret serum of the time, producing
Today it seems that there is students, not just athletes;
significant results for users. In the eighties a steroid scandal every month which if measured independ-
among professional athletes, ently would likely result in an
the word got out that these drugs had and while baseball has fielded alarming increase in the per-
the brunt of the media frenzy, centage. Surprisingly, females
dramatic affects on key characteristics for other leagues experience the represent roughly 1.5%; and
same issues; they simply man- this is through self-admitted
success in anaerobic sports, and AAS age the press more effectively. surveys suggesting the numbers
Steroid use among professional may be higher. Equally sur-
popularity and use among athletes grew athletes though should not be a prising is the number of non-
surprise as their careers, legacy, athletes who use the drugs,
significantly. Although doping dates back to and bank account depend on with the most common stated
performance. The reality is goal being gains in muscle
the early 1900s, the Olympics of 1988 are
steroids do not make profes- mass. Psychologists often cite
likely viewed as the most scandalous to date sional athletes, they make pro- body dysmorphia and psycho-
fessional athletes better. This emotional insecurities with
due to the purported rampant use among aspiration for greatness how- non-performance based use.
ever explains why high school While these numbers are
athletes and obvious controversies in the and college student athletes use alarming, the use of steroids
steroids. In fact, surveys of among fitness enthusiasts is far
track events surrounding Ben Johnson high school students suggest more dramatic than ever be-
steroid use is as high as 4-6%, fore. Bodybuilding, fitness,
and Carl Lewis. depending on the state being figures, and now exercise com-
surveyed. This is among all petitions have driven steroid

12 | Journal of Personal Training Summer 2013

The reality is steroids do not make

professional athletes, they make

professional athletes better.

use up significantly among this accept insurance for the servic- deficiencies and “because way to improve fitness per-
population. What is surprising es if there are true medical con- other athletes also use them.” formance and exercise output
though is how steroids have be- ditions? And why were twenty Interestingly related research is to use steroids; the easiest
come mainstream and socially professional baseball players from Mikel Zabala and Jaime way to get large muscles and
acceptable. If fitness is for recently linked to a hormone Morente-Sánchez from the visible abdominals is to use
health, then illegal steroids clinic scandal; maybe they had Department of Physical and steroids. But isn’t it unethical
would have no place; but new a reduced sex drive? Sports Education at the Uni- and immoral to present an im-
“cultural hiccups” surround According to recent surveys versity of Granada suggests a pressive physique or perform
this once social taboo. Doctor- of elite athletes, most consider “widespread belief among elite better than peers in competi-
prescribed hormone replace- doping substances “effective” in athletes that the fight against tion by using illegal drugs?
ment therapy, hormone opti- improving performance; while doping is inefficient and biased, Likewise, isn’t it professional
mization, hormone manage- at the same time acknowledge and that the sanctions imposed false-representation to use
ment and other market buzz that they constitute cheating, are not severe enough.” steroids without disclosing that
words are now part of the cul- can endanger health, and pre- Therefore, if elite athletes one’s personal fitness and ap-
ture. Feel tired? Not motivat- dispose risk of significant sanc- who risk disqualification, pub- pearance were attained with
ed? Reduced sex drive? Gained tion. The surveys also identi- lic shame, and professional the help of drugs? Many con-
weight since you were twenty? fied the primary reasons why sanctioning continue to use sumers believe that all people
Must be low testosterone. athletes start to take perform- AAS, what would deter a fitness in the fitness magazines attain
Evidently cash for steroids has ance enhancing substances in enthusiast without the threat of that excellent form naturally.
become part of the doctor- the first place; among the re- sanction from doing the same? Void of the ethical considera-
patient relationship. The inter- sponses: to achieve athletic suc- For fitness professionals this tion, from a moral perspective
esting question that may come cess, to improve performance, creates quite a conundrum; the one has to ask themselves is it
to mind is why do many hor- financial gain, to improve re- easiest way to get in top shape fair to the profession, clients,
mone replacement clinics not covery, to prevent nutritional is to use steroids; the easiest and related stakeholders to

Summer 2013 Journal of Personal Training | 13

Summary of negative physical side effects associated with AAS abuse:

• Increased risk for cardiovascular/organ disease or related issues:

– Heart disease, myocardial and left ventricular hypertrophy, heart attack, stroke, hypertension and atherosclerosis,
increased LDL cholesterol, drastic reduction in HDL cholesterol
– Liver damage, hepatic neoplasms and carcinoma, liver tumors
– Kidney stones, jaundice, bloody stool, nausea and vomiting, difficulty breathing
– Increased risk of sudden death due to cardiac events

• Hematological (blood related) issues:

– Blood clotting dysfunction, high risk of blood poisoning, risk of contracting blood-borne pathogens

• Musculoskeletal system issues or damage:

– Increased susceptibility to injury, cramps, tremors, tendon damage, muscle tears

• Reproductive, dermatological, and endocrine-related issues or disorders:

– Male-specific issues: shrinkage of testicles, prostate enlargement with increased risk of cancer, sexual dysfunction,
loss of fertility, gynecomastia (development of male breast tissue)
– Female-specific issues: loss of menstruation and fertility, permanent enlargement of external genitalia, breast
atrophy, masculinization, irreversible deepening of the voice
– Greasy skin, severe acne vulgaris, mouth and tongue soreness, male-pattern hair loss, increased growth of
face and body hair
– Reduced/halted production of testosterone from the gonads during and for months after use

take illegal steroids and more drugs are administered. While Regardless of the ethics and health consequences later in life.
specifically to do so without pill forms exist, many AAS are morals associated with steroid University of Gothenburg’s Cen-
disclosure? injected. Intramuscular injec- use, there are serious considera- tre for Education and Research
While using illegal drugs is tions are not benign applica- tions that go beyond right or on Addiction along with investi-
certainly inappropriate and an tions by any means. When wrong. AAS have both short- gators from Sahlgrenska Univer-
offense that would justify dis- compared to other illegal inject- and long-term effects and may sity Hospital, found a connec-
missal from a job, there is a ed drugs, where users are often even result in death. While nu- tion between abuse of AAS and
greater concern associated with in a significant state of mental merous physical side effects have mental health problems many
steroids abuse (use denotes disparity, steroid abuse is fairly been reported there are also years later. Of the 700 former
physician-prescribed for a diag- unique. Most injected drug mental risks. Aggressiveness, ir- elite athletes surveyed (weight-
nosed medical condition). abuse is a consequence of ritability, emotional highs and lifters, wrestlers and throwers),
There are significant psycho- pysho-emotional issues and lows, depression, and even 20% admitted to using AAS be-
emotional and physical side ef- years of gateway drug use and thoughts of suicide have been tween 1960 and 1979.
fects that can be irreversible, addiction; steroids on the other associated with steroid use. Per- Upon analysis of the admitted
and even deadly. What is worse hand are injected as an intro- haps even more alarming are the former steroid users, researchers
is the drugs may be fake, tainted duction in many cases and on a long-term effects. In studies of found a clear link between the
or counterfeit-concoctions as fairly frequent basis. Injecting elite athletes, residual mental use of AAS and depression, con-
distributors other than medical illegal drugs of any kind is health problems have been doc- centration problems, and dis-
doctors are not regulated (be- demonstrative of serious prob- umented. Researchers published tinct behavioral irregularities.
cause they are illegal). Another lems and steroids abuse should in British Journal of Sports Additionally, researchers found
consideration is the way the be categorized accordingly. Medicine proposed a link be- that users were more likely to
tween use of AAS and mental

14 | Journal of Personal Training Summer 2013

have addiction issues and had strength, and power provide deleterious cardiovascular prob- problems, and may even increase
abused other illicit drugs/alco- clear benefits in anaerobic sports. lems including premature coro- risk of suicide. Fitness profes-
hol, which is common of most nary artery disease (CAD), heart sionals should promote health
drug users. However, it still attack, stroke and even death. and embody the natural benefits
remains unclear whether the Injecting illegal High blood pressure, peripheral of exercise and a proper diet.
steroid use was the actual cause clots and changes in blood Individuals who sell themselves
of the mental health problems or drugs of any kind chemistry are also relevant prob- as experts in the ability to help
whether pre-existing mental lems that can lead to long-term others attain health and fitness
health problems promoted the is demonstrative of damage. Acute side effects may through training instruction
steroid use. In either case, it be reversible whereas many of should educate clients to safe
seems psychiatric symptoms and
serious problems the androgenic side effects can and effective wellness techniques
the abuse of steroids and other be permanent, particularly in while remaining transparent in
and steroids abuse
drugs tend to reinforce each oth- women. their own physical regimens.
er in a vicious cycle. Clearly, should be catego- Regardless of the personal Fitness professionals have a fidu-
steroid abuse must be consid- justification for the use of AAS ciary responsibility to educate
ered within the same category of rized accordingly. and other illegal performance clients to the risks of steroids
other addictive drugs, and con- enhancement drugs, the fact and to help prevent their use in
cerns should be elevated for stands that use is both illegal and society.
long-term mental consequences. Likewise, the cycling circuit has unethical unless a true medical
The physical side effects of demonstrated they can be very purpose exists. As previously
steroids tend to be more of the helpful in endurance activities as detailed, these drugs can have Keep clients SAFE
focus as they are often impres- well. What most users fail to re- significant long-term side ef-
sive and generally considered alize are the negative physical fects, have been associated with
positive. Gains in mass, side effects, which can lead to premature death from physical

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Center is full of employers with
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Summer 2013 Journal of Personal Training | 15

NCSF Summer 13_Layout 1 7/19/13 11:46 AM Page 22

CEU Quiz
Anabolic Steroids
1. During the 1960s and 1970s ________ 7. Which of the following female-specific 9. Which of the following organ-related
was one of the first anabolic steroids to side effects are associated with long- issues are directly associated with AAS
become popular in bodybuilding gyms. term AAS abuse? abuse?
a. Testolactone a. Breast atrophy a. Liver carcinomas
b. Dianabol b. Loss of fertility b. Right ventricular atrophy
c. Stanozolol c. Irreversible deepening of the voice c. Lung tumor growth
d. None of the above are correct d. All of the above d. All of the above

2. Current surveys of high school students 8. Surveys have identified the primary 10. According to survey data, the most
suggest steroid use is as high as 4-6% reasons why elite athletes start taking common goal behind abuse of AAS
depending on the state being surveyed; performance enhancing substances in among non-athletes or recreational
surprisingly, females represent roughly the first place; the chief responses lifters is:
________ of users. include: a. Improvements in energy and libido
a. 1.0% b. 1.5% a. Financial gain b. Body fat loss and improved muscle
c. 2.0% d. 3.0% b. To improve recovery “tone”
c. “Because other athletes use them” c. Increased muscle mass
3. True or False? Psychologists often cite d. All of the above d. None of the above
body dysmorphia and psycho-
emotional insecurities with non-
performance based use of AAS.
a. True b. False
CEU Quiz Answer Sheet Anabolic Steroids
4. Which of the following is a potential Directions: Fill in each blank with the correct choice on the answer sheet. To
negative psychological side effect of
AAS abuse? receive 0.5 CEUs, you must answer 8 of the 10 questions correctly. Mail a copy
a. Depression and/or suicidal thoughts of the completed quiz with a check or money order for $15 to NCSF, Attn: CEU
b. Concentration problems department, P.O. Box 163908, Miami, FL 33116.
c. Emotional instability
d. All of the above
1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____
5. Researchers published in British
5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____
Journal of Sports Medicine proposed
that there is a clear link between use of
AAS and ________ later in life. 9. ____ 10. ____
a. Infertility
b. Musculoskeletal issues
c. Mental health issues Name _________________________________________________________________

d. All of the above


6. Which of the following male-specific City, State, Zip __________________________________________________________

side effects are associated with long-
term AAS abuse?
Phone _________________________________________________________________
a. Prostate shrinkage
b. Gynecomastia Member# ______________________________________________________________
c. Testicular edema
d. All of the above Questions? 800-772-NCSF

Summer 2013 Journal of Personal Training | 23









Quiz Name Total

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Account No. Exp. Date Security Code

Signature Date

Quiz Answers Fill in each blank with the correct choice on

the answer sheet. To receive 0.5 CEUs, you
1. 6. must answer 8 of the 10 questions correctly.

2. 7. Please mail this Quiz answer form along

with the proper enclosed payment to:
3. 8. NCSF
5915 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 60
4. 9. Coral Gables, FL 33146

5. 10. Questions? 800-772-NCSF

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