My Assorted Notes From Business Class

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Evolution of Global Trade

⁃ Self-sufficient: the ability to provide for all basic needs without relying on anyone
⁃ Food, clothing, water, shelter
⁃ Canada’s Aboriginal People were largely self sufficient
⁃ Self sufficient communes deal

High Middle Ages

11th century to the 13th century

In Western Europe, feudalism was the form of government.

Land owners (noble)
Land workers (lower class)

Little chance of a peasant to ever move up in life.

Created standards for their products and means of compensation
Guilds could protect each other from high taxes etc

Quality control to ensure customer satisfaction

Non-guild members weren’t allowed to be traded with

Support systems created (school, record-keeping = literary skills needed, guilts created
the first secular schools)

Craft guilds

Evolution of global Trade

⁃ European exploration, settlement, expansion of trade marks and empire building
occurred (1500-1600s)

To The Last Drop- Canadian wilderness sits above what many think to be the largest
deposit of oil on the planet.
⁃ The tar sands. It is now the biggest construction project in the world.
⁃ The tar sands now supply more oil to the U.S than any other foreign source.
⁃ A century of secure energy
⁃ Since 911, Canada has become the most important supplier of foreign oil to
⁃ It’s a market that Canada can’t afford to use
⁃ There is no greater partnership than Alberta being one of the world’s top oil
⁃ The largest proven reserve in the word
⁃ 8 times the size of the oil reserves in Saudi Arabia
⁃ American politicians begin to recognize this
⁃ Tar sands are impossible to ignore. Pressure is rising to create a pipeline for oil from
Alberta to Texas
⁃ Great freshwater delta ecosystem above
⁃ The cree people own that land
⁃ Except now, the developments of oil is so vast, and the destruction of the land so
extensive that treaty rights can hardly be valued. Environments are being destroyed.
⁃ In 2008, thousands of ducks die due to oil in water.
⁃ Called “dark satanic oils” by National Geographic
⁃ Caused cancer
⁃ Indigenous peoples against it
⁃ Carcinogens are rampant
⁃ Other carcinogens come on the rise with the presence on one
⁃ Could come to the point where even the traditional food being made could be laced
with carcinogens
⁃ Undue alarm was caused
⁃ Native peoples were never consulted - governments were in the wrong
⁃ All the cancers that are on the rise in port chipuwa are linked to overexposure to oil
and petroleum.
⁃ Extremely rare cancers growing more common here
⁃ Whole point is essentially mass exposure and air pollution
⁃ One of the most highly regulated industry that there is in the world
⁃ Actual data is owned by the oil industries
⁃ As such, all the public learns, year after year, is that water quality is unchanged, and
that it isn’t a problem to take note of
⁃ Gonna be real I don’t feel like watching parts 3
⁃ Doing for or against debate should be easy enough
• Assignment: An Introduction to Trade and Business
• PowerPoint and Video: Evolution of Global Trade - "Guilds in Western Culture
and Economies in the High Middle Ages"
• Assignment: History of Canadian Trade
• Video: Black Peoples of the Americas
Handout: Disadvantages of International Trade - More Information -
videos: China/U.S. Relations, and The Real Winners (and Losers) of the US-China Trade
Dispute, watch video 

What is Canadian Identity?

⁃ Being a citizen in this country

⁃ Respect for the land?
⁃ Uhhmmmm, uhhhhhhh, oh y’know. Uhhhmmmm.

Your surname:

Most common surname in the world: 1,882nd

Number of people bear the same name: 291,498

Most prevalent: Yemen

Highest Density, Place ranked 1 to 10:

1. Yemen
2. Egypt
3. Bangladesh
4. Audi Arabia
5. Pakistan
6. Sudan
7. India
8. Jordan
9. Afghanistan
10. United Arab Emirates

TAIWAN - This is the gay one. I accept that you like guys. - regarding warming up the
KSA - Respecting tradition one - old guy eats first - McArabia
DENMARK - Drivethrough ad
INDIA - Marketing off singing and Bollywood - about how hot stuff is etc. McSpicy

CENTRALIZED - Consistent logo, upbeat music and jingle, mostly family-themed,

having fun and eating, the mc was consistent

Philippines -    Singing, passing everyone coke. Banking off how filipinos are bonkers for
singers. Kasama ka coca-cola
Canada - Also somebody going about and giving everyone coke

Centralized - Red, smiles


⁃ Iconic red cups with the logo

⁃ Quick and convenient, if not the highest quality

⁃ Super centres
⁃ Gas stations
⁃ Etc, canada


Chapter 8: Culture and International Business

The following is a list of the main topics to study.


, 2023

• Customs and Culture

• Define culture and customs:
• Culture: election of the values and beliefs of a community or nation. i.e. religion,
laws, language, art, etc
• Customs: Ways in which cultural behaviours are performed, i.e dress, food, rituals,
• Three cultural determinants – geography, history, religion
• Geography – climate, arable land, transportation, location, natural hazards.
• Climate: cold/hot = clothing, building materials and style
• Arable land: available foods = diet as well as where people live
• Transportation: canoes, sleds, railroad
• Location: search for resources, availability of space
• Natural hazards: climatic or geological conditions that endanger life, i.e volcanoes,
hurricanes, etc
• History – cultural norms, cultural imperialism
• Colonization/conflict
• Immigrants/refugees
• Cultural norms: Expectations, observances, standard behaviour
• Cultural imperialism: values imposed by one group or nation on another
• Role of religion
• Some countries have a single religion that shapes laws and customs, others have
multiple beliefs that sometimes conflict
• Holidays usually related to religion, islamic republics, here with bullshit
christianization, etc
• Canada’s Identity
• You can fudge this one lol

• Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown: India

• Maybe rewatch the documentary </3

• Canadian Culture Music and Sports

• Culture and International Business Practices

• Negotiating Styles
• Language
• Silent Language
• Forms of Greetings
• Style of Dress
• Business Protocol
• Gift Giving
• Punctuality
• Schedule of Meetings
• Business Entertaining
• Employee Management

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