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Name: Gonzales John Rey O.

Title: Designing the Curriculum (The Teacher as a Curriculum Designer)

Date: March 17, 2023

Subject: Prof. Ed 4 (The Teacher and the School Curriculum)

Teacher: Farrell DL. Altamarino, MAEd


My report was all about designing the Curriculum this topic talk about the fundamentals of

Curriculum Design. I have learned on this topic the different model and methods in teaching

learning. Also it teaches me on what teacher needs or reminder of the teacher in terms of

designing a curriculum. I have learned that there are 10 axioms that the teacher need as a

reminder it consist the guide for the teacher when designing a curriculum. Also I learned that

designing curriculum was important because it centred a teacher practice on how a learners

need in the classroom. Also it focuses on the creation of the overall course or mapping

content to learning objective to develop a course outline and to build the course itself. Also I

learned that a well-organized courses encourage learners motivation, performance, and

persistent to their study. I also gain knowledge that the goal of designing a curriculum is to

deepen learning and support learners in gaining important core competencies and values such

as critical and creative thinking, skilful communication, and demonstrating care not just for

our self but for others also. This topic gave me more insight on how important curriculum is

to teacher and students. Lastly I learned that by this, learners are exposed to real-life issues,

which also help the learners to develop skills that they can use or transferable to real life
aspect. It not just build learners in terms of cognitive but also in real life aspect too. That why

it’s important to us.

No# 2

Name: Gonzales John Rey O.

Subject: Prof. Ed 4 (The Teacher and the School Curriculum)

Teacher: Farrell DL. Altamarino, MAEd


Throughout the topic that had been discussed to us by our instructor and my fellow

classmates there are many things that I had learn. Curriculum is an interesting topic I had lean

it’s important to us learners and teacher. I gain knowledge that curriculum was the central

guide for all educator to for an effective teaching and learning. Also I learned that teachers

that have a 2 years below experience shall have a daily prepared lesson plan. Also I gain

knowledge from my instructor that teaching is not only focused on books we can teach above

what is written in the book. Like teaching student what they can apply to their attitudes and

where they can transfer to real life aspect. Throughout the discussion I learned many things

our instructor is not just explaining or elaborating what is in the book he thought us things

what a teacher must be. As a future teacher one thing that I will not forget is that when sir

Fharrell said that teacher must not have a relationship to their student because it is in code of

ethics of a teacher and can removed the licence of teacher when violated. Under the DO 49,

teacher are expected to avoid relationship, interaction, and communication, including

following social media with learners outside the school setting, except they are relatives.

Another thing that I learn is that giving learner a corporal punishment was prohibited. In

simple terms as a future teacher having a sexual relationship to the learners are against the

law. Another thing is from the lesson 2.4 the foundation of curriculum it had been discussed
were John Dewey is a major part where he contributed to the curriculum. He was the one

stated that “we acquire knowledge by doing” where in I agree there are learners that

understand a certain topic when they are experiencing it just like me there are times that even

how hard you explained or even you explain it to me there point that I don’t really understand

what you are saying so yes I agree that it more effective that we acquired knowledge by

doing. So that as a future teacher this can be my guide or I can use this when I am teaching

just like instead of explaining/ elaborating the definition or what the book is trying to teach us

the thing that I will do is to let my learners experience what the book is trying to teach. As a

generation z we are evolved since it is 21st century there are many things that change where in

technology dominates now a day. As for the lesson 4.3 wherein I learned that technology was

one of the most significant in terms of teaching. By technology it evolves on how teacher

execute teaching now a days I learned that technology now a day play a crucial part in

teaching. I learned that by technology it emphasize the advancement of cutting edge methods

for effective education. Scientific, objective, clear, straight forward, easy, fascinating, and

successful instruction is made possible by educational technology. By educational technology

assist in the resolution of teaching issue. In simple term technology makes teaching more

easily compared to the traditional one. But there are also things that we need to consider also

not all the time we use technology because what if there are no power we also need to use the

traditional one like instructional material that we can use even we have no power, internet

and etc. from lesson designing curriculum I also learned that the different model and methods

in teaching learning. Also it teaches me on what teacher needs or reminder of the teacher in

terms of designing a curriculum. I have learned that there are 10 axioms that the teacher need

as a reminder it consist the guide for the teacher when designing a curriculum. Also I learned

that designing curriculum was important because it centred a teacher practice on how a

learners need in the classroom. Also it focuses on the creation of the overall course or
mapping content to learning objective to develop a course outline and to build the course

itself. Also I learned that a well-organized courses encourage learners motivation,

performance, and persistent to their study. I also gain knowledge that the goal of designing a

curriculum is to deepen learning and support learners in gaining important core competencies

and values such as critical and creative thinking, skilful communication, and demonstrating

care not just for our self but for others also. This topic gave me more insight on how

important curriculum is to teacher and students. This topic and this subject teaches us not just

cognitive but it teaches the educational polices, theories, principle and practice on school

culture and organizational leadership. The precious thing that I will keep up in my mind since

I am a future teacher the things that sir fharrel said to us about being a teacher. Being a

teacher is just not about teaching student but teaching with passion so that learner can learn

not just by the book but learn the reality on how we are used in this world. The attitudes of a

teacher and the proper ethics that a teacher must have. Sir fharrel teaches us on how to be a

good teacher in the future and the things that I learned from my teacher will be a treasure for

me and I will carry the words that motivated me to be teacher.

Name: Gonzales John Rey O.

Subject: Prof. Ed 4 (The Teacher and the School Curriculum)

Teacher: Farrell DL. Altamarino, MAEd


My vision through my studies is to maintain a positive mind-set towards my learnings by this

I can ensure a positive style of good learning. Being resilient is also one of the ability that I

need after encountering a challenge in my studies acknowledging the challenge difficulty is

the way to overcome it. It can help me to accept issue and find steps to move from it. By

finding purpose in my life, establishing positive beliefs in my abilities. Reading help our

critical thinking skills it is important to make well-reasoned so that reading first thing in the

morning or before bed and setting reminders for reading can help me to my study. Having a

good management to our time is also helpful in terms of our studies it will help us to

prioritize task that we may be able to accomplish to the right time. Creating a daily, weekly,

monthly schedule and working one task at a time will help us to our studies. And lastly is that

in academic success is practicing good study habits. It can help us to reduce our anxiety about

deadlines or test. By creating consistent, daily study routine and setting a study session goal

to help achieve our overall academic goal. And my vision is to strive to gain mastery over

life’s challenges through increase my circle of influence in terms of learning and behaving in

a manner so as to become a light, not a roadblock, for others who choose to follow or lead


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