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Filipino Dating: The
Red Flags To Watch
Out For

What are red flags in a relationship?

In relationships, red flags can either be fixed as soon as you catch

them or deal-breakers to doom the relationship. Thus, identifying it
earlier in a relationship can benefit you and your partner in the long
Here is a list of warning signs that you should look for
and be more aware of the Filipino dating red flags:

◼ Poor communication

You might have heard this a hundred times that

communication is one of the foundations of a
healthy relationship.
◼ Here are some of the things that indicate your relationship lacks

◼ Feeling bad or guilty for bringing up what you are emotionally
going through with your partner

◼ Just assuming what your partner is thinking and not having to talk
about it

◼ Always experiencing a cold shoulder or “silent treatment”

◼ Talking down to each other

◼ Too defensive about specific issues
◼ Avoiding conflicts
As one of the most common Filipino dating red flags, avoiding
confrontations can mean that your partner doesn’t care about
the issue and doesn’t want to work it out anymore. People say
that you can see your partner’s passion and care for your
romantic connection in fights and misunderstandings.
◼ Always absent

Have you noticed that your other half isn’t there when you need
them the most? Especially when you are going through a rough

Just keep in mind that your partner should be of the people who
will cheer you and someone that you
F can rely on every step of
your way.
◼ Failed Commitments
Do you feel that your partner has commitment issues? That is
a real problem that surely needs an immediate solution, and
that is a major Filipino dating red flag.
◼ Differences in traits and values
For you to achieve a healthy connection with your partner, you
must know your emotional boundaries. It is a vital aspect when it
comes to forming a relationship. The effect would make you feel
violated with your standards and principles, so you have to be
transparent on your moral code. In that way, it will be easier to
find someone on the same level when dating.
◼ Clash of financial stance
So many couples are sensitive to this topic and would say it’s off-
limits. However, money talk is a crucial component in building a
long-term relationship.

It makes a massive impact on the choices you will be making in the

future. To be clear, it’s not about finding someone who is
financially stable. It is more about having someone that has a
mature mentality in handling finances.
◼ Lack of ambition
Ambition is an attractive quality for many. Hence, that
applies to many of the Filipino singles. It is undeniable that
it is fascinating to see when a person is passionate about
their job and career.
◼ Overflowing greediness
Pinoys are known to be giving, so when you or your partner is
selfish, that is a straight-up Filipino dating red flag.
◼ The ex is the star
Though not all people who still follow their ex on social media or
mention them generally mean that it is a red flag. Perhaps, it’s
their way of showing that they have already moved on.

◼ Deals with vices and addictions

◼ When someone with deep-seated vices and addictions, it
can be troubling for the person and the partner. It has
become a deal-breaker for a lot of people. And, for Pinoys,
this case is discouraging and a big turn off.
◼ Physically abusive
Any abuse that is present in a relationship is not acceptable.
Physical, emotional, mental, and sexual abuse is not tolerable. It is a
solid deal-breaker. Always remember that you deserve if not better
than the best.
◼ Hot-tempered

Being hot-tempered is normal, but it is an alarm for you to wake

up from a toxic relationship if it occurs regularly.

Anger issues can cause someone to do and say things that they
will eventually regret. Before it may lead to any physical violence,
let them get professional help. And reassess your relationship if it
is still worth it or not.
◼ Cheater
Being cheated can cause you emotional trauma, especially if
your partner did it not only once or twice. But countless times.
Even on the first one, never justify their wrongdoings because
of your failures. After all, cheating is cheating.

◼ Negative thinker
Keep in mind that most Filipinos are optimistic. If you keep
bringing a negative vibe, you’re guilty of one of the major Filipino
dating red flags.
◼ Your partner doesn’t introduce you to their
friends or family.
Filipinos get offended if their partner doesn’t introduce them to
people. They will feel discouraged. Thus, it’s one of the red flags
when dating a Filipino.

◼ Too Boring
To entice, when dating someone, is a must. Especially at the
beginning of a relationship, you have to show things that can
interest them. Being dull when dating a Filipina can cause your
connection to fail. Hence, a sense of humor is vital in dating


These are the signs we see
around us that need
◼ Seeking
You sometimes base your worth on somebody else’s approval,
and that shouldn’t be the case. You need to stand on your own
and know your worth, no matter how others see you.

◼ Not honoring your

If you allow other people to constantly step over your
boundaries, you should take a step back and guard your
wall up again. Your boundaries should be your top priority,
if they can’t respect them, you should.
◼ Keeping your mouth shut

◼ Even when you know things are not right, you keep your
silence to avoid conflict. From time to time you need to
speak your mind, your opinion matters too.

◼ Saying yes all the time

◼ Saying yes is okay, but saying it too many times and
sacrificing some aspects of your life just to please others
is a big no no.
◼ Making excuses for others

◼ These are just some of the red flags we may see in us. If
these are your doings, it’s about time to address these to
make ourselves better individuals. Not for others, but for us.
Thank You For Your

Reporter: Jenny Rose Tompong

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