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LPP [ UNIT -4 ]

MEANING : -----------------------------------------

➢ It is a Mathematical Technique.
➢ This decision is very much useful for uncertainty.
➢ This technique is useful to Decision Making.
➢ Linear Programming consist of 2 words
➢ i.e., Linear & programming
➢ linear refers to the relationship of the interrelated variables.
➢ Programming means planning.
➢ Linear programming is a mathematical technique
➢ which is applied in the form of a linear formula for arriving at a rational proportion of the

METHODS :--------------------------------------------

A : Graphical method:
This method can be used if there are only two decision variables in the LPP.

B : Simplex method:
This method is useful in solving LP problems with two or more than two decision variables.

LIMITATION OF LLP :-----------------------------------------

1. It is difficult to understand
2. Its procedure of solution is long and time consuming
3. Its graphic method of solution has limited application
4. Its simplex method of computation is repetitive and arduous
5. It gives various types of solution

PROCEDURE OF A LPP :------------------------------

Step 1 - Identify the decision variables

The first step is to discern the decision variables which control the behavior of the objective

Step 2 - Write the objective function

The objective function is a linear equation that is comprised of decision variables.

Step 3 - Identify Set of Constraints

Constraints are the limitations in the form of equations or inequalities on the decision variables.

Step 4 - Choose the method for solving the linear programming problem

Multiple techniques can be used to solve a linear programming problem.

Step 5 - Construct the graph

Graphical method for solving the linear programming problem, it should construct the graph and
plot the constraints lines.

Step 6 - Identify the feasible region

Selecting any point in the feasible region yields a valid solution for the objective function.

Step 7 - Find the optimum point

Any point in the feasible region that gives the maximum or minimum value of the objective function
represents the optimal solution.

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