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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University

Maigo School of Arts and Trades
Maigo, Lanao del Norte

Third Quarter Examination

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Name: ____________________ _ Year and Section:___________ Date: ______


Directions: Identify what principle of good governance is being applied in the following situations. Write your answer on the
space provided.
1. Ms. Cruz uses rubrics in evaluating student’s task performance.
2. MSU-MSAT implements guidelines in conducting school activities like field trip.
3. Mrs. Delos Reyes entertains queries of students on the computation of their grades.
4. Ms. Jimenez, the department head, reported the financial details of the department in full details.
5. The school’s guard reported the incident to the guidance office.

Direction: Write ETH if the statement is ETHICAL and UNETH if the statement is UNETHICAL. Write your answer on the
space provided.
1. Obeying company’s rules and regulations.
2. Developing professional relationships with co-workers.
3. Taking credit for other’s hard work.
4. Using or taking company’s supplies for personal purposes.
5. Conducting personal business during working hour.
6. Engaging in negative gossip about someone you work with.
7. Extending lunch snacks/breaks.
8. Showing initiative without being told.
9. Lying inside and outside the workplace.
10. Using foul language on co-workers in and out of the workplace.


Directions: Write AGREE if the statement is correct and DISAGREE if it is wrong. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. A sole Proprietorship, owned by one person, is a form if business organization that is small, requires
little amount of capital and readily established under the control of one person.
2. A partnership is a form of business in which two or more people operate for the common goal of
making a profit.
3. A partnership is an artificial being created by operation of law.
4. A Sole Proprietorship has the advantage least government organizations.
5. A Corporation has powers, attributes, and properties expressly authorized by law.
6. Fairness involves balancing the interests involved in all decision making including decisions related to
employee’s hiring, firing, compensation, and reward system.
7. Transparency allows stakeholders to understand whether the activities of social institutions such as
internet organizations and NGOs provide a genuine service to civil society and whether money is used appropriately.
8. Transparency means to be liable to explain or justify one’s action and decision.
9. Accountability is the quality of making judgement that is free from discrimination.
10. Accountability implies responsibility.
11. Ethics is a set of principles of conduct governing an individual or group.
12. Code of Ethics is a written statement of policies and principles that guides the behavior of all
employees or members of an organization.
13. Employees should obey only written work rules.
14. Ethical character traits include integrity, honesty, and justice.
15. To enhance the profits of the business continuously is the objective of the Code of Ethics.
16. Virtue Theory doesn’t judge actions as right or wrong but rather the character of the person doing
the actions. It puts emphasis on the development of human values and moral character.
17. Utilitarian ethical theories are based on one’s ability to predict the consequences of an action. Due
to this emphasis on the outcome of ethical decisions, utilitarianism is classified as a consequentialist theory.
18. For Philosopher Immanuel Kant, we should always treat people with dignity, and never use them as
mere instruments.
19. Confucian ethics are described as humanistic. Confucianism is the most profound and dynamic
thought system in traditional Japanese Culture.
20. In Shintoism, work is understood to be a self-expression of the great life force. For Chines, the
company name is more important than the job title, the community they belong to is more important than what they do.


Directions. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which is not a form of business ownership?

a. Sole Proprietorship b. Corporation c. Partnership d. Retail
2. Easy to start; owner is own boss; owner keeps all the profits and shoulders losses.
a. Sole Proprietorship b. Corporation c. Partnership d. Franchise
3. What form of business consists of two or more people to carry on, as co-owners of a business for profit?
a. Sole Proprietorship b. Corporation c. Partnership d. Cooperative
4. Your mother has Php 100,000.00 She wants to invest her money in the form of business that has the least amount of
personal liability. What form of business would you recommend?
a. Sole Proprietorship b. Corporation c. Partnership d. Franchise
5. How a corporation differs from a sole proprietorship?
a. Corporation are owned by only one person.
b. Corporations can sell stocks to large and small investors to raise money for the business.
c. Sole proprietorships have limited liability for the owners.
d. Sole proprietorships require a legal charter to start the business.
6. You insert the exact amount into the vending machine at school for a can of soda. Two cans are released from the
machine. What will you do with the extra can of soda?
a. Offer the can of juice to your classmate. b. Keep the extra can of soda for you.
c. Report an incident to appropriate school personnel.
7. Employees expect that their employers will be transparent. What does this refer to?
a. The need for an office space to use glass walls. b. Employees are responsible for their employer’s actions.
c. Employers to provide honest feedback and clear information to their employees.
8. Joseph found out his teacher’s password to open her Facebook account. What is an ethical thing for him to do?
a. Give the password to all other students. b. Tell the teacher so she may change it.
c. Keep it to himself and if someone finds out the password, it is not his problem.
9. Arriving to work on time is an example of which characteristic of a good employee?
a. Personal accountability b. Adaptability c. Timeliness
10. Providing wrong information on the resume is an example of which of the following?
a. Lack of transparency on employee’s part. b. Poor transparency on an employer’s part.
c. Lack of accountability on an employer’s part.
11. What is fairness?
a. Something that is beneficial for you. b. Something that is beneficial for all in the society.
c. The quality of treating people equally d. None of the above
12. Stewardship is not limited to money. What other thing that God expects you to manage?
a. Education b. Time c. Health d. Property
13. What does accountability refer to?
a. Being responsible for one’s action b.Providing access to information c. The ability to hire and fire an
14. Which is considered unethical business practice?
a. Training employees unfairly b. Selling quality product c. Good word of mouth from customers.
15. All of the following are considered abusive conduct in the workplace EXCEPT
a. Invading the personal space of co-workers b. Insulting co-workers c. Receiving a performance review from a
16. What is Ethics all about? Encircle all that apply.
a. Morally correct behavior. b. making lots of money c. A set of moral principles
d. telling half-truth e. A field of study that focuses on faith and religion
f. A branch of philosophy that deals with morality.

17. After finding a diamond ring in a hotel room, you:

a. keep it because you believe in the finder’s keeper philosophy.
b. turn it over to the lost and found department of a hotel
c. Consider it yours unless the previous occupant looks for it and the front desk calls your attention
d. none of the above
18. After lunch, the waiter brings the check. Upon checking it, no dessert and drinks to the bill, you:
a. Pay the bill. It was their mistake. b. Call the waiter and ask him to recompute and add the missing items.
c. Pay the bill and give him the bigger tip since you saved money. d. none of the above
19. In a team meeting, your boss congratulates you for a project that was done by someone else from the team. You:
a. Stay silent in the meeting and later approach your co-worker you are sorry the boss did that.
b. Explain to the boss immediately that it was not your work and give credit to whom the credit is due.
c. Never say anything about it.
d. Ignore and assume it was yours.
20. Your company has a policy that prevents employees from accepting gifts. The policy also requires that you inform your
manager about the gift. A supplier you have known for several years offers you a hotel gift certificate. You:
a. Accept the gift and do not tell your manager about it. b. Accept the gift and tell your manager afterward.
c. Inform your boss and hope for approval. d. Do not accept it.
21. You are with some friends at the park. There are three different bins in the area. A friend threw an empty can soda in the
paper bin. You:
a. Better not say anything. b. Move the can into the correct bin.
c. Give him stick to take the can out and advise him to put it in the correct bin.
22. Which of the following are the functions of the Code of Ethics?
a. It can help foster an environment in which ethical behavior is the norm.
b. It can serve as a guide or reminder in specific situations.
c. It can express a shared commitment on the part of a professional society’s members to strive and to satisfy
certain ethical standards and principles.
23. Which of the following is a practice of fair treatment of workers at workplace?
a. Recreation facilities at the workplace. b. Rights of workers to fairness and dignity.
c. Rights of workers to have a share in company’s profit. d. None of the above
24. Ethical issues do not exists in accounting because of the field involves primarily objective data.
a. True b. False c. Either true or false d. Neither true nor false
25. Which of the following is the study and practice of decisions about what is good and right?
a. Law b. morals c. Ethics d. Business
26. A businessman who owns a medical store in small town is the only outlet that sells facemask. There is a great necessity
and high demand for the use of the item due to COVID-19 pandemic, so he charges irrational amount of doubling the price.
The community gets mad of the situation. This business practice is most likely:
a. Ethical because it is not illegal for the owner to set its prices based on maximizing profits.
b. Ethical because the owner focuses only on the impact of decisions on his business.
c. Unethical because business operates in a community and communities have expectations for behavior of individuals,
groups, and businesses.
27. A responsibility to repay the good deeds which value is impossible to quantify.
a. Utang na loob b. Pakikisama c. Filipino Value System d. Suki
28. To maintain good relations with others, and the fellowship is associated with adaptation, dealings and harmony.
a. Utang na loob b. Pakikisama c. Filipino Value System d. Suki
29. Refers to the set of values that are significant and inclined to one’s culture by the influence of people connected with like
family, relatives, ancestors or friends.
a. Utang na loob b. Pakikisama c. Filipino Value System d. Suki
30. A commercial connection between a seller and a buyer.
a. Utang na loob b. Pakikisama c. Filipino Value System d. Suki
31. It shows an attitude of a person that is willing to submit everything by fate or “come what may”.
a. Family orientation b. Bahala na c. Amor Propio d. Joy and Humor
32. It is a sense of self-esteem or self-respect that prevents a person from swallowing his pride and concerned for one’s
a. Family orientation b. Bahala na c. Amor Propio d. Joy and Humor
33. A primary platform for which one encounters early socialization experiences.
a. Family orientation b. Bahala na c. Amor Propio d. Joy and Humor
34. It sheds light on the optimism and positivity of Filipinos in whatever situation they are in. It serves a coping technique to
remain determined in every struggles or challenges in life and in business.
a. Family orientation b. Bahala na c. Amor Propio d. Joy and Humor
35. It upholds the affection and display courtesy to the family that most cases are like working together in one company; living
together in one house; paying the house bills of their parents.
a. Family orientation b. Bahala na c. Amor Propio d. Joy and Humor
36. It denotes the degree of importance of something or action, with the aim to determine what actions are best to do or what
way is best to live, or to describe the significance of different actions.
a. Values b. Beliefs c. Ethics d. Religion
37. Defined as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the
creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a
moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
a. Business Ethics b. Ethics c. Religion d. Belief System
38. A form of applied ethics or professional ethics, that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that can
arise in a business environment.
a. Business Ethics b. Ethics c. Religion d. Belief System
39. In Islam, Prophet Muhammad's on honesty and kind dealings with customers are the secrets of success in business. It
also requires being honest in dealings with alike.
a. Christianity b. Judaism c. Muslim and non-Muslim d. Islam
40. A branch of philosophy that "involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior.
a. Business Ethics b. Religion c. Ethics d. Belief System
41. Mario's driver's license is processed immediately by his godfather, an LTO personnel.
a. Utang na loob b. Hard work c. Hospitality d. Padrino
42. A mother offers her daughter's friend food to eat and a room to spend the night.
a. Utang na loob b. Hospitality c. Hard work d. Padrino
43.His prime belief was that a person must study themselves in order to find out their level of character.
a. Socrates b. Confucius c. Aristotle d. Plato
44. A set of principles or tenets which together form the basis of a religion, philosophy, or moral code.
a. Business Ethics c. Religion b.Ethics d. Belief System
45. In the Jewish business ethics is illustrated by the widely quoted Talmudic tradition. Thus, in the treatment of workers, the
Jews are obliged to pay their workers on time, pay their workers a living wage and treat their workers with dignity and
respect. On the side of the workers, it is important not to steal company time.
a.Christianity c. Muslim and non-Muslim b. Judaism d. Islam
46. He is best known for the Socratic method of question and answer. He is known for his classic
a. Socrates b. Aristotle c. Plato d. Confucius
47. According to this principle of Aristotle, anything that is too much or too little is not ethical. Thus, it is important to apply this
when dealing with dilemma.
a. Golden Rule b. Golden Heritage c. Golden Ethics d. Golden Mean
48. What is a Moral Agent?
a. A human being who is rational. B. A human being who is logical c. A human being who is rational and logical
d. A human being who knows how to distinguish right and wrong, immoral and moral.
49. Can a dog be a moral agent?
a. Yes b. No c. It depends d. Sometimes
50. This religion suggests that the ideal way for a leader to run their country is by good example.
a. Hinduism b. Buddhism c. Judaism d. Taoism


Directions: Read the paragraphs below. Carefully evaluate the situations and briefly explain your stand.

Falsifying Attendance

Mr. A, an employee, timed in 4 minutes and 27 seconds late for work this morning. While he won't get fired for it,
being late this once means that he will not receive the perfect attendance incentive which he needs to make ends meet,
given his daughter's recent series of hospitalizations. He actually arrived in the office five minutes early but was unable to
clock in immediately because his direct superior, Mr. B. asked him for an informal project progress report as soon as he
walked in the door. As a Junior System Administrator, Mr. A has access and the capability to edit the company's attendance
records. He figures that since he was unable to punch in only because of his boss, it wouldn't hurt to edit the timestamp on
his attendance for today.
Has Mr. A done anything wrong? Discuss your answer.

A few months ago, Ms. A, Head of the Sales and Marketing Department of B Company, formally announced to her staff
that she will be leaving the company in order to be able to concentrate on her family. Since she will be leaving, there is room
for a promotion and that she would nominate their two top performers, Ms. C and Ms. D, to the HRMD. In an effort to give
herself an upper hand, Ms. C closes deals with three big clients two days right after Ms. A's announcement. Two weeks after
Ms. A's announcement, stories about Ms. C begin to make their rounds and quickly become the mainstay headlines of office
gossip. The most scandalous rumor is that Ms. C offers sexual services to her clients - both male and female - in order to
close her sales. In the face of all these rumors, Ms. C continues to deliver excellent work. The time has come to promote the
candidates. Based on performance, Ms. C is the better candidate but both could do the job.
If you are the Manager, should you consider the rumors? What should you do?

Proverbs 16:3
“Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed”.



Subject Teacher Noted:

Karen Gay P. Dy, PhD

Secondary Principal

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