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[Fatwa related to alcohol used in food] - Countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore allowed the use of added and synthetic alcohol in food and drinks. However, there must be a certain amount of alcohol that is permissible in food product. - If the final product contains more than stipulated, then it is prohibited and has the same ruling as khamr, which is najis and not permitted to be used or consumed. 1. Brunei - Ethanol is not permitted and prohibited. However, synthetic alcohol can be used only as solvent (not ingredient) and must not be traced in the end product. 2. Indonesia - Addition of alcohol in food is allowed with the condition of no traces of it in the final products (MUI). 3. Malaysia - According to Malaysia National Fatwa Council Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan Malaysia, the use of industrial alcohol to extract and dissolve flavour is allowed. However, this type of alcohol must not be originated from intoxicants and the quantity in the product must be less than 0.5%

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