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Workplace Psychology (WPY603) ADHRM Mariyam Shahudha (AC8054)



Component A

Workplace Psychology

Gawin Pvt Ltd:

Change Management

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Date: 28 June 2022

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Workplace Psychology (WPY603) ADHRM Mariyam Shahudha (AC8054)

Student Details

Student Name: Mariyam Shahudha

Student ID: AC8054

Batch No:

Module Duration: May – August 2022

Program Details

Course Title: Associate degree in Human Resource Management

Module Title: Workplace Psychology (WPY603)

Lecturer Name: Aminath Jameel

Component A
Name of Assessment:
Workplace Psychology

Students who are granted an extension are required to fill the below section

Extension Approval

Extension Approval

Extension Approved

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Workplace Psychology (WPY603) ADHRM Mariyam Shahudha (AC8054)

Table of Contents
Table of Contents..................................................................................................................................3
1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................4
1. GAWIN PVT LTD.........................................................................................................................4
2. KEY ISSUES IDENTIFIED..................................................................................................................4
1. EMPLOYEE ATTITUDES...............................................................................................................4
2. EMPLOYEE EMOTIONS...............................................................................................................4
3. EMPLOYEE PERCEPTION............................................................................................................4
3. IMPACT OF THE KEY ISSUES...........................................................................................................5
1. ATTITUDES AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT.................................................................................5
2. EMOTIONS AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT.................................................................................5
3. PERCEPTION AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT..............................................................................5
4. MOST EFFECTIVE MOTIVATIONAL METHODS................................................................................6
5. MOST EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION METHODS...........................................................................6
6. CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................................7
7. REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................7

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Workplace Psychology (WPY603) ADHRM Mariyam Shahudha (AC8054)

Gawin is a business that provides expertise and quality in the furniture manufacturing market
while meeting the demanding organizational, scheduling, and quality needs of architects,
owners, and construction professionals.
Gawin Pvt Ltd, is a local company in Maldives specializing in custom made furniture, and
that will offer complete wide range of well designed, functional home furnishing products at
prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them for small residences
and apartments commercial market. Gawin will also provide access to furniture goods to
balance the design consulting services including furniture, both new and old, decorator fabric,
and home accessories.  Gawin offers the personalized services the target market desires and
can sustain in a way that is different and unique from ideas to implementation.


Employee attitudes describe the way employees feel towards the working environment; either
good or bad (Saari & Judge, 2004). This attitude influence how he performs in the
organization. Because it is an inward feeling, an employee’s bad attitude might remain
concealed. But if an employee is not careful, his or her bad attitude might show in his or her
actions. Several situations within an organization affect employee attitude. For an employee
to steadily display good behavior in the workplace, he must maintain a positive attitude
towards his job. If employee develops a dislike for his job, he might lose interest in his
assignments or lack motivation. These negative attitudes influence his behaviors and might
trigger low productivity. 
Emotions are "intense feelings that are directed at someone or something" (Ashkanasy &
Dorris, 2017). They are feelings that people experience, interpret, reflect on, express, and
manage. It can also be described as a complex state of feelings that brings out physical or
psychological changes that influence thought and behavior. 
Employees are usually expected to come into work, leave their emotional and personal life at
the door, and produce. Though, workers are facing emotional challenges at work. The issues
do not always have to be own, and also they can be work based. That is especially important
for managers, who make significant decisions on a daily basis. Employees deal with struggle
with management or other employees, stress, anxiety and worry, and low morale at work.
Perception can be defined as ‘a process by which individuals organize and interpret their
sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment’ (Robbins, Judge, &
Millett, 2015). Perception is not necessarily based on reality, but it is merely a perspective
from a particular individual’s view of a situation. 
Employees output and motivation can be affected by changing the working conditions.
Reducing the size of work groups may allow an employee to feel as though he has a greater
input in the work. Managers must work hard to control their own perceptions of their
employees, withholding their own evaluative judgments until they gain adequate information
about an employee's work performance.

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Workplace Psychology (WPY603) ADHRM Mariyam Shahudha (AC8054)


Employees with positive attitudes have the willingness, commitment and openness to change,
and also the suspicion about organizational change (Saari & Judge, 2004). Attitudes affect
both the employer’s chances of successful change and the employee behaviors likely to be
affected by change as well.
In addition, an employee's negative attitude can become apparent with other actions, such as
poor performance, regularly being absent to work, poor business ethics and perhaps favoring
one supervisor over another. To the contrary, employees who feel respected by the
management and other coworkers, and those who maintain a good attitude, typically respond
differently and display appropriate behavior in the workplace.
Employees’ attitudes about change strongly relate to their attitudes about their employer and
changes at their organization.  Most employees who prefer change agree that their
organization is changing at the right pace and that it implements changes well while fewer
agree that the changes are executed well.
When employees within an organization are expected to change, they still value and
emotionally recognize the current condition. The concept of change triggers a strong,
understandable response in them, a sense of profound individual loss. Once positive reactions
start to appear among targets, how can you take steps to make people feel better furnished to
face the change ahead. 
Understanding the stages that employees move through during change can give them more
effective change agent.  Emotions were especially important for managers, who make
significant decisions on a daily basis. Employees deal with struggle with management or
other employees, stress, anxiety and worry, and low morale at work (Ashkanasy & Dorris,
2017). Simply put, employees have emotional difficulties in both their private and
professional life and have to anyhow balance work challenges and being productive. 
The effect has been a need for the workplace to make attempts to address these difficulties to
keep employees comfortable, and producing quality work. In response to this need, the view
of the workplace has changed, and there are several key factors at work currently, that are
impacting change on an emotional level. As the workplace continues to develop, these
changes provide both new psychological benefits and new emotional challenges in the
Changes occur in the organizations are time to time and these changes are necessary to be
done. Without which an organization would not sustain on the long run. These changes
greatly effects the employees on different levels. The employees resist to these changes but
somehow they need to adapt to these changes in order to improve the performance. It is a
good practice for the organization to consult the employees before proceeding with the
change process. The perception of the employees would vastly differ in the event of a change
and they may feel threatened with the change itself, thus resisting it. 
Managing organizational change is problematic: situations in which changes are undertaken
are shifting; it is harder for organizations, and in particular top managers as well as change
agents, to prepare for and manage the change in ways that satisfy both the organization and
its employees. Employees who are confronted with changes in their organization face an

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Workplace Psychology (WPY603) ADHRM Mariyam Shahudha (AC8054)

inevitable choice: whether they should support or resist such changes in order to still (or best)
achieve their personal goals and objectives. 


A motivated workforce will definitely improve the performance of an organization.
Motivated employees are likely to be far more productive, better skilled, and willing to learn
new skills than unmotivated employees. They tend to have a better attendance records and
find new ways to solve problems. It is important for an organization to understand its
employees’ personal goals and interests by giving them greater responsibilities. By doing this
the organization could arrange ways for their career development as well. In order to
motivate employees, the organization should give a higher priority in rewarding its
employees. Recognizing the work of employees’ individual and team contributions both
openly and individually will also allow employees feel that their work is being appreciated. If
an employee hears a positive comment from a senior person of the organization, he would
feel motivated to work further. It is vital to speak individually with employees for positive,
and not only negative reasons.
A motivated worker is hence the product of the perceived level of comfort, the spirit to
achieve, and the rewards that the employee desires to receive on achieving the set goals.  An
employee with an active level of expectancy believes that exerting effort will result in a
positive outcome for them. If the same employee has a high degree of instrumentality, they
would believe that their rewards or outcomes are based on job attainment. Eventually, if an
organization offers rewards that the employee values such as promotions, bonuses then the
employee would be viewed to be a motivated one. Expectancy is a person's strength of
conviction in regards to the ability to attain goals. For example, if an employee, who is not
positively focused on the perceived consequences of the attainment of goals, will have a zero
valence. Workers should feel that the forces that he/she would like to put into work would
yield the desired results. 


For anything to be a success, communication is an important aspect. Anything that we do will
not make any sense if it is not communicated well to the employees. One of the important
step in reaching out to employees in the right way is to foster a culture of transparency. When
employees know what the organization is doing, it is easier for them to understand their roles
and how they can best contribute to the big picture. Moreover, when there’s a lack of
transparency that can foster fear and lead to rumors that inhibit engagement and productivity.
When you don’t effectively communicate with others you can end up wasting hours, days or
even months of valuable time. A simple example of this is interrupting someone while that
person is in the middle of a doing an important task. While you might have good intentions,
like we have said many times before, interruption is one of the kryptonite of productivity. 
A lot of our business communication will take place face-to-face, such as meetings and
conferences, where staff of the company would be informed on the changes and decisions on
a weekly meetings regarding the merger of the business. And due to these face to face
meetings the employees and the management would make speedy decisions being made and
also all the employees would have clear understanding of the business they are employed in.

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Workplace Psychology (WPY603) ADHRM Mariyam Shahudha (AC8054)

Gawin deciding to bring change would allow Gawin to lower its average costs which will
enable lower prices for consumers as well. Also it will enable Gawin to increase its market. 
The main challenge in this change would be the impact of employee attitudes, emotions and
perception throughout. Studies suggests that perception of organizational readiness to change,
supervisory support, and trust in management and appropriateness in change will enhance
after the employees are trained and have experienced the relevant changes. Negative attitudes
can be overcome by developing a plan for change by conducting scheduled meetings with
employees. Can give the employees a specific amount of time to identify the steps of the plan
and listen to the employees’ reasons for their negative attitudes.
Such attitudes, emotions and perceptions can be handled by offering ways to motivate the
workforce. Some effective motivational methods are introducing rewards and recognitions,
understanding the behavior and appreciating their work, and letting the employees feel that
they are an important part of the organization. In order to do so, the organization can establish
better ways of communicating its employees. Employees need to be well communicated with
regard to the change to be brought. By being informed on the updates, employees will have
the feeling that they are also an important part of the change as well. 

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