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Dna databes used for mainly two reasons,

- Old killings
- Identifying unknown soldiers

Different companies/ databases

GEDmatch, most useful

When looked at a criminal profile, the extragenic DNA is looked at.

STR, short tandem repeat

Up to 1-6 bp are repeated several times.
Forensic STR’s -> 4 or 5 bp

These STR’s are selected based on

- Ability to copy them
- Discriminatory value

- One single base in genomic DNA changed
- Different changes can occur
- The base you see least should be below 1% in the population
- Wild type (common) and mutation (minor)
- >5% has the mutation -> SNP

- Between 50-80 SNPs needed to create something as unique as the STR profile

The dutch DNA database for criminal cases -> STRs

GEDmatch -> SNPs

Criminal database
3 different categories
- DNA profiles from traces
- DNA profiles from individuals
- DNA profiles NN and Cold cases

Authorities should have access to all commercial databases
Pro’s/con’s Make a stance/choice and validate this with arguments you find online

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