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Pair work

PLACE 1 (the place you liked)

PLACE 2 (the place you didn´t like)

b. Write one review about each place. Each review must be 80 to 100 words.
Don’t forget to use adverbs and positive and negative language.

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor

Uses mostly accurate and May display accurate but Displays a limited
Uses accurate and appropriate grammatical limited range of syntactic range of syntactic
appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary structures and vocabulary for structures and
Language Use related to the task for the the level (problems with basic vocabulary (problems
(Grammar & structures and vocabulary
related to the task for the level with some errors; grammar structures and with basic grammar
Vocabulary) however, they do not spelling errors). Errors may structures and spelling
level with minimum errors
that do not interfere with interfere with text interfere with text errors) for the level.
text comprehension. comprehension. comprehension. Errors interfere with
text comprehension.

Effective and appropriate Many errors in the use of It doesn’t show use of
Punctuation use of punctuation, Few errors in the use of punctuation and punctuation and
capitalization. punctuation, capitalization. capitalization. capitalization rules.

Gives accurate information

Gives accurate information for at least 4 topics required
Gives accurate information in the instructions and
for at least 6 topics Gives accurate
for all topics required in the includes the writer's opinion
Content required in the instructions information for 3 or
instructions and includes but not backed up with
and includes the writer's fewer topics required
the writer's opinion backed evidence from the restaurant.
opinion backed up with in the
up with evidence from the
evidence from the instructions.and/or is
restaurant. missing the writer's

Address the task well, Limited development in

Somewhat addresses the topic
Task Effectively address the although some points may response to the topic
and task with some unclear
Development topic and task. Number of not be fully elaborated. and task. The number
points. The number of words
words according to the Does not reach the number of words is less than
reaches about 50% of what
task assigned. of words according to the 50% of what was
was assigned for the task.
task assigned. assigned for the task.

TOTAL 1.5 1 0.7 0.25


A grade of 0 (zero) is assigned when the student doesn’t write anything or when the text presented has been plagiarized (copied).

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