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Formulaic language for…

1)expressing one´s opinions/speculating: 

 I imagine...

 I guess...

 I wonder(if)...

 I (don´t) find it... 

 They/It must/may/might/ could (be)...

 They´re/It´s probably...

 I (don´t) think/reckon/believe...

 Personally, ... 

 It seems (to me) (that)...

 It looks as if/though + sentence

2)inviting a person to give their opinion about something:

 What about you?

 And you?
 What do you think about it?
 How do you feel about/see it?
 Do you agree?
 Do you think the same (as I do)?
 What´s your (point of) view on it?
 What´s your standpoint on it?
 Do you feel the same in relation to/concerning this?

3)expressing disagreement about something:

 True, but…
 Well, I´m afraid I don´t see it/think the same way (as you do)…
 Sorry, but I don´t quite agree (with you)…
 Uhm, I guess/reckon/believe/think I´ll have to disagree (with you) (on that/this)…
 Well, it seems (to me) (that) we don´t share the same (point of) view/standpoint/stance on
this/that, as…
 Sorry, but, we don´t seem to share the same (point of) view/standpoint/stance on this/that, as…

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