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Read the passage carefully and answer the question following it (1-3)

The word ‘hygiene’ means the practice of keeping ourselves clean. It also means to keep our home and work places
clean. It is important for our good health.

Hygiene is thought to be next to godliness. It is because we cannot achieve anything physically, mentally or
spiritually if we are unclean in our body, mind and soul. Nobody likes an unclean person either. So we must follow
the rules of hygiene.

First, we must keep our body clean. We should have a bath every day and wash our hair regularly. This will keep the
body and hair free from dirt and bacteria.

Secondly, we should wash our clothes regularly. Dirty clothes give off bad smell and invite germs. We should wear
socks and shoes when we go out to protect our feet from dust and germs. It is also important to wash our hands
before meals and after using the toilet. We should brush our teeth twice a day, after breakfast and supper. We must
also cut our nails regularly. Our drinking water must be safe. We can get safe water by boiling and filtering.

Finally, we should keep our surroundings and environment clean. If we do and follow all the above things properly,
we will be able to lead a healthy and happy life.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives:          5×1=5

a) The word ‘hygiene’ is similar to ----- .

i) . trust
ii)   Satisfaction
iii)   physical soundness
iv)   religious value
b) The word ‘important’ refers ----- .
i) good
ii) Well
iii) heavy     
iv) essential
c) There should be no ----- in drinking water.
i) freshness     
ii) Contamination  
iii) crystallite 
iv)  germs
d) We must attempt for ----- our environment clean.
i) keep
ii) kept       
iii) Keeping   
iv) keeps
e) Which one of the following is an alternative to ‘filter’?
i) constrain  
ii) restrain   
iii) strain     
iv) contain
f) Hygiene is ……. for our good health.  
i) good      
ii) essential 
iii) injurious    
iv) harmful
g) Hygiene is thought to be next to….. 
i) godliness   
ii) creativeness   
iii) holiness     
iv) atheism
h) Everybody …….an unclean person.
i) wants        
ii) abhors      
iii) likes      
iv) dislikes
i) Putting on shoes……..germs.
i) invites  
ii) prevents  
iii) creates   
iv) removes
j) We should brush our teeth…….a day.
i) four times      
ii) thrice     
iii) once    
iv) twice
k) Condition means______
i) State
ii) Mind
iii) Good
iv) Bad
l) Concentrate_______
i) Mean
ii) Healthy
iii) Every
iv) Attention upon a certain object
m) Possession means______
i) Equal
ii) Property
iii) Value
iv) Personal
n) The word Exercise means_____
i) Want
ii) Go
iii) Exertion
iv) With
o) Life means______
i) Passes
ii) Born
iii) Luck
iv) A living being
p) Spiritually' means .
i) Wholly
ii) Purely
iii) Divinely
iv) Nicely
q) 'Wear' means .
i) put off
ii) put by
iii) put on
iv) put in
r) Which of the following is the example of hygiene?
i) to take bath in a dirty pond
ii) to keep hair uncombed
iii) to wear shoes
iv) to keep our room dirty
s) Which of the following is pure drinking water?
i) drain water
ii) boiled water
iii) pond water
iv) river water
t) The word 'dirt' refers to 
i) Filth
ii) fire
iii) fume
iv) smoke
u) The word 'hygiene' is related with 
i) Happiness
ii) unhappiness
iii) cleanliness
iv) iv) truthfulness
v) Clean' refers to .
i) Dirty
ii) dirt-free
iii) foregone
iv) desire
w) Hygiene is important for .
i) earning money
ii) getting job
iii) doing work
iv) preserving good health
x) What does the word 'important' mean?
i) Developed
ii) Drevious
iii) Significant
iv) Authorised
y) Who is not liked by anyone?
i) A healthy person
ii) A rich man
iii) An unclean person
iv) An unhealthy person
z) Hygiene is  for our good health.
i) Bad
ii) Essential
iii) God
iv) Harmful
aa) Everybody  an unclean person.
i) Hates
ii) Likes
iii) Dislikes
iv) Adorn
bb) We must  by the rules of hygiene.
i) disobey
ii) Follow
iii) Live
iv) Abide

cc) Our environment should be  clean.

i) Kept
ii) Keep
iii) Keeping
iv) to keep

dd) We  to keep our body clean.

i) Bath
ii) Bathe
iii) Sleep
iv) take exercise
ee) Hygiene' means.
i) practice of keeping aloof from cleanliness
ii) practice of keeping ourselves clean
iii) practice of eating healthy food
iv) practice of keeping untidy

ff) Hygiene is  to our health.

i) Detrimental
ii) Injurious
iii) Inimical
iv) Advantageous

gg) Hygiene is thought to be next to  .

i) Godliness
ii) Creativeness
iii) Holiness
iv) Atheism

hh) We can't achieve anything physically, mentally or spiritually  we are clean.

i) If
ii) However
iii) Whether
iv) Unless

ii) Our drinking water must be  .

i) Refresh
ii) Polluted
iii) Untreated
iv) Uncontaminated
jj) Happy
i) Shocked
ii) Gloomy
iii) cheerful
iv) hobby
kk) pure
i) costly
ii) valuable
iii) rare
iv) uncontaminated
ll) protect
i) ruin
ii) devastate
iii) preserve
iv) destroy
mm) dirt
i) cool
ii) liquid thing
iii) filth
iv) solid thing
nn) follow
i) observe
ii) disturb
iii) avoid
iv) hurt
oo) Hygiene is a  for good health.
i) Necessary
ii) Important
iii) Must
iv) Essential

pp) Unclean clothes  bad.

i) Look
ii) Smell
iii) Are
iv) give off

qq) Putting on shoes  germs.

i) Prevents
ii) Invites
iii) Creates
iv) Remove

rr) The word 'hygiene' refers to  .

i) Untidy
ii) Cleanliness
iii) Smartness
iv) Freshness
ss) Filtered water is  .
i) Unsafe
ii) Impure
iii) Safe
iv) Transparent
tt) The term 'hygiene' refers to .
i) Inaction
ii) Godliness
iii) Cleanliness
iv) Practice

uu) Cleanliness has positive impact on our  .

i) Body
ii) Mind
iii) Soul
iv) body and mind

vv) 'Hygiene' is important for  .

i) earning money
ii) getting job
iii) preserving good health
iv) doing work
ww) What does the word "important" mean?
i) Developed
ii) Significant
iii) Previous
iv) Authorized

xx) Everybody  a tidy person.

i) Likes
ii) Praises
iii) Dislikes
iv) rebukes

2. Give short answers to the following questions:                                                                                       2×5=10

a) What does hygiene mean?

b) How can we keep ourselves clean and bacteria-free?
c) What kind of water should we drink?
d) What should we do before meals and using the toilet?
e) Why should we keep our environment clean?
f) What do you understand by good?
g) What is essential for anyone to lead a happy life?
h) What should we do if we want to keep ourselves healthy?
i) Why should we go to bed early at night and rise early in the morning?
j) What kind of water should we drink?
k) Why should we wear socks and shoes?
3. Read the text again. Now, write a summary of it.                               10

Read the passage and answer the questions. (4 & 5)

The greatest dramatist of English literature named Shakespeare was born and died on the same date. It was on the
23rd April, 1564 when he was born at Stratford on. This is why he is called the bird of Avon. He wrote 37 plays and
154 Sonnets. They spread fame to his unrivaled knowledge of human nature and the sympathy and understanding
with which he painted almost every type and class of character.

In the poems, the poet’s love of nature has found an eloquent expression as has an undertone of his deep concern for
the limitations of human society. In the rough weather nature has no particular enmity towards man and it treats all

4. Complete the following table with the information given in the passage.                                          1×5=5

Who Events Where/How many Time/what

Shakespeare was born (i)………. on 23rd April

He is called (ii)……..

He (iii)……… 1564 Sonnets

He wrote (iv)….. Plays

He died (v)……..

5. Write True or False. If false, give the correct information.                                                                 1×5=5

a) Shakespeare was mostly known for his Sonnets.

b) He was born in England.
c) He wrote 37 dramas.
d) His name and fame are still unrivaled.
e) He painted only a tragic type of character in his plays.

6. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.                                                                           1×5=5                  

An honest man is true to (a) ____words. He does not deviate from the (b) ____ of honesty. He knows that (c)
_____consists of honesty. So, he does not (d) ____victim to any greed. He has no ambition for (e)____things.

7. Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order. 1×10=10                 

a) In order to teach them the value of unity he called his sons beside him.
b) Then he asked his sons to break the bundle of sticks.
c) The three boys went and brought the sticks and rope for their father.
d) The old farmer heard them.
e) One day, the sons were quarreling again.
f) Once upon a time there was an old farmer.
g) He told them to bring him three sticks and some rope.
h) The three sons always quarreled with each other.
i) The old farmer then tied the sticks together with the rope.
j) He lived with his wife and three sons in a small village

8). Fill in the gaps using clues from the boxes. There are more words than necessary :
unique patriot affection and of civilization
human progress loves the it older

Patriotism is an inherent quality of (a)______being. It creates in man a (b) _____ love for his motherland, the land

(c) _____ his birth. Patriotism is older than (d) _____. A man who (e) _____ his country and does his own duty

for (f) _____ progress of his country is called a (g) _____. Even the ancient tribes had a great (h) _____ for the

land where they lived (i) _____ sacrificed their lives to preserve (j) _____.

9).The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in Column B are the endings.
Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences :

Column A Column B
a) The secret of success lies 1) every moment is valuable.
b) Many of us often forget that 2) when we will die.
c) Life is short 3) we have to do a lot of work.
d) We don’t know 4) but art is long.
e) In this short period 5) in the proper use of time.

Section B
10. Suppose, you are Jamil/Jamila and you have a friend named Sadd/ Sadoa. Your friend is aware of your
aim in life. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend about your aim in life. 1×10=10                 

11. Write a paragraph of 250 words on “A Street Hawker”.


A Street Hawker

"A street hawker is a familiar figure in towns, who sells various things while moving from street to street. They
usually live in a hut or slum and are vendors of a variety of goods. They carry their products sometimes on their
heads, sometimes in their hands, and at other times in a small handcart. They sell toys, bangles, ribbons, clothing,
sweets, fruits, utensils, newspapers, fancy goods, and household items by bringing them up to people's doors. They
are clever individuals who know how to run their businesses. They choose different products for children, women,
and men that will attract their respective target markets. Thus, they earn their living by selling different things to
their customers. As they pass along the street, they make a peculiar cry to attract the attention of their customers.
Children gather around them here and there and stop them. The hawkers generally choose an hour when the head of
the household is away, and the women are free from their household duties, hoping thereby to make a good bargain.
In towns everywhere, we see hawkers, and many of them are good businessmen. On the other hand, there is another
kind of hawker who buys newspapers, empty pots, old books, and worn-out clothes from the houses. While children
are fond of street hawkers, men do not usually like them. By carrying the products for sale in their hands or on their
shoulders, they move from door to door. Sometimes, they go from one street to another with their moving shop. A
street hawker's life is not easy and comfortable but rather difficult and full of hardship."

12. Suppose, you have recently visited a new place with some of your friends or family members. Now write
a letter to your friend living in another city describing your experience. 1×10=10                 

40, Pragati Soroni

Baridhara, Dhaka

10 July 2017
Dear Russel,

"I received your letter yesterday, and you wanted to know about my last visit. I am going to describe my new
experience. Last week, I, along with my family members, went to visit Bagerhat. We left for Bagerhat at 9 pm on 2
July 2014 and reached there the next morning. After having breakfast, we visited the mausoleum of Pir Khan Jahan
Ali, the founder of the city. Then, I saw a large lake next to the mausoleum, where some old and exceptional
crocodiles were found. People were feeding the crocodiles hens and other foods, and the crocodiles were responding
to the people's calls. It was really surprising. After a while, we reached the famous Shatgombuj Mosque, and the
architecture of the mosque charmed me. We left the place in the evening and went to our uncle's house in Khulna.
The next morning, we left for Dhaka.

That's all for today. Please convey my best regards to your parents."

Yours ever,


* Draw an envelope and write the full addresses of Masum

Or, Write an email to your friend thanking him for a nice birthday present

13. Write a Story about two Foolish Rats and a Cunning Monkey.

There lived two rats in a house. They were so happy. The led their lives by stealing food from the house. One day
they together stole a piece of cake. They could not divide it between them. They started to quarrel over their share.
As they could not take decision, they went to a monkey for right division of their bread..........

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