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DOI: 10.1002/chem.

201803236 Full Paper

& Electronic Devices

One-Pot Synthesis of Co3O4/Ag Nanoparticles Supported on

N-Doped Graphene as Efficient Bifunctional Oxygen Catalysts for
Flexible Rechargeable Zinc–Air Batteries
Qin Wang+,[a, c] He Miao+,[b] Shanshan Sun,[a] Yejian Xue,*[a] and Zhaoping Liu*[a]

Abstract: Flexible rechargeable zinc–air batteries are consid- catalyst. This can be attributed to the combined effects of
ered as one of the most promising power supplies for the Co3O4, Ag, and N-rGO. Furthermore, PAA (polyacrylic acid)
emerging flexible and wearable electronic devices. However, and PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) based gel-electrolytes have been
the development of flexible zinc–air batteries is stagnant developed as flexible solid-state electrolytes for zinc–air bat-
due to the lack of efficient bifunctional catalysts with high teries. The results show that PAA-based electrolyte is more
oxygen catalytic activity and flexible solid-state electrolytes favorable to the flexible zinc–air battery with a high power
with high mechanical stability and ionic conductivity. In this density due to its relatively high ionic conductivity. The max-
work, Co3O4/Ag@NrGO composite was synthesized by a imum power density of flexible zinc–air batteries with
facile one-pot method, and the catalyst shows remarkable Co3O4/Ag@NrGO catalyst and PAA-based electrolyte can
oxygen reduction reaction (ORR)/oxygen evolution reaction reach 108 mW cm@2, which is almost the highest value
(OER) bifunctional catalytic activity and good long-term sta- reached in recent reports. This work will provide valuable
bility. In particular, the OER overpotential of Co3O4/Ag@NrGO guidance for the development of flexible rechargeable zinc–
reaches 437 mV, outperforming that of the commercial IrO2 air batteries with high power density and stability.

Introduction Zinc–air batteries (ZABs) featured by a unique half-opened

system have attracted much attention. The theoretical energy
Recently, flexible and portable electronic devices such as roll- density of ZABs (1084 Wh kg@1) is about three to five times
up displays, wearable sensors, and smart clothing are becom- higher than that of the LIBs. In addition, zinc–air batteries have
ing popular in our daily life.[1] The flexible power supply is an the advantages of being low in cost, effectively rechargeable
important research subject in the development of flexible elec- in alkaline electrolyte, safe, and nontoxic. Therefore, flexible
tronic devices. Currently, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are usually zinc–air batteries are considered as a promising power alterna-
used as the state-of-the-art power source for flexible electronic tive for flexible electronic devices.[3]
devices, but their low intrinsic energy density can hardly meet As a flexible battery, it is necessary to maintain electrochemi-
the needs for long-lasting energy supply. Therefore, the devel- cal and mechanical stability under repeated external loads. The
opment of new energy storage technology with high-energy development of flexible zinc–air batteries is still in the early
density for flexible electronic devices is of great significance.[2] stage with many problems needing to be solved. The most im-
portant issues for developing flexible zinc–air batteries are the
flexible structure and electrolyte membranes. For the flexible
[a] Dr. Q. Wang,+ Dr. S. Sun, Dr. Y. Xue, Prof. Z. Liu structure, two kinds of structures have been usually used in
Key Laboratory of Graphene Technologies
and Applications of Zhejiang Province flexible zinc–air batteries, that is, cable- and sandwich-type
Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering (NIMTE) structures. Recently, the latter has been widely applied in flexi-
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhejiang 315201 (P.R. China) ble zinc–air and Li–air batteries.[4] For flexible electrolyte mem-
branes, they should keep high ionic conductivity and selectivi-
ty, a wide electrochemical window, chemical compatibility with
[b] Dr. H. Miao+
Faculty of Maritime and Transportation other components, and good mechanical properties.[5] One
Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211 (P.R. China) method to prepare electrolyte membranes is to dip porous
[c] Dr. Q. Wang+ separators, such as glass fiber paper in liquid electrolyte, but
University of Chinese Academy of Science this method has the hidden dangers of electrolyte evaporation
19 A Yuquan Rd., Shijingshan District
and leakage.[6] Another method is to adopt a solid-state elec-
Beijing 100049 (P.R. China)
trolyte, which can avoid internal short circuiting of the batter-
[+] These authors contributed equally to this work.
ies and the leakage problem, whilst always showing poor ionic
Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the au-
thor(s) of this article can be found under: conductivity.[7] As a new generation of solid-state electrolyte, alkaline gel electrolyte (AGE) has a good adsorption capacity

Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 14816 – 14823 14816 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Paper

of liquid electrolyte, which is beneficial for the OH@ ions trans- and high-performance gel-electrolyte, which will be valuable
port and participation in reactions, making it a promising can- for the development and application of flexible rechargeable
didate for electrolytes in flexible zinc–air batteries.[8] zinc–air batteries.
In addition, the significant challenge for flexible zinc–air bat-
teries is the intrinsically sluggish kinetics of the oxygen elec-
trode. Many efforts have been devoted to developing efficient
Results and Discussion
electrochemical catalysts, in order to facilitate the oxygen re- The crystalline phases of the as-prepared graphene composites
duction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER).[9] have been characterized by XRD, and the diffraction patterns
Up to now, the best catalysts for ORR are Pt and its alloys, and are shown in Figure 1. It can be seen that the diffraction peaks
the favorite catalysts for OER are Ir, Ru, and their oxides. But at 38.1, 44.3, 64.5, and 77.48 can be assigned to (111), (200),
the high price and scarcity of these precious-metal-based cata- (220), and (311) planes of Ag, according to the standard data-
lysts seriously limit their practical application.[10] Instead of the base (PDF#87-0717-Ag). Whereas the diffraction peaks at 19,
precious metal-based catalysts, transition-metal-based catalysts 31.3, 36.8, and 59.48 correspond to the (111), (220), (311), and
have attracted intensive research interests due to their low (511) planes of Co3O4, according to the standard database
price and acceptable catalytic activities. Among them, Co3O4 is (PDF#74-2120-Co3O4). Therefore, the as-synthesized composites
one of most widely studied materials, though its ORR activity can be confirmed to Co3O4@rGO, Ag@rGO, Co3O4/Ag@rGO, and
is not very satisfactory.[11] On the other hand, Ag is regarded as Co3O4/Ag@NrGO, respectively, without any impurity phase.
a promising ORR catalyst due to its relatively low price and
direct four-electron reaction on the surface.[12] Also, Ag has the
highest electric conductivity (6.8213 V 107 S m@1) in all metals,
while the value is as low as & 10@2 S cm@1 for Co3O4.[13] Unfortu-
nately, the OER catalytic activity of Ag is particularly poor. The
composite of Co3O4 and Ag may achieve favorable bifunctional
catalytic effects toward ORR and OER. Amin et al.[14] reported
that the mixture of Co3O4 nanoparticles (50 nm, 99.5 %, Aldrich)
and Ag nanoparticles (Ag 311) prepared by simple physical
mixing can be used as an efficient bifunctional oxygen catalyst
of Li–air batteries. From the rotating-disk electrode tests, the
optimized composite of Co3O4/Ag showed a much lower over-
potential ( & 320 mV) for ORR than pure Co3O4 catalyst, and
was verified to be a four-electron pathway. Meanwhile, the
OER activity of the composite catalyst is about 1.5 times higher
than the single Co3O4 catalyst. Generally speaking, the compo-
sites prepared by physical mixing usually shows poor interac-
tion between each species, and cannot realize the optimal cat-
alytic activities. Therefore, more efficient synthesis strategies
should be developed to prepare Co3O4/Ag composite.[15]
Another method to improve the conductivity and catalytic
activity of Co3O4 is compositing it with the conductive carbon
materials, especially, some heteroatom-doped carbon materials
that can also provide active sites for oxygen catalysis. Dai’s
group[11a] found that, the in-suit growth of Co3O4 nanoparticles
Figure 1. XRD patterns of the as-prepared samples.
(4–8 nm) on N-doped reduced graphene (rGO) sheets can
create synergistic effects, and the Co3O4/rGO composite shows
much better ORR/OER catalytic activities than the single Co3O4 The micromorphology of the typical sample Co3O4/
catalyst or Co3O4 + rGO catalyst prepared by the physical Ag@NrGO has been observed by SEM and TEM equipment.
mixing method. The SEM image in Figure 2 a shows the curved graphene
In this work, we synthesized Co3O4/Ag@NrGO composite by sheets clearly. The TEM image in Figure 2 b shows that the
a facile one-pot solvothermal method. The Co3O4 and Ag parti- spherical particles with diameters of 10–15 nm are evenly dis-
cles were directly nucleated and anchored on the graphene tributed on the graphene sheets. The HR-TEM images (Fig-
sheets. Simultaneously, nitrogen doping on the skeleton of ure 2 c,d) reveal that the lattice fringes with a spacing of
graphene was realized. The combined effects of Co3O4, Ag, and 0.236 nm can be assigned to the Ag(111) crystalline plane, and
NrGO can significantly enhance the ORR/OER bifunctional cata- those of 0.244 nm correspond to the (311) plane of Co3O4.
lytic activity. Then, a flexible zinc–air battery was fabricated Energy dispersion spectrum (EDS) analysis (Figure 2 e) has been
using Co3O4/Ag@NrGO oxygen catalyst and PAA/PVA alkaline conducted on the red-box area in the TEM image, which con-
gel electrolytes and showed the promising application pros- firms the existence of C, Co, Ag, and Cu elements, whereas Cu
pect. This work focused on the efficient bifunctional catalyst is the substrate used in the TEM sample preparation. The N el-

Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 14816 – 14823 14817 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Paper

two peaks at 368.2 and 374.2 eV, relating to Ag 3d5/2

and Ag 3d3/2, respectively.[18] This indicates that Ag
ions have been thoroughly reduced to metal sliver
and deposited on the graphene sheets during the
solvothermal reaction. Figure 3 d shows the high-res-
olution XPS spectrum of N 1 s, which can be divided
into three peaks, representing pyridinic N (398.3 eV),
pyrrolic N (399.6 eV), and graphitic N (401.6 eV), re-
spectively.[19] Different N species lead to different
chemical and electronic environments of the neigh-
boring carbon atoms, resulting in different electroca-
talytic activities.[20] Generally, the graphitic N and the
pyridinic N are considered as the active sites toward
ORR and OER.[21]
Figure 4 a shows the LSV polarization curves of the
as-prepared composites during ORR in the potential
Figure 2. SEM image (a), TEM image (b), HR-TEM images (c,d), and EDS analysis (e) of range of 0.1–1.1 V vs. RHE, which are obtained in
Co3O4/Ag@NrGO. 0.1 m KOH electrolyte at the rotation rate of

ement has not been detected, which may due to its relatively
low content in the small detection area.
XPS measurements have been performed on the as-pre-
pared samples to investigate the concentration and the oxida-
tive state of the elements on the surface of materials. As
shown in Table 1, the content of Co and Ag in the Co3O4/
Ag@rGO and Co3O4/Ag@NrGO samples are much lower than

Table 1. XPS quantitative analyses of the as-prepared samples.

Species concentration [wt. %]

Catalysts Co 2p Ag 3d O 1s N 1s C 1s
Co3O4@rGO 49.28 – 27.06 – 23.66
Ag@rGO – 26.54 19.32 – 54.14
Co3O4/Ag@rGO 27.05 5.79 26.03 – 41.14
Co3O4/Ag@NrGO 26.82 4.2 25.5 3.62 39.85

Figure 3. XPS surface analysis of the Co3O4/Ag@NrGO: a) overall spectrum;

b) Co 2p; c) Ag 3d; d) N 1s.
those of the other two samples (Co3O4@rGO and Ag@rGO),
which is consistent with the experimental design, in order to
verify the combined effects of Co and Ag species in the Co3O4/ 1600 rpm and scan speed of 5 mV s@1. The half-wave potential
Ag composites. Figure 3 a shows the wide spectrum of the (E1/2) of different samples shows the order as: Ag@rGO >
Co3O4/Ag@NrGO sample. The signals of Co, Ag, O, N, and C Co3O4/Ag@NrGO > Co3O4/Ag@rGO > Co3O4@rGO, which are
can be detected, which is consistent with the elements in the 0.751, 0.735, 0.712, and 0.629 V, respectively. Figure 4 b shows
sample. It also confirms that the N atoms have been success- the LSV polarization curves of the Co3O4/Ag@NrGO sample at
fully doped in the graphene lattice structure. different rotation rates (400, 600, 900, 1200, 1600, 2000, and
Figure 3 b shows the high-resolution XPS spectrum of Co 2p, 2400 rpm). According to K–L equations described in the Sup-
which contains two major peaks Co 2p3/2 (780.8 eV) and Co porting Information, the electron-transfer number can be fitted
2p1/2 (796.0 eV), and a pair of satellite peaks. The major peaks to & 3.86. Figure 4 c shows the mass specific activities of differ-
can be further fitted into four subpeaks, which correspond to ent samples, it be seen, Co3O4/Ag@NrGO has the highest mass
Co3 + (779.9, 795.1 eV) and Co2 + (781.9, 797.1 eV), respectively. specific activity (0.055 mA mg@1) at 0.7 V, a little higher than
The spin-orbit splitting is about 15.2 eV, providing further evi- that of Ag@rGO (0.052 mA mg@1).
dence for the oxidative state of the Co species.[16] The mixed Figure 4 d shows the LSV polarization curves of OER in the
valences of Co ions lead to bifunctional activity towards ORR potential range of 1.1 &1.9 V vs. RHE. To generate a current
and OER, by acting as donor–acceptor chemisorption sites for density of 10 mA cm@2, the Co3O4/Ag@NrGO sample needs an
reversible adsorption–desorption of oxygen.[17] Figure 3 c is the overpotential h of 437 mV, which is the smallest among those
high-resolution XPS spectrum of Ag, which is composed of of prepared catalysts in this work. This value is even lower

Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 14816 – 14823 14818 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Paper

Figure 4. Characterization of electrochemical properties: a) the ORR LSV curves; b) the LSV curves conducted at different rotation rates and the fitting lines ac-
cording to K-L equations, c) mass activities measured at 0.7 and 0.75 V; d) the OER LSV curves; e) mass activities measured at the overpotential of 500 and
600 mV; f) the potential difference DE of the as-prepared samples. Electrolyte: O2-saturated 0.1 m KOH solution; rotation rate: 1600 rpm; scan rate: 5 mV s@1.

than that of the commercial IrO2 catalyst (442 mV). For the Ag/
Table 2. Comparison of ORR and OER catalytic activities of the as-pre-
rGO sample, a much bigger overpotential (730 mV) is needed, pared samples with the reported Co-based electrocatalysts.[b]
indicating a poor OER activity, and the fluctuation of the OER
LSV polarization curve at 1.5–1.6 V should be ascribed to the ORR OER
E0 [V] E1/2 Ej = @3 Ej = 10 h[a] DE Ref.
oxidation of silver.[22] Figure 4 e shows the mass specific actives [V] [V] [V] [mV] [V]
of different samples at overpotentials of 500 and 600 mV, re-
Co3O4@rGO 0.933 0.629 0.626 1.703 473 1.08 this
spectively. It can be seen that Co3O4/Ag@NrGO shows the work
highest mass specific activity among the four samples, which Ag@rGO 0.895 0.751 0.750 1.960 730 1.21 this
are 0.056 (h = 500 mV) and 0.087 mA mg@1 (h = 600 mV), respec- work
tively. Whereas, the Ag/rGO sample shows the worst mass spe- Co3O4/Ag@rGO 0.937 0.712 0.717 1.708 478 0.99 This
cific activity. Figure 4 f shows the potential differences (DE) of Co3O4/ 0.974 0.735 0.737 1.667 437 0.93 This
the four samples between Ej = 10 and @3 mA cm@2, and the Ag@NrGO work
smaller DE represents the better bifunctionality towards ORR Pt/C 0.939 0.801 0.800 – – – this
and OER. It can be seen, among the four samples that Co3O4/ work
IrO2 – – – 1.672 442 – this
Ag@NrGO shows the smallest DE (0.93 V), which is also lower work
than those of similar catalysts recently reported in the litera- Meso-Co3O4 0.66 1.62 0.96 [23a]
ture (shown in Table 2).[23] Co/Co3O4-NG 0.617 1.667 1.05 [23b]
In order to investigate the long-term stability of Co3O4/ CoOx/CNT 0.64 1.62 0.98 [23c]
Co3O4/oCNT 0.75 1.75 1.00 [23d]
Ag@NrGO during the ORR, a 40 000 s chronoamperometry (CA)
test has been conducted at 0.4 V. The inset in Figure 5 a shows [a] The overpotential h is obtained as follows: h = Ej = 10 mA cm@2@1.23 V
(vs. RHE), in which 1.23 V (vs. RHE) is the potential of O2/H2O equilibrium.
the current retention curves of Co3O4/Ag@NrGO and Pt/C cata-
[b] All potentials in Table 2 are referenced with respect to reversible hy-
lysts during the CA tests. It can be seen, after the CA test, that drogen electrode (RHE) scale.
the current retention of Co3O4/Ag@NrGO (96 %) is higher than
that of Pt/C (88 %). Comparing the LSV polarization curves
before and after CA tests, it can be seen that the two curves of
the Co3O4/Ag@NrGO catalyst are nearly coincident, indicating unchanged for Co3O4/Ag@NrGO, but it increases obviously for
the good stability. Whereas, an evidently negative shift IrO2 catalyst. The LSV polarization curve nearly coincides with
( & 35 mV) can be observed for the Pt/C catalyst. Figure 5 b the former one for Co3O4/Ag@NrGO, but shifts positively for
shows the long-term OER stability tests of Co3O4/Ag@NrGO IrO2 catalyst. The results demonstrate that Co3O4/Ag@NrGO has
and IrO2 catalysts. A chronopotentiometry (CP) measurement a better ORR and OER stability than those of commercial pre-
has been performed at a current density of 10 mA cm@2 that cious metal catalysts.
lasted for 10 000 s. From the potential degradation curves To evaluate the performance of the as-prepared graphene-
(insert in Figure 5 b), the potential during the CP test is almost composite catalysts in practical application, the liquid zinc–air

Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 14816 – 14823 14819 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Paper

Figure 5. a) Comparison of the LSV curves of Co3O4/Ag@NrGO and 20 wt. %

Pt/C before and after chronoamperometric (CA) tests, insert: the CA respons-
es at 0.4 V. b) Comparison of the LSV curves of Co3O4/Ag@NrGO and IrO2
before and after chronopotentiometry (CP) tests; insert: the CP responses at
a current density of 10 mA cm@2. Electrolyte: O2-saturated 0.1 m KOH solu-
tion; rotation rate: 1600 rpm; scan rate: 5 mV s@1.

battery has been assembled. The schematic diagram and

actual photograph are shown in Figure 6 a and b, respectively.
Figure 6. Schematic illustration (a) and actual photograph (b) of a liquid re-
The charge–discharge polarization curves of zinc–air batteries
chargeable zinc–air battery; c) Charge-discharge polarization curves of re-
with different cathode catalysts are shown in Figure 6 c. It can chargeable zinc–air batteries with different catalysts; d) Charge-discharge cy-
be seen that the battery with Ag@rGO catalyst shows a rela- cling curves of zinc–air batteries with Co3O4/Ag@NrGO and 20 wt. % Pt/C
tively high power density, but suffers from a much higher catalysts at 10 mA cm@2.
charging voltage. Compared with Ag@rGO, the battery with
Co3O4@rGO catalyst shows a lower charging voltage, but
worse discharge performance. For the battery using Co3O4/ voltage gap is 1.08 V for the Co3O4/Ag@NrGO battery, whereas
Ag@NrGO catalyst, the power density and discharging voltage the value is as high as 2.05 V for the Pt/C battery due to its
at the same current density are comparable to that with Ag/ severe degradation during the cycling tests.
rGO catalyst, and the charging voltage at the same current We further investigate the performance of the flexible zinc–
density is as low as that with Co3O4@rGO catalyst. This demon- air batteries with Co3O4/Ag@NrGO catalyst. Figure 7 a,b are the
strates that Co3O4/Ag@NrGO is a promising bifunctional cata- structure illustration and actual photograph of the sandwich-
lyst with the advantages of Ag/rGO and Co3O4@rGO catalysts. structured flexible zinc–air battery, respectively. The charge-dis-
Figure 6 d shows the charge–discharge cycling curves (at charge polarization curves of the flexible zinc–air batteries
10 mA cm@2) of batteries with Co3O4/Ag@NrGO and Pt/C cata- with Co3O4/Ag@NrGO catalyst and PAA/PVA-based gel electro-
lysts. It can be seen, after 100 cycles that the charge–discharge lytes are shown in Figure 7 c. The maximum power density of

Figure 7. Schematic illustration (a) and actual photograph (b) of a flexible rechargeable zinc–air battery. c) Charge-discharge polarization curves of flexible
zinc–air batteries with Co3O4/Ag@NrGO catalyst and PAA/PVA-based electrolytes; d) the galvanostatic discharge curves at different current plateaus; e) the
charge-discharge cycling curves of flexible zinc–air batteries with PAA and PVA-based electrolytes at 2 mA cm@2 ; f) The AC impedance spectroscopy of gel-

Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 14816 – 14823 14820 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Paper

the zinc–air battery with PAA and PVA-based electrolyte are Conclusions
108 and 39 mW cm@2, respectively. Furthermore, the battery
with PAA-based electrolyte is more favorable to discharge In this work, we developed a flexible rechargeable zinc–air bat-
under a big current density. When the current density is more tery with high power density and stability by using Co3O4/
than 50 mA cm@2, a rapid decrease of discharge voltage and Ag@NrGO catalyst and PAA-based electrolyte. The highly effi-
power density can be observed for the PVA-based battery due cient Co3O4/Ag@NrGO catalyst was synthesized by directly nu-
to the large concentration polarization of the gel electrolyte. cleating, growing, and anchoring of Co3O4 and Ag nanoparti-
This demonstrates that the battery with PAA-based electrolyte cles on N-doped graphene sheets. The composite shows excel-
can effectively eliminate the concentration polarization and lent ORR/OER catalytic activities by combining the advantages
reach the higher power density. Figure 7 d shows the discharge of Co3O4, Ag, and N-rGO. Remarkably, the OER overpotential of
curves at a current density of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 mA cm@2, and Co3O4/Ag@NrGO was as low as 437 mV, outperforming that of
each discharge plateau lasts for 10 min. It can be seen that the the commercial IrO2 catalyst. Furthermore, the flexible PAA-
PVA-based battery shows significant voltage decay in the last based solid-state electrolyte with high ionic conductivity and
two discharge platforms due to the concentration polarization. mechanical stability was obtained by a facile organic-gel
Figure 7 e shows the charge–discharge cycling curves (at method. Using Co3O4/Ag@NrGO catalyst and PAA-based elec-
2 mA cm@2) of the PAA and PVA-based batteries. Each cycle trolyte, the flexible zinc–air battery can reach the Pmax of
contains a 5 min charging process and a 5 min discharging 108 mW cm@2, and exhibit good cycling stability. We believe
process. It can be seen that no obvious degradation has oc- that our facile and effective strategies in preparing bifunctional
curred for the PAA-based battery, whereas the PVA-based bat- oxygen catalysts and gel-electrolytes are promising for the de-
tery suffers somewhat degradation. The charge–discharge volt- velopment of next-generation flexible zinc–air batteries.
age gaps of the PAA and PVA-based batteries after 100 cycles
are 0.77 and 0.82 V, respectively.
The ionic conductivities of PAA- and PVA-based gel electro- Experimental Section
lytes have been tested by the AC impedance spectroscopy Sample preparation
method (described in the Supporting Information), and the re-
sults are shown in Figure 7 f. The calculated ionic conductivity Graphene oxide (GO) was prepared from a natural graphite sheet
based on the modified Hummers method, which was reported in
of the PAA-based electrolyte is 0.282 S cm@1, which is
the literature.[24] The finally obtained GO/H2O suspension was con-
1.84 times higher than that of the PVA-based electrolyte
centrated, and the concentration of GO in the suspension was
(0.153 S cm@1). Therefore, the good discharging performance of measured by a freeze-drying and weighting process, which was
the PAA-based battery can be ascribed to the high ionic con- 4.65 mg g@1. For the synthesis of Co3O4@rGO, GO suspension
ductivity of PAA. Figure 8 shows a demonstration of a flexible (12.9 g, GO & 60 mg) was added to anhydrous ethanol (60 mL).
rechargeable zinc–air battery working at different bending After sonication for 30 min, Co(CH3COO)2·4 H2O (0.44 g) was added
angels (take the case of the PAA-based electrolyte). It can be and dissolved in the above GO suspension. The mixture was
seen that the open circuit voltage of the single zinc–air battery placed in a water bath at 80 8C with continuous stirring for 10 h. In
this process, the Co(Ac)2 was hydrolyzed, and the Co3O4 was nucle-
is about 1.3 V. At conditions of 0, 90, and 1808 bending, the
ating on the graphene sheets. Then, the mixture was transferred to
single flexible battery can normally power the LED light, which
a 100 mL stainless-steel Teflon-lined autoclave for the solvothermal
confirms that the PAA-based electrolyte has good flexibility reaction (150 8C, 3 h). In this process, Co3O4 was further crystallizing
and mechanical stability. and growing; meanwhile, the oxide graphene was reduced. The re-
action products were washed by deionized water and anhydrous
alcohol 3 times. After centrifuging and freeze-drying, the final
Co3O4@rGO composite was obtained. The Ag@rGO composite was
synthesized under the same procedure, just by replacing the
Co(Ac)2 by 120 mg silver nitrate (AgNO3).
For the synthesis of Co3O4/Ag@rGO, GO suspension (12.9 g, GO
& 60 mg) was added to anhydrous ethanol (60 mL) to form a ho-
mogeneous dispersion. Then Co(Ac)2 (0.22 g) and AgNO3 (60 mg)
were dissolved in deionized water (12 and 6 mL, respectively). The
two solutions were mixed with the GO and ethanol dispersion. The
mixture was treated in the water bath and underwent the solvo-
thermal reaction (see the previous description). During the solvo-
thermal reaction, Ag + was reduced to Ag, and the final Co3O4/
Ag@rGO product was obtained. The target Co3O4/Ag@NrGO com-
posite was prepared by adding NH3OH (2.5 mL, 30 wt.%) solution
before the solvothermal process and the remaining other steps.

Figure 8. Bending property tests of the flexible zinc–air batteries.

Sample characterizations
The chemical phases of the four samples were identified by X-ray
diffractometer (XRD, D8 Advance, Germany) with CuKa radiation

Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 14816 – 14823 14821 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Paper

(1.5418 a). The micromorphologies of the samples were observed Acknowledgements

by SEM (S4800, Hitachi) and TEM (JF-20, Hitachi). The element con-
tents and valence state information on the surface of the materials
This work was supported by National Key Research and Devel-
were characterized by XPS (AXIS ULTARDLD).
opment Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFB0100100), the
Key Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Electrochemical measurements (Grant No. KGZD-EW-T08), and Ningbo Natural Science Founda-
The electrochemical performance of the materials has been investi- tion (2017A610058 and 2018A610015).
gated by the rotating-disk electrode equipment (RDE, Pine Instru-
ments) together with an electrochemical workstation (CHI 660E,
CH Instruments). A standard three-electrode system was used in Conflict of interest
the test with 0.1 m KOH as the electrolyte and Hg/HgO and Pt wire
as the reference and counter electrode, respectively. The working The authors declare no conflict of interest.
electrode was prepared as follows: catalysts (10 mg) and carbon
support (5 mg, Vulcan-XC72) were dispersed in anhydrous ethanol
(2 mL), and then Nafion solution (80 mL, 5 wt %, DuPont) was Keywords: bifunctional catalysts · electronic devices · oxygen
added. The mixture was homogenized by a 60 min sonication. evolution reaction · oxygen reduction reaction · zinc–air
Then, 10 mL of the dispersion was coated on the polished glass batteries
carbon electrode. After drying thoroughly, a catalyst film was
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