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Chapter 1

Statement of the Problem
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Scope of the Study
Definition of Terms

Chapter 2
History of Hotels
Convention Hotels

Functional Requirements

Hotel Code

Classification of hotels

Required facilities for DOT Accreditation

Two categories of service

Hotel guest reservation

Administrative area



Guest floor corridor

Banqueting space

Convention facilities

Other related topics

Legal Requirements
Setbacks and yard
Percentage of Site Occupancy
Allowable Maximum Buiding footprint
Building Height Limit
Parking space requirements\Other topics reated to Convention Hotel
Safety Requirements
Electrical Safety
Mechanical Safety
Service vehicles traffic
Other topics abt safety

Present a better design for the government

Hep the residence of bacood city, government officials in general
A desire to discover something
Improve the services of hotel
Statement of the prob--link --bridge--gap
Indi mayo pag arrange sng hospital
-reason i conduct this study
-bec indi mayo ang plastar
Kulang ang hosp

A Qualitative Study Of Environmental, Soc-Cultural, And Economic Effects Of Tourism

Development Beach Resorts In Local Communities Of Dahican, Mati City

The current research focuses on the effects of tourist development on Bacolod City, as well
as how sustainable tourism may handle the problem without jeopardizing culture,
environmental preservation, or ecological balance.
As a result, the research will look at the socio-cultural, economic, and environmental
effects of tourism development on Bacolodnon communities, among other things.

This study aims to examine the overall effects of tourism boom in Bacolod City.
Secondary data sources included official government statistics and data, a review of
government policies in the literature, and an archival review of news clippings and historical
data on tourism development; all qualitative methods for developing a new body of
knowledge that can minimize the negative effects of economic, cultural, and
environmental sustainability while maximizing the positive effects

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