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Original Research

Agreement Between the Iron Path App and a Linear

Position Transducer for Measuring Average
Concentric Velocity and Range of Motion of
Barbell Exercises
Jovana Kasovic,1 Benjamin Martin,1 Joseph P. Carzoli,2 Michael C. Zourdos,3 and Christopher A. Fahs4
Department of Exercise Science, Lindenwood University Belleville, Belleville Illinois; 2Department of Integrative Physiology, University
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of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; 3Department of Exercise Science and Health Promotion, Muscle Physiology Laboratory, Florida
Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida; and 4College of Health Sciences, Logan University, Chesterfield, Missouri

Kasovic, J, Martin, B, Carzoli, JP, Zourdos, MC, and Fahs, CA. Agreement between the Iron Path app and a linear position
transducer for measuring average concentric velocity and range of motion of barbell exercises. J Strength Cond Res 35(2S):
S95–S101, 2021—The purpose of this study was to compare average concentric velocity (ACV) and range of motion (ROM) values
measured by the Iron Path (IP) app to the previously validated Open Barbell System (OBS) linear position transducer during the front
and back squat and conventional and sumo deadlift. Twenty-seven men and women (21 6 3 years old; 76.7 6 14.5 kg; 1.72 6
0.09 m) with squat and deadlift training experience completed a modified one repetition maximum protocol on 4 separate occasions
in a randomized order. The IP app and OBS device recorded ACV and ROM during each protocol. The level of statistical significant
was set at p # 0.05. Bland–Altman plots showed fairly large limits of agreement for both ACV and ROM. Furthermore, 95%
confidence intervals for the intraclass correlation coefficients indicated the agreement in ACV between the devices for each of the 4
lifts to range from 0.648–0.876 to 0.849–0.930 and for agreement in ROM between devices to range from 20.053–0.480 to
0.545–0.770. Compared with the OBS, the IP app recorded significantly (p , 0.05) lower ACV values for the front squat and back
squat and greater ROM values for the sumo deadlift. We suggest the IP app should not be used in place of a validated linear position
transducer for measuring ACV or ROM for barbell lifts.
Key Words: velocity-based training, squat, deadlift, resistance training, smartphone

Introduction velocity-based to elicit greater strength and power adaptations

compared with percentage-based training (9).
The average concentric velocity (ACV) during a resistance ex-
The utility of the measurement depends upon the accuracy
ercise repetition is inversely related to the load lifted (18). Be-
and accessibility of device used. To determine if a device which
cause of the strong relationship between ACV and load,
measures ACV is valid, it must be compared with a criterion
measuring ACV during resistance training has potential bene-
device (e.g., three-dimensional motion capture or force plate)
fits. Specifically, ACV at submaximal loads can be used to
using multiple plots of agreement. Because the criterion
predict the one repetition maximum (1RM) (13,14). However,
this method is not perfect because it has been shown to over- methods can cost tens of thousands of dollars, it is necessary to
estimate the actual 1RM in exercises such as the free-weight examine the validity of cost-effective options for practical
back squat (4). Furthermore, ACV can be used to prescribe usage. Common linear position transducers such as the Tendo
training load (8,19) such as 4 sets of 8 repetitions between 0.40 Weightlifting Analyzer (;$1,500) and GymAware Power
and 0.60 m·s21. This programming of a velocity zone is known Tool (;$2,000) are still quite expensive. Furthermore, the
as velocity-based training and can be used in lieu of percentage Tendo Weightlifting Analyzer compared less favorably to
of 1RM (e.g., 4 sets of 8 repetitions at 70% of 1RM). Velocity- a three-dimension motion capture system than the more
based training can allow subjects to complete repetitions at moderately priced Open Barbell System (OBS) (;$250),
faster velocities (as load is adjusted during a training session) which was shown to be valid for both ACV and peak con-
with less mechanical stress than percentage-based training centric velocity (12). In addition, the OBS is an “open source”
(when training at a fixed percentage of 1RM) (6). Despite the product, and thus, it can be manufactured by the user for an
potential utility of velocity-based training, its utility has prac- even lower cost (;$100).
tical limitations such as taking time to set up as well as addi- Despite the validity and relative affordability of the OBS,
tional equipment required (6). Currently, only study has shown smart phone applications such as the Iron Path (IP) app are
widely available at minimal cost (,$5). Previous studies have
stated validity low-cost options such as the PowerLift app (3)
Address correspondence to Christopher A. Fahs, and Beast Wearable device (2) for measuring ACV. However,
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 35(2S)/S95–S101 both studies only compared the measurement devices to the
ª 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association nonvalidated SmartCoach Power Encoder linear position


Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Iron Path App Accuracy (2021) 35:2S

transducer and not a true criterion device. Additional research University Belleville’s Institutional Review Board (approval #00065),
that compared the PowerLift app among 7 different commer- and all subjects provided written informed consent to participate.
cially available devices found it to be the second most valid
device, with greater validity than wearable devices such as the
PUSH band and Beast sensor (17). Despite the PowerLift app Procedures
having a similar cost to the IP app (,$5), the PowerLift app
only provides information related to barbell velocity, while the Anthropometrics. Standing height was recorded to the nearest
IP app provides more information, such as qualitative in- 0.01 m with standard stadiometer (Tanita HR-200; Tanita Cor-
formation on bar path (i.e., a tracing of the bar path during each poration, Arlington Heights, IL), and body mass was recorded
repetition) as well as acceleration and range of motion (ROM) with a digital scale (Tanita BWB-800S Doctors Scale; Tanita
in addition to barbell velocity. Given the limited cost and lack of Corporation) to the nearest 0.1 kg.
equipment needed to use the IP app, this could potentially be
a useful method for measuring ACV. However, currently, it is One Repetition Maximum Protocol. Subjects performed a stan-
unknown if the IP app provides measures of ACV and ROM dardized warm-up on a Monark cycle ergometer (Monark
that could be used interchangeably with measures from a linear Ergomedic 828 E) at a self-selected light intensity (i.e., rating of
position transducer. If the IP app provides similar measures of perceived exertion 9–11) for 5 minutes. Using the subject’s esti-
ACV and ROM as a linear position transducer, it could provide mated 1RM (e1RM), the loads for the warm-up sets were de-
an opportunity for individuals to monitor ACV during training termined. Following the protocol recommended by Jovanovic
without the need for additional equipment and cost of a linear and Flanagan (14), warm-up sets consisted of 2–3 repetitions with
position transducer. Both devices (IP app and OBS device) 30–40% of the e1RM, 2 repetitions with 40–50% of the e1RM,
calculate measures of ACV and ROM rather than measure them 1–2 repetitions with 60–70% of the e1RM, and 1 repetition with
directly which could affect the validity and agreement of these 2 70–80% of the e1RM, and 1 repetition with 80–85% of the
devices. Although the OBS device is not considered a true cri- e1RM. A minimum of 3 minutes was allotted between warm-up
terion for measuring ACV, linear position transducers are the sets. Subjects were instructed to lift with maximal effort on every
most commonly used devices in this area of research (14). repetition regardless of the load being lifted, and they were en-
Furthermore, the OBS has been validated recently against couraged to maintain consistent technique for each attempt.
a criterion three-dimensional motion capture system with small Following the last warm-up attempt, the 1RM was determined as
limits of agreement of 20.03 to 0.04 m·s21 for measures of the heaviest load (kilogram) lifted through a full ROM. Up to 5
ACV between the 2 devices (12). Therefore, the purpose of this attempts were used to determine the 1RM and a minimum of 3-
study was to compare ACV and ROM values measured by the minute rest was allotted between each attempt.
IP app and OBS device during free-weight barbell exercises. We
chose to perform this study using the squat and deadlift exer- Open Barbell System. The OBS device (Squats & Science Labs
cises, since the former requires that the eccentric portion pre- LLC, Seattle, WA), a linear position transducer, was placed on
cedes the concentric portion of the lift, whereas the latter the floor with the cable aligned perpendicular to the ground
exercise begins with a motionless barbell and the concentric during the execution of each repetition. For the deadlift exer-
phase precedes the eccentric phase of the lift. We hypothesize cises (conventional deadlift and sumo deadlift), the device was
that the IP app will show agreement with the OBS in measuring placed in the center of the barbell, and for the squat exercises
ACV and ROM such that if the devices could be used in- (front squat and back squat), the device was placed on the
terchangeable for measuring ACV. barbell sleeve on the lifter’s right hand side. Average concentric
velocity and ROM were recorded directly from the unit’s
electronic display. The OBS device provides a valid measure-
ment of ACV compared with a three-dimensional motion
capture system (12).
Experimental Approach to the Problem
Iron Path App. The IP app (version 1.9; William Bishop,
In a randomized order, subjects completed a modified 1RM
Bothell, WA) was used to record ACV and ROM using an
protocol for the front squat, back squat, conventional deadlift,
iPhone 8 plus at a quality of 1,080 p at the standard video
and sumo deadlift during 4 visits to the laboratory. During the
recording speed of 30 frames per second. This was the default
1RM protocol, a linear position transducer, the OBS, was at-
recording speed for IP app used on the iPhone 8 plus. The
tached to the barbell while the IP app was simultaneously used to
phone was held motionless on a support stand 1.83 m to the left
record barbell movement during each repetition. Barbell ACV
of the end of the barbell at a height of either 0.21 m (for the
(m·s21) and ROM (m) were recorded during the concentric por-
deadlifts) or 1.07 m (for the squats) in line with the barbell in
tion of each repetition from each device.
the sagittal plane. The camera position was based on pilot
testing, which ensured that the full ROM was able to be
recorded for all repetitions. The video recorded of each repe-
Subjects tition included both the concentric and eccentric portion of
Twenty-seven men and women (21 6 3 years old, age range: 19-35 each repetition. During the video analysis, the highlighted re-
years old; 76.7 6 14.5 kg; 1.72 6 0.09 m; mean 6 SD) who had gion of interest to be traced was placed around the plates on the
training experience with both the squat (front squat or back squat) barbell. Once the trace video process was complete, the file was
and deadlift (conventional or sumo deadlift) participated in this study. saved and exported to Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corp,
All subjects were currently training with at least one form of the squat Redmond, WA), which contained an instantaneous velocity
(FS or BS) and one form of the deadlift (SD or CD) and were familiar (m·s21), acceleration (m·s22), and distance (m) value for each
with both styles of each lift. This study was approved by Lindenwood video frame (values from each frame listed sequentially row by


Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Iron Path App Accuracy (2021) 35:2S |

row). From the original video, the approximate time stamps of conventional deadlift (C), and sumo deadlift (D). The limits of
the beginning and end of the concentric portion of each repe- agreement were as follows: front-squat ACV 20.17 to 0.23
tition were noted for reference during the analysis of each Excel m·s21, ROM 20.157 to 0.167 m; back-squat ACV 20.13 to
file. From the Excel file, using the approximate time stamps as 0.20 m·s21, ROM 20.132 to 0.195 m; conventional deadlift
reference, the concentric portion of each repetition was iden- ACV 20.13 to 0.16 m·s21, ROM 20.122 to 0.114 m; and sumo
tified as the first frame (data row) with a positive velocity value deadlift ACV 20.15 to 0.17 m·s21, ROM 20.129 to 0.110 m.
and ending at the frame (data row) immediately before the The mountain plots for ACV (Figure 3) for front (A) and back
frame in which velocity values registered as zero or negative. (B) squat depict ACV for IP to not be tightly conformed to the
All velocity values (all data rows) during the concentric portion zero difference line and show long tails (0.30–0.40 m·s21),
of the repetition were averaged to determine ACV. Range of which suggests lower agreement between the devices. Figure 3C,
motion was determined over the same band of cells as ACV and D shows the IP app to be tightly conformed to the zero difference
calculated as the absolute value of the difference between the line for both conventional and sumo deadlift ACV; however, the
distance value recorded at the beginning and at the end of the tails (.0.20 m·s21) do suggest a small degree of disagreement
concentric portion of the repetition. Data were not smoothed, between devices. Mountain plots for ROM (Figure 4) illustrate
and all data were reported in their raw form. that conventional deadlift (C) and sumo deadlift (D) ROM are
tightly conformed to the zero difference line (tails ;0.100 m)
suggesting agreement between devices. However, mountain
Statistical Analyses plots for front squat (A) and back squat (B) ROM show the IP
All data are presented as mean 6 SD. The agreement of the IP app app ROM is not tightly conformed to the zero difference line
in relation to the OBS was evaluated using Bland–Altman plots with longer tails (.0.200 m), suggesting lower agreement be-
(7) and folded empirical cumulative distribution plots (mountain tween the devices.
plots), along with Wilcoxon signed-rank paired-samples t-tests,
and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) (based on a single-
rater, absolute agreement, two-way mixed-effects model) (15).
SPSS version 25 was used for calculation of the ICC and ICC 95% The main finding of this study is that, compared with a vali-
confidence interval (CI) while JASP version 9.2 was used for dated linear position transducer, the IP app yielded significantly
Wilcoxon signed-rank analyses. Statistical significance was set as different measures of AVC and ROM, and there was relatively
p # 0.05. RStudio (version 1.1.456, Boston MA) was used to low agreement between the devices. Specifically, the IP app
produce the Mountain plots, and Microsoft Excel was used to underestimates ACV and ROM for the squat while over-
produce the Bland–Altman
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Plots. The SEM was calculated as estimating ROM for the sumo deadlift compared with the OBS
SEM 5 SD 3 1 2 ICC. device. The agreement of the IP app compared with the OBS
device seems to be affected by the type of lift it is recording with
the IP app demonstrating lower agreement for both ACV and
Results ROM in both squat exercises compared with both deadlift
Descriptive Data, t-tests, ICCs, and SEMs exercises. Although the Bland–Altman plots demonstrate small
mean biases between the OBS and IP app in measuring ACV and
Table 1 presents the descriptive data for all dependent variables as ROM, the limits of agreement show a relatively large range for
well as the ICCs and SEMs. The front-squat ACV and back-squat ACV (;60.20 m·s21) and ROM (;60.200 m) between the 2
ACV and ROM were significantly lower (p , 0.05) for the IP app devices for all 4 lifts. Consequently, these differences in ACV
compared with the OBS device. The sumo deadlift ROM was could translate into large errors if using ACV to predict the
significantly greater (p , 0.05) for the IP app compared with the 1RM or for training load prescription. Thus, we reject our
OBS device. hypothesis that the 2 devices could be used interchangeably for
measuring ACV.
The lower agreement between devices for squat exercises
Bland–Altman and Mountain Plots
compared with the deadlift exercises is likely due to the fact
Bland–Altman plots depict the mean bias (solid black line) and that calculation of ACV with the IP app requires the region of
limits of agreement (dashed black lines) for AVC (Figure 1) and interest to be traced, and there is greater variability in the bar
ROM (Figure 2) for the front squat (A), back squat (B), path tracing during the squat compared with the deadlift. This

Table 1
Descriptive statistics.*†
Front squat 49 ACV (m·s21) 0.44 6 0.18 0.41 6 0.14 0.041 0.789 0.648 to 0.876 0.07
ROM (m) 0.515 6 0.067 0.507 6 0.064 0.216 0.231 20.053 to 0.480 0.057
Back squat 65 ACV (m·s21) 0.44 6 0.15 0.43 6 0.23 ,0.001 0.825 0.698 to 0.897 0.06
ROM (m) 0.526 6 0.073 0.502 6 0.098 0.004 0.384 0.156 to 0.574 0.061
Conventional deadlift 98 ACV (m·s21) 0.44 6 0.18 0.42 6 0.15 0.153 0.897 0.849 to 0.930 0.05
ROM (m) 0.548 6 0.048 0.552 6 0.071 0.184 0.502 0.337 to 0.636 0.042
Sumo deadlift 93 ACV (m·s21) 0.39 6 0.18 0.39 6 0.17 0.654 0.866 0.805 to 0.909 0.02
ROM (m) 0.489 6 0.073 0.498 6 0.079 0.037 0.643 0.545 to 0.770 0.027
*ACV 5 average concentric velocity; ROM 5 range of motion; OBS 5 Open Barbell System; IP 5 Iron Path app; ICC 5 intraclass correlation coefficient; ICC 95% CI 5 ICC 95% confidence interval.
†All data shown as mean 6 SD.


Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Iron Path App Accuracy (2021) 35:2S

Figure 1. Bland–Altman plots showing agreement in ACV between devices for the front squat (A), back squat (B), conventional
deadlift (C), and sumo deadlift (D). Solid black line represents mean bias, and dashed lines represent limits of agreement. ACV
5 average concentric velocity.

variability is due to the transition between the eccentric and identifying the beginning of the concentric portion of the squat.
concentric phase of the squat. It is possible that the recording By contrast, the stationary bar position before the concentric
frame rate (30 frames per second) added to the error in phase of the deadlift may have allowed the IP app to gauge

Figure 2. Bland–Altman plots showing agreement in ROM between devices for the front squat (A), back squat (B), con-
ventional deadlift (C), and sumo deadlift (D). Solid black line represents mean bias, and dashed lines represent limits of
agreement. ROM 5 range of motion.


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Iron Path App Accuracy (2021) 35:2S |

Figure 3. Mountain plots showing agreement in ACV between devices for the front squat (A), back squat
(B), conventional deadlift (C), and sumo deadlift (D). ACV 5 average concentric velocity.

ACV and ROM more accurately and thus be in greater Our study is similar to a number of other recent inves-
agreement with the OBS. Notably, our sample size was also tigations on the validity and reliability of different devices in
lower for the comparison between devices with the squat measuring ACV. The PUSH band wearable device was repor-
compared with our sample size for the deadlift. The lower ted to have good to excellent (ICC 5 0.907; 95% CI 5
sample size for the squat was due to technical difficulty in 0.872–0.933) agreement in measuring ACV during the back
obtaining accurate bar path tracings with the IP app from the squat compared with a linear position transducer (1). How-
squat videos, which was also due to the greater variability in ever, similar to our study, the Bland–Altman plots revealed
bar path for the squat. It was especially difficult to obtain ac- relatively large limits of agreement (;60.20 m·s21) in ACV
curate bar path tracing if more than one repetition was per- between the devices (1), which would suggest a significant er-
formed during the video. ror if using the devices interchangeably for velocity-based
The IP app’s accuracy in measuring ROM compared with training. Similarly, another study reported good to excellent
the OBS device was lower compared with the agreement be- agreement based on ICCs (ICC 5 0.923; 95% CI 5
tween the 2 devices in measuring ACV. One explanation for 0.889–0.946) between the PUSH band and a criterion three-
the lower agreement in measuring ROM could be due to the dimensional motion capture system. However, the PUSH band
frame rate (30 frames per second) at which the video was underestimated ACV during the bench press and it was con-
recorded for the IP app. In the analysis of the excel files with cluded that the PUSH band did not provide a valid measure of
the IP app data, ACV was derived from the average velocity ACV (16). Several studies have also investigated the validity
over a range of data points, whereas ROM was derived as the and reliability of the PowerLift app in measuring ACV
difference between 2 specific data points. Thus, if the limited (2,3,17). During the free-weight bench press exercise, the
frame rate was a source of error for the IP app data, this would PowerLift app was reported to have excellent agreement with
have a larger effect on the ROM measurement calculated from a linear position transducer in measuring ACV based on ICCs
2 specific data points in time in comparison with the ACV (ICC 5 0.965; 95% CI 5 0.952–0.974) with smaller limits of
measurement, which is calculated as an average value over agreement (;60.11 m·s21) than observed in this study with
many data points. the IP app (3). However, the criterion in that study was


Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Iron Path App Accuracy (2021) 35:2S

Figure 4. Mountain plots showing agreement in ROM between devices for the front squat (A), back squat
(B), conventional deadlift (C), and sumo deadlift (D). ROM 5 range of motion.

a nonvalidated SmartCoach Power Encoder linear position trans- Overall, our study suggests that the IP app does not provide
ducer (3). Slightly greater (;60.15 m·s21) limits of agreement were similar ACV and ROM measurements to the OBS device. Al-
found between the PowerLift app and SmartCoach Power Encoder though our study is not the first to show the lack of agreement
in ACV during the hip thrust exercise (2). Furthermore, Perez- between a low-cost app and a linear position transducer, we
Castilla et al. (17) showed larger limits of agreement (;60.22 believe the present findings are unique because the OBS has been
m·s21) between the PowerLift app and a three-dimensional motion truly validated against a criterion, and thus, we can be reason-
capture for ACV during a Smith machine bench press. Another ably confident that the results of this study would be similar
low-cost video software (Kinovea) was investigated for mean versus a criterion device. Importantly, we also demonstrated the
propulsive velocity during the bench press; however, this study type of exercise performed (squat vs. deadlift) may affect the
reported large mean biases and was only compared with a linear agreement between the IP app and a linear position transducer.
position transducer and not a criterion device (20). Although this Although the viewing angle, camera height, and recording speed
study compared the IP app with a linear position transducer, the used with the IP app in this study were within the recom-
OBS used presently was previously found to be valid (12). Specif- mendations for weightlifting video analysis, the camera distance
ically, Goldsmith et al. reported low limits of agreement (20.04 to from the barbell (,2 m) was less than what is recommended
0.03 m·s21) for the OBS versus a three-dimensional motion capture ($10 m) (11). This may have affected the accuracy of the IP app
for ACV. In other words, although this study did not compare the but was also the largest distance feasible within the physical
IP app with a true criterion, the IP app was compared with the constraints of the laboratory. However, we feel this distance
linear position transducer, which, to the best of our knowledge, has would be comparable with the distance available within most
been shown to have the best level of agreement with any criterion training facilities, and thus, our setup provided a practical rep-
device reported in the literature to date (12). resentation of how the IP app would be used.


Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Iron Path App Accuracy (2021) 35:2S |

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