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What is Communication Skills?

Communication means to exchange any kind of information and

information. And the one which enables that information and
information to understand others and understand itself is called
Communication Skills. Communication skill is a part of
or communication which is not available to everyone.

Types of Communication:-

There are mainly three types of communication:-

1.Verbal Communication
2.written communication
3. non-verbal communication

1.Verbal Communication Skills :-

Oral communication refers to such communication, in which the
message is usually communicated by speaking. This is a common
form of communication, which we have been using for a long
The pronunciation of sentences, words and phrases is considered
oral communication. Oral communication is commonly used in
meetings, on the phone in seminars and in presentation of
etc. Phone This medium of non-verbal communication is most in
vogue at the present time. It is a medium of two-way
communication, in which it is possible to transmit (send) a
to the recipient sitting anywhere in the world through telephone.

2.Written Communication Skills:-

Written communication is of utmost importance in today's time. It
is essential for business development, for preparing advertising
material or for communication with other organizations. For
communication, it is necessary that simple and simple language
been used in the written message.
Following are the major forms of written communication
By Email by E-mail – This is a modern form of communication, in
which with the help of computer and internet, the message can go
from one place to another faster than other mediums. Email ID is
required for the sender and the receiver. The required file can
be sent by attaching it with the message sent by email. The
sent by email is received by the recipient in the Email Inbox.
By Letters - This is a very ancient method. In this, the person
the message sends his message by letter. The person receiving
message sends his reply or response via another letter.
By Fax By Fax – This is a telegraphic device. In this, the sender
any message already typed or written by hand, drawing etc. in his
By Notice By Notice – This is a cheap and easy way to notify all at
once when there are many people working in an organization.

3.Non-Verbal Communication Skills:-

Non-Verbal Communication Skills refers to such communication.
Under which the message is transmitted without uttering words.
Under this, mainly gestures, body language, eye contact, etc. are
used to communicate the message. It is of three types.
Para Language
Proxemics (related to the use of physical space)
Kinetics (the study of body language and facial expression)
Communication skills improve :-
Effective communication refers to such a form of communication,
which helps in building and maintaining a better relationship
between two or more people. This skill also helps people to
well, understand each other's views, develop alternative
perspectives and meet each other's needs. Following are some
principles of effective communication.
Class Notes
Class: IX Topic: UNIT-I

1.What are the various elements of communication ?

The elements are-
 Sender
 Information
 Encoding
 Communication Channel
 Receiver
 Decoding
 Feedback
2. What is the importance of communication skills?
The importance of communication skills is listed through following points:
 Get the message across correctly.
 Professional success.
 Increased productivity.
 Help in problem solving.
 Better professional image.
 Better networking and relationship.

3. The content of the communication is called: A message.

4. To convert a message into groups of words, symbols, gesture, or sounds that present ideas or concepts
is called: Encoding.
5. Which of the following is an example of non-verbal communication media?
a) Facial Expression b) Bulletin board c) Space d) a)and c)
6. Any communication that conveys a message consisting of printed words is called: Written
7. A certain look or glance is an example of : Non-verbal communication.
8. Decoding is the process by which the receiver interprets the symbols used by the source of the
message by converting them into concepts and ideas.
9. An effectively written article does not contain: Jargons.
10. Companies use logos to tell their customer about brands and their missions. This form of
communication is Visual communication.
11. You have written an email to Prime Minister’s Office to know about recently launched student
welfare schemes. What type of communication is this?
Ans: Written Communication.

12. Write Affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences for the sample sentences given below:
a) Tahira loves to watch cricket.
Ans: Affirmative
b) Does he go to the gym daily?
Ans: Interrogative
c) I do not watch serials.
Ans: Negative
d) You like to sing.
Ans: Affirmative

13. Write sentences for first person, second person, third person perspective from the sample
sentence given below:
You are a good singer.
I am a good player (First person)

He is a good player (Third person)

You are a good player (Second person)

14. Write the questions formed from the following sentences.

a) They will go to Delhi.
Ans: Will they go to Delhi?

b) My Uncle can play guitar.

Ans: Can My uncle play guitar?

c) Aani has won the match.

Ans: Has Aani won the match?

d) He has been studying for five hours.

Ans: Has he been studying for five hours?

e) We were sleeping in the backyard.

Ans: Were we sleeping in the backyard?

15. Change the active voice to passive voice and vice versa:

a) Once a week, Chintan cleans his room.

Once a week, Chintan’s room is cleaned by him.
b) The car was repaired by the mechanic.
The mechanic repaired the car.
c) The fort has been visited by many tourists.
Many tourists have visited the fort.
d) Someone will complete the work before 5 pm.
The work will be completed by someone before 5 pm.
e) My mom is going to cook a delicious meal tonight.
Tonight A delicious meal is going to be cooked by my mom.

N.B. : Students are instructed to write the above content in their computer notebook and
prepare it as well.

This content is prepared absolutely from home

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