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It is an online course held via WebEx for university students who are undergraduate and graduate.
Course code: FHSC303 Assisted Reproductive Techniques
Duration: 2 weeks

Learning Assessment Instructional Learning Activities Technologies

Objective Strategies
1)Students will Present and Collaboration All students will watch *Webex to run the meeting
be able to discuss the and Social the Edpuzzle video and (synchronous)
recognize the info graphs. Negotiation answer the questions
first baby born in embedded in it before *Moodle:
IVF. Modeling and class. -upload supplemental articles
Multiple choice Explaining -link to Ed puzzle video
Students will be questions on In class, four breakout -upload prepared info graphs
able to state the Edpuzzle that Articulation sessions will divide the
causes of male are graded. students into groups of *Canva to prepare the info graphs
and female four students whereby
infertility. each group is asked to *Edpuzzle video link
prepare an info graph
Students will be using canva about one https://edpuzzle.com/open/siniosv
able to describe of the four learning
the process of points mentioned for
spermatogenesis today’s session.
and oogenesis.
Students are asked to
Students will be consult supplemental
able to list the articles on Moodle while
main preparing the info
components of graphs.
an oocyte and a
spermatozoon Students will present
and discuss their what they prepared
functions. during class and will be
evaluated accordingly.

2)Students will Student Collaboration Students will read and *Webex to run the meeting
be able to response and Social explore the (synchronous)
explain the system: Negotiation supplementary articles
process of Intra students will related to IUI that are *Moodle
Uterine post answers Articulation uploaded on Moodle -upload supplemental articles
Insemination on Poll before class.
(IUI). Everywhere.
In class, four breakout *PowerPoint to prepare the presentation
sessions will divide the *Canva to prepare presentation
students into groups of *YouTube for an explanatory video
four students whereby
each group is asked to *Poll Everywhere link
prepare a presentation  pollev.com/monanaim496
using canva and explain
the process of IUI.

Each group will get a

chance to present what
they have prepared.

Afterward, students will
access the Poll
Everywhere link to
respond to the posted
IUI-related questions,
and a discussion of the
responses will take
place during class time.

3)Students will Present and Collaboration Before class, the *Webex to run the meeting (synchronous)
be able to list the discuss the and Social students will go through
steps of Assisted flowchart. Negotiation the screencast-O-Matic *Moodle
Reproductive recorded PowerPoint -upload screencast-O-Matic recorded
Techniques H5P Modeling and with my explanation. PowerPoint
(IVF/ICSI). assessment Explaining
In class, four breakout *Canva to prepare flowcharts
Articulation sessions will divide the
students into four *H5P to do assessment
groups. https://monaim.h5p.com/content/
Students are urged to
utilize Canva to create a
flowchart that
sequentially states each
step of the IVF/ICSI
procedure, from the
hormonal stimulation
phase to the embryo
transfer stage, with
important information
summarizing each step.

The developed process
diagrams will be posted
on Moodle, presented in
class, and discussed.

4)Students will On the forum, Articulation The Moodle case *Moodle

be able to students will Reflection studies will be read by
identify the assess one all of the students. Each
reasons that another's work student will work
cause the before the independently to
discrepancy in instructor posts respond to one of the
success rates her comments. three case studies that
between IVF and have been presented in
ICSI treatment. the Moodle forum. The
next step is for each
student to respond to
two of his peers.

5)Students will Explaining In class, the instructor Moodle

be able to Graded will use the PPT  Upload powerpoint
explain the assessment on Collaboration presentation to explain  Upload video
process of Moodle. and Social the process of
blastomere (Summative Negotiation blastomere aspiration Moodle to conduct the graded
aspiration and Assessment) and preimplantation assessment.
preimplantation Using Moodle, Problem genetic testing. The
genetic testing. students will solving instructor will next
take the present a video of the
graded blastomere aspiration
assessment for process for 30 seconds
the ART to help students
course. understand the process.

Students are asked to

choose one of the three
case studies that are
presented and work in
groups of four during
class time and then
using the information
from this lecture,
suggest a solution to the
problem and explain
their decision.

Students will then take

the graded assessment
that is integrated into

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