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The University of Jordan

School of Engineering

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

Capstone Project (0908598)

Second Semester 2023/2024

STOL/ VTOL Jet Fuel Powered UAV

Supervised by: Dr. Mohammad Mashagbeh

Done by:

Abdulrahman Saadeh 0192213

Osama Al-Fityani 0197148
Zaid Aladarbi 0195783
Khaled Omar Alyousef 0193315

Table of Contents
Abstract ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Literature review ................................................................................................................................. 18
Methodology ....................................................................................................................................... 19
1- Reverse Engineering ........................................................................................................... 19
References ........................................................................................................................................... 21

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This project aims to design a Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) or Short Take-Off and
Landing (STOL) jet fuel-powered Remote-Controlled UAV that can achieve significantly greater
range and flying time compared to typical quadcopters, fixed-wing airplanes, and electric drones
in general. The primary goal of this project is to enhance the operational capabilities of RC drones
by utilizing advanced technologies that can enable the drone to stay in the air for an extended
period and cover a larger distance while maintaining stability and control and short take-off
distance (no need for a runway).

To achieve this objective, the project team will utilize a combination of advanced aerodynamic
design and propulsion systems to create an efficient and stable drone platform. The drone's
propulsion system will be powered by jet fuel, which has a higher energy density than conventional
battery-powered systems, providing more extended range and flight times. The VTOL or STOL
design will allow the drone to take off and land vertically, eliminating the need for a runway and
expanding its operational capabilities.

The research team will also investigate the use of lightweight materials and advanced control
systems to optimize the drone's performance and stability. The team will conduct extensive testing
and evaluation of the prototype drone, including flight testing to assess its range, endurance, and
stability. The findings from this study will contribute to the development of advanced drone
technology and enhance the capabilities of RC drones for a wide range of applications, including
surveillance, mapping, search and rescue, and cargo delivery.

Literature review
Our project focuses on the development of a small-scale jet engine, which has been previously
explored by researchers and hobbyists alike. We drew inspiration from Thomas Kamps' book,
"Model Small Gas Turbine Jet Engines," [1] which provided a detailed guide on designing a jet
engine from the perspective of turbomachinery and thermodynamics. This book proved to be an
excellent resource for our project, and we were able to extract valuable information from it.

During our research, we came across several papers on small-scale commercial jet engines. One
such example was a 200N static thrust engine developed by the University of Padova [2], which
was designed for both research and didactic activities. Additionally, researchers at Worcester
Polytechnic Institute designed a turbojet engine with a manufacturing process that helped us
consider suitable materials that could be obtained in the Jordanian market [3].

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Given the abundance of small-scale jet engine projects on YouTube, we aimed to make our project
unique. As a result, we decided to design a model of the F-35B, which features a swivel nozzle for
horizontal take-off and landing. Our goal is to create the first high-performance F-35B model
powered by a small-scale jet engine, despite the challenges posed by the limited local abilities in

1- Reverse Engineering
Reverse engineering refers to the method of deconstructing or examining a product, device, or
system to comprehend how it operates, with the ultimate aim of duplicating or enhancing the
original design. This process can entail disassembling the product to investigate its components,
studying its behavior under different conditions, and employing various techniques to comprehend
how it was designed and manufactured. It involves a range of techniques such as disassembly,
software or code analysis, and 3D scanning and printing to generate replicas or make
modifications. Reverse engineering is widely employed in various fields including engineering,
product design, software development, and manufacturing. As the first step in our project, we
selected a well-known model of commercial jet engines, the KJ66, which has received numerous
reviews from researchers and can be optimized for our needs. We obtained a pre-existing design
from the GrabCAD Library [4] for our model and began 3D printing it.
Below is the initial size that we obtained from JetCat company [5] for a specific model of their

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Figure 1.Size of P300-PRO jet engine model

Based on the figure provided, we have estimated that our engine will be similar in size to this
JetCat product weighing approximately 2.5 kg and producing a thrust of 300 N, which can lift
around 30 kg. This rough estimation provides good specifications for our project.

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[1] T. Kamps, Model Small Gas Turbine Jet Engines, Traplet Publications, 2005.

[2] Ernesto Benini, Stefano Giacometti, "Design, manufacturing and operation of a small
turbojet-engine for research purposes," 2007.

[3] Daniel Alonzo, Alex Crocker, Eric James, John Kingston III, "Design and Manufacturing of
a Miniature Turbojet Engine," 2018.

[4] "GrabCAD Library," [Online]. Available: https://grabcad.com/library.

[5] "JetCat," [Online]. Available: https://www.jetcat.de/en/products/.

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