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Angela Ortiz


Date: May 11,2023

I watched the video on the Soap Film painting and in the video it said the soap

film is transparent and a white light reflecting off the front and back surface of the soap

film, the light interferes and creates patterns. They also describe it as a sandwich with

soap molecules on the front and back. Next, I watched Are your cells you? In the film it

said that someones cells continued to live in the lab and the cells were able to divide

and divide, the cells are easy to grow and they grow very readily. The third thing that I

watched was Bacteria Polis , if you smell it, it will smell earthy and also very sulfury like

rotten eggs. One of the nutrients they add to the panel to encourage the growth of the

color are raw eggs. The fourth thing I watched was Colored Shadows. The man is

making shadows with the colorful lights by moving and using different objects. The fifth

thing I watched was Eclipse in a cup he was making earth out of clay, once he’s done

with the earth he puts a cup over it, then he uses a flashlight to represent it as the sun,

The parts of the earth that he “sun” doesn't reflect on the parts where the moon hits.

Lastly, I watched Circuit Boards. There were 3 aspects: Activity Design which meant

paying attention, Environment means size and placement, and the last one was

When I watched the first three they were interesting. I learned a couple of new things,

but the last three were kinda weird. I did not really understand it but I got it, overall they

were all good. They were good videos but they could have been better but that is my

opinion, other people have other opinions about it. I would watch more if there were

more interesting ones. I really enjoyed watching the soap film. It was pretty watching the

colors and the guy making the clay earth was interesting because I got to see where the

sun hits and how the earth rotates in the solar system. The bacteria film was also

interesting because I would have never thought that bacteria could smell.

Article: Bioluminescence: a chemical reaction that lights up fireflies and jellyfish

By: National Geographic Partners

The word bioluminescence means a chemical reaction within a living creature.

Bioluminescence organisms that produce their own light are useful in the dark and

ocean depths. Bioluminescent organisms like fish, bacteria, and jellies are found in the

ocean, meanwhile fireflies and fungi are found on land.The chemical reaction is caused

by two chemicals- luciferin, and either luciferase and photoprotein. Bioluminescence is

helpful to hunt prey and defend against predators and find a partner ,and etc. Fireflies

that are adults are called “lightning bugs”, they attract mates by lighting up. Male fireflies

are the most flashing fireflies in North America. Bioluminescence is not all prey or

predators, for example algae are plants that float in water, and can cause parts of the

ocean to glow. Scientists are trying to understand bioluminescence to make people's life

easier, for example it could help city streets, and highways.

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