Contract Notes

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no sec E Exception caselaw

1. 27 Agreement in restraint of trade is 1.Saving of agreement not to Norden felt vs Norden felt:(it
void carry business of which good is the example of the
will is sold exception 1)
(i.e., in case of sale of
goodwill there can be
reasonable restrictions)

2. Sole dealing agreement- Gujrat bottling company v.

sell only one product and not Coca-Cola (example of
sell any substitutes of it, e.g., exception 2)
Mc Donald’s can only sell
coke and not any of its
substitutes such as Coca Cola
SB phraser vs Bombay ices
3. Trade combinations- is an manufacturing company
agreement between group of (example for exceptionn 3-
manufacturers or business trade combinations)
owners come together to
organize and regulate trade Charlesworth vs MacDonald
4. Restrictions upon Brahmaputra t company ltd
employees (only during the vs E.Scarth (example on
employment) restrictions after
2. 28 Agreements in restraint of legal 1) Saving of contract to refer a)cogla vs coringa oil
proceedings is void: to arbitration dispute that may company ltd(example for
a) absolute restriction: when an arise- if there is a arbitration absolute restriction and
agreement restricts a person from clause-the dispute has not exception 1)
enforcing their rights risen, but for future disputes
- right gets cancelled in this case b) ABC Laminart v. AP
2) Saving of contract to refer agencies (absolute restraint)
b) Partial restraint: a contract that questions that have already
imposes a smaller time limit arisen.
mentioned in Limitation act is
void. (restrict the time within 3) Saving of a guarantee
which an action has to be agreement of a bank or a
performed) financial institution- if less
-the right exists, but there is a than one year period is
limitation on time, and that time provided
period is less than mentioned in
Limitation act or any law
3. 29 Agreements void for uncertainty: Damodar Tukaram v. State of
It is generally read with sec 93 of Bombay (example for sec 29)
the Indian evidence act.
-the court will court will not admit
evidence that will make an
uncertain thing certain
- Agreements, the meaning of
which is not certain, or capable
of being made certain, are void.
Illustration-e is important

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