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Charles Kwesi Addo is known from a wide range of employers as a seasoned administrative and

customer service manager with more than eight years relevant professional experience in both

the public and the private sector. His key competence, skills and knowledge area includes but not

limited to; Administration, Financial management, Human Resource Planning, Travel and

logistic planning, Customer Service, Conference Planning, Coordination and Organizing,

Scheduling and meeting management among others. Charles understood that, the 21 st century

administrative work is very complex one which has a lot of stakeholders and interest groups such

as the management team, customers, staff, and suppliers who’s on daily basis needed to be attend

to and address every issue of concerns that comes from every department in their domain and as

a result, Charles had married to the demands of the day as an administrator. The needed skills

such as emotional intelligent, problem solving, critical thinking, team work, servant leadership

among others are various attributes that can be easily identifiable with him. Charles believed in

growth and development as an individual and a continuous system improvement as an

organization and as a result, Charles has become an inquisitor and a curious person that led him

to become a voracious reader overnight. Charles has built an enviable reputation for organizing

high-level meetings, events and conferences with rapt attention to details. Colleagues who had

worked with him describe him as organized, focused, result oriented, dedicated and committed

individual. He understood also that, the 21st century administrative work is not complete without
the use of social media, due to that, he has developed the skills and competent in promoting the

business at every given platform available in soliciting for clients and business promotion. He

has a working knowledge in Microsoft Office products such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and

Excel for easy administrative activities. The following paragraph give details of my working

experience from various employments.

I was employed as an Administrator and in six-month time, I was promoted to a General


October 1st 2020 till date. BAJO INVESTMENT LIMITED is a pure water production and

packaging company with the brand name 4EVER FRESH MINERAL WATER which is located

in Ada in the Greater Accra region of Ghana. As an Administrator to a General manager, my

responsibilities are to increase sales, to oversee the totality of all the activities of the business, to

mobilize resources (human, capital and material), negotiate with the company suppliers, ensure

the achievement of quality control and quality assurance of company products to all

stakeholders, generate and submit daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually reports to

substantive authority as specified in the appointment letter and taking workable decisions in

consultation with the Board of Directors. I was employed to BAJO INVESTMENT LIMITED at

the time that the company was about commencing business. For a month or two of rigorous

planning, monitoring, evaluating and continuous system improvement, the business had started

catching up with the major competitors in the market, customer satisfaction was the ultimate

priority and hence the following strategic goals were achieved; Structured 4Ever Fresh Mineral

Water from its initial Setup, Production increased from 1,000 bags to 3,000 bags on daily basis

as well as selling same, Increased sales target from GHC 8,000 to GHC 22,000 per month

consecutively for ten months, Implement and oversee the policy of continuous system
improvement over the period, Ensured the implementation and maintenance of quality control

and assurance of all product and Earned the promotion from being an Administrator to a General

Manager. The above cannot be achieved without being tenacious to personal growth and

development as an individual and a continuous system improvement for our product and the

organization in general.

Charles was also privilege to work for POMA ICE COMPANY LIMITED as an Administrative

Manager from January 2017 to February 2019. POMA ICE COMPANY LIMITED is in the

production and packaging of mineral water and it is located in Medina in the Greater Accra

region of Ghana. As part of my job description, I am responsible of overseeing the quality

control and assurance of the products, negotiate on behalf of the company with suppliers, oversee

the standardization of the products from all department. In the beginning, it was not an easy task

for me because I had taken over that position from someone who has mismanaged the resources

of the organization (capital and human). From the onset everything was at a standstill where

nothing seems to be working; production reduced drastically, workers were not motivated which

had resulted in their inability to produce standardized products, the concept of quality control

and assurance was hampered and competitors had taken over the market. The first thing I did

upon my appointment was to re-organized staff and operational activities, met with the director

to raise money to refinance the operation; the money was used to offset part of the creditors

account (suppliers), paid part of the workers outstanding salaries as well as operational expenses,

visited the customers to introduced myself to them and had a discussion on the company

intentions to stay in business despite the current happenings, set out both output and sales target

for daily, weekly, monthly among others. In a couple of month time through rigorous effort,

commitment and consistency, the following remarkable achievements were recorded; production
target were achieved from 25,000 bags to 55,000 bags on monthly basis, sales turnover had also

increased in same proportion and POMA ICE had become the household name and customers

choice in the market.

Another company that I had the privilege to work for is EL’ORR CASTLE HOTEL & THE

JAZZ COURT. This company is in the hospitality industry and situated in the Ashongman Estate

in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. I was privilege to serve as a manager for the period June

2019 to September 2020. As part of my job description, I am responsible to; schedule

appointments and meetings, reservations and travel itineraries for management and executive

team, handling information requests, handling of administrative work, oversee the totality of all

the activities of the business, prepare and submit daily, weekly and monthly reports to directors,

plan and implement policies that will foster growth and increase revenue generation for the

business. It was not easy though, since a lot is laid on me to achieve. By immerse contribution

and collaboration from team members as well as pragmatic and judicious plans and innovative

policies, we were able to reorganized staff and operations to contribute value for the business,

my honorable management prowess had made EL’ORR CASTLE HOTEL & THE JAZZ

COURT a city of attraction and a place for relaxation for all those who are far and near and these

had brought about an increase in sales target from GHC 7,000 to GHC 20,000 per month for a

couple of months, I also introduced an innovative activities in the form of weekend swimming

competition and discounted event space which had also increased revenue by 40%.

The last employment I had that I wanted to talk about is with GHANA STANDARDS

AUTHORITY. It was established by an act of parliament to oversee the standardization of all

consumable goods that are imported and produced domestically into and in the country

respectively. I had the privilege to work as a Technician at Aflao in the Volta region of Ghana
for the period of July 2006 to September 2013. As part of my responsibilities, I am responsible in

assisting the Administrator in the following capacities; Inspection of High-Risk Goods, prepare

inspection report for both imported and domestic goods, issue permit to importers whose goods

conform to the required standards.

This paragraph is wholly dedicated to talk about the challenges I had with differs people I

worked with from the various employment opportunities I had. One major thing I learnt from and

with people is that, they don’t want to move from their comfort zone and they also don’t want to

comply to your authority especially when they have noticed they were in the company before

you come and you had taken over a leadership position to lead them. This had been a concern but

as a rigorous reader, I knew my way around it. I read about the motivational theory (Theory X

and Theory Y) by Douglas McGregor; Theory X state that people are lazy and that to get the best

out of them, you have to persuade, compel and warn them with punishment so as to achieve the

organizational goals whereas Theory Y state that people (employees) have skills and capabilities

and are willing to be their best if what they are to do is rewardable. The theory ended by saying

that one of the theories cannot be applicable to an organization therefore wisdom demands that

the two are applicable at every given opportunity. The application of such theory had helped me

to achieved the various targets and results I had from the various employment opportunities I had

and how I was able to make my way around them in terms of achieving goals and meeting

deadlines. Another problem I had as a manager and an administrator working with people is

about the complexity nature of divers people you had to manage. In fact, some of the characters I

met were very irritating but I had no excuse than to manage and lead them. What I learnt was to

understand the person. Also, I did not have to force my way into them but rather get and
understand why they chose to do what they do, that way, we can easily iron out our differences

and work harmoniously and have a conducive working environment.

Charles is also a family man and society had placed an irresistible demand on man as the bread

winner of the house and the family. What I did was to draw the line between work and family. I

knew the time I had to work and the time I had to be with my family. I cherished my work

because that’s where I got money to put a food on the table of my family and I cherished my

family highly because they are the source of my motivation and they gave me reason to woke up

in the morning and go to work. What I learnt over the period is to utilize my time effectively at

the office so I can get enough time to be with my family after the close of work. Thus, I learnt to

be diligent, productive and being proactive during my working hours in the office so I would not

have to go home with work except in critical situations, when necessary, where I had to meet

deadlines. Charles is a trustworthy person in the sense that, my family knew of my working

hours and I also communicate with them immediately anytime there is a change about my

schedule time as to whether I will be late home or come and work at home. I always had this

philosophy. Thus, to use the most of the time in the office and the best of the time with my

family. This is what had kept me going all this while.

To conclude, administration refers to a wide range of activities connected with organizing and

supervising the way that an organization or institution functions. Charles is a career person who

had had opportunity in working with different companies on diverse portfolios from being an

administrator to becoming a general manager at some point in time, mobilized resources to

achieved and exceeded target in terms of output and sales revenue from one company to another,

restructured and implemented new initiatives and policies that had resulted into the increment of

sale revenue of 40% at some point in time. Among other things that had contributed to Charles
career success story are his tenacious prowess in administration, financial management, travel

and logistic planning, coordination and organizing, problem solving skills, critical thinking, team

player with a very strong emotional intelligence, focused, organized and results-oriented. He also

had a working knowledge in working with Microsoft products (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)

and a voracious reader. Charles has built an enviable reputation in planning, organizing,

measuring and controlling all the activities of the organization to achieve an organizational goal.

As part of my duties and responsibilities, Charles is responsible for supervising all administrative

work, develop office budget recommendation and justification, preparing data analysis and

statistical reports, handling information requests, preparing report, data entry manager, stock

monitoring and inspection of products, liaising with financial institutions, fulfilling employment

administration requirements among others. Charles is a family man and also a career person who

understands the value of work as well as the being there for your family. He also knows that

business is business and family is family and priority need to be set between and among the two

so that there would not be any interferences to either side of the equation. He understood also

that, the quantity which is the most of the time must be utilized at the office and the quality

which is the best of time must be spent with the family. That is to say that, wherever you are at

every given opportunity, your impact and presence need to be felt. Charles is a highly sought-

after Administrative Executive, his management philosophy is to empower his teammates for

them to perform excellently in their roles and responsibilities.

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