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To make an HTTP request in JavaScript, you can use the XMLHttpRequest object or

the newer fetch API. Here's an example of how to use both methods:

1. Using XMLHttpRequest:
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// Create a new XMLHttpRequest object var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest (); // Configure the request
xhr. open ( 'GET' , '' , true ); // Set up a callback function to handle the response
xhr. onload = function () { if (xhr. status === 200 ) { // Request was successful var response =
JSON . parse (xhr. responseText ); console . log (response); } else { // Request failed console . log ( 'Error: ' +
xhr. status ); } }; // Send the request xhr. send ();
2. Using fetch:
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fetch ( '' ) . then ( function ( response ) { if (response. ok ) { // Request was
successful return response. json (); } else { // Request failed throw new Error ( 'Error: ' +
response. status ); } }) . then ( function ( data ) { console . log (data); }) . catch ( function ( error ) {
console . log (error); });

Both methods allow you to make HTTP requests, but the fetch API is newer and
provides a more modern and flexible way of handling requests. However,
XMLHttpRequest is still widely supported in older browsers. You can choose the
method that best fits your requirements.

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