Examen Final

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Teacher’s name: Nisma Guadalupe Alva Reyes, Eduardo Gutierrez Montiel y Montserrat

Hernández Télez



Read the following article.

0. The first Europeans who arrived into America.

Most people think Christopher Columbus was the first European to reach North America. The
truth is that he wasn’t. The Norse (also known as Vikings) arrived nearly five hundred years
before Columbus’ voyage. A Viking named Leif Eriksson led them to North America. They
settled on the coast, but only stayed a few years.

They often made their living as pirates, traveling to other countries, and terrorizing and robbing
their inhabitants. They originally lived in Scandinavia, a part of Northern Europe. Today that
region includes Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.

Their superior vessels and navigating skills at sea help them reach many distant places all
over Europe and even Russia. They also made important discoveries. Besides North America,
Vikings landed on Iceland and Greenland. They eventually settled on these two masses of
land that had previously not even been known to exist.

Vikings have become infamous for being ruthless. As settlements grew, however, they strayed
from their violent ways. They changed their pirating routes to trading routes. Many Norsemen
also farmed. The Viking Age lasted from the late 700s to about 1100.

Adapted from: https://www.readworks.org/article/Vikings-and-European-Explorers---The-Vikings/bf443eee-107a-4d8c-894c-


I. Look at the missing gaps in the text and match and match the headings (1-5).
There is one extra you do not need. Look at the example. (1
point each)

0. The first Europeans who arrived into America. _________0_____________

1. Vikings were masters at shipbuilding _______________________
2. The real people who discovered America. _______________________
3. Vikings and their ruthless _______________________
4. Columbus was the first men who discovered America _______________________
5. Vikings were a fierce people. _______________________

II. Read the following statements and cross (x) F for false or T for True. You can
read again the article if it is necessary. There is one example below. (1 point each)
0. The first man who arrived into America was a Viking T F
1. The Vikings just stayed in America for a few years T F
2. The Vikings came from Germany, Norway and Greenland T F
3. The Vikings were excellent at building houses T F
4. The two lands that Vikings discovered had already habitants T F
5. The Vikings were known for their roughness ways of conquer. T F
Reading 2.
Read the conversation below
Caro: So, have you got any plans for the weekend?
Lalo: Yeah, me and my mates are going to this activity centre in the mountains.
Caro: Oh, yeah?
Lalo: You can do all kinds of things. It’s a new centre; it sounds great. We’re going to go
dirtboarding …
Caro: What’s that?
Lalo: It’s like skateboarding or snowboarding. You have a board, or deck, to stand on and
wheels. They’re pretty strong because you go down rough mountain tracks on them. Steep,
rough mountain tracks.
Caro: Sounds a bit risky. Have you done it before?
Lalo: No, but I’ve done similar things. Anyway, we’re also going to go canyoning. Before you
ask, that’s when you jump and swim down a river canyon. You have to use ropes and special
equipment. And maybe we’ll go white water rafting too.
Caro: Phew. It sounds far too difficult to me.
Lalo: They have lots of things that you could do too. Like zip-wiring, you know when you go
along a wire through the trees or down a mountain.
Caro: Go down a mountain on a wire!
Lalo: It’s really easy, and exciting too. You just have to hold on and enjoy the ride. Or there’s
bungee jumping.
Caro: Jump off a bridge on a long elastic band! Me? You’ve got to be joking! Anyway, I’m
going away this weekend too, thank you for asking.
Lalo: I was going to ask. So where are you going?
Caro: Paris! I’m so excited!
Lalo: Paris, wow!
Caro: Yeah, it’ll be brilliant! We’re going to do all the sights, like go up the Eiffel Tower and
take a boat along the River Seine and see the old parts of the city. It looks so beautiful in the
photos. And then there are all the art galleries. You know how much I like art. I can’t wait to go
round the Louvre and see all those famous paintings.
Lalo: I think the famous Impressionist paintings are somewhere else.
Caro: Yeah, I know, they’re in the Musée d’Orsay. We’re going there too. And then I want to
go to the Rodin Museum and see that famous statue, you know, The Thinker. And of course, if
we’re in Paris, we’ll have to go shopping. Or look at the shops, at least. And then there’s the
restaurants. Just think, French food!
Lalo: You’ve got a lot planned for one weekend.
Caro: Oh, we’re going for four days, actually.
Lalo: Oh, four days, very nice. And who are you going with?
Caro: Oh, just a friend.

I. Read the following statements and choose the best option. (1 point each)

1. I was/were in London last winter with my friends

2. You was/were very busy the last weekend doing my homework
3. They was/were in front of the cinema waiting for me
4. She was/were later for her date with her crush
5. Tim and Jake was/were at the church with their parents
6. My dog was/were playing all day with its favourite toy

II. Complete the following sentences with the past form of the verbs in brackets. (1
point each)

1. I ___________ to buy some vegetables for the dinner (forget)

2. Nisma ________ up with her boyfriend yesterday (break)
3. Yadira ________ a letter to her best friends for their birthdays (write)
4. Luis’ friends __________ a surprise party for him (prepare)
5. Montse __________ some beers the last Thursday (drink)
6. My sister ______________ to work yesterday because she was ill (not go)
7. My cousin _______________ the last month in Acapulco (marry)
8. My mom ______________ yesterday because we bought pizza for dinner (not

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