E&hv Assignment-04 Rahul Sit - Mee20l15 PDF

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HS9ignMent No-0

Name- Kahuw t Kol No- MEE20LIS

Kes No.-20020100
Bsanc- Mechandca Sem-h

Fox a sode o t h 5% of h e ggade, LOha twi0 be he

Scltsodiene seislance fos a Vehscle of 200 kg!
o Guven
Weh of he Veksdda = 20okg
Gsode = 5% = 0.05

in(eode) = inlo.05
Kollingsesiskonce Coeffician! = 0.01 asumed fox a
We 9 t

Geodiend sesisdance 200 x 0.o5X0.0|

| GsadiensesisAanda 0.1N
1b h is he hanaliis of ous -Paall! HEV?
h s i nciaasad uel eficiencySois - ParaM) MEVs
Con opesoe in eedsic
Onlx Mode at Jou peodg and u e h e qasoline engine
af ioha peeds, Psouidiug highesn fuel efficievcg CohRhuad
o ConVeniona l qasaline Vehic.
i Keduced emigsion 9- Bx uig ha elecisic modas a Joup
Speads and dusung accoA alion, i a
Poha0le HEVs Psoduce SS emissiong CompaNed Jo Convendiona
qalne Vehiclo
ii) Kagpnnodive bsaking eis-PohaDle) HEVs Can ge
tgunanaUive bx0 King Jo CaptLu
Ond 94oxe Cneny hat woudd othanuose ae b s os hd
be e d Jo Pouegho
dusung bxakiin "This theN Can
elecdsic Modox Ond stdhde xian Ce O 9a30livne,
6) mPEoved restosmavmCeSey PonaUld ME Vs Can

impsoved Pestos mance by

Combinn he2 Podes Oupus O h e Clecisic Moox
Gnd o l eline enane L SuLH in talts Recalesofion a
moathas daving
IncAdOSad druvino Songe With abilt to oRenake
in electsic On mode and he
Asaline engine Psoviding oddiliona! Poudex, Luis-Pohal
HEVs Con psovide inCaeoed douvi Sona Compoed Jo

PuOey elatsic Velicdas.

1c whoe he Vaios ComPonends of aasodynonic
2Kodunomic dov
xp oin how hay oppoe h e motion of ve nicle?
9Tha Vo9io Com Ponends Ot a0sodumamic doa oAa
1) Fe dho Foym daogiS CouSed lox he PeeLu9
diftaenCa baluoeen he son and seah
Ota Vehicle ag MoveS hoL9h Jha oux. Thao
In sovn
of Jhe vehide is CompseLed, Czealing G
hgh-Pse%se oSLea, uWhile h o aix laahid t h e
Vehicle exponda, Cxcolin a Jou -Pss8u9e oSLoa.This
Ps9su9e diftuence CxeaGs a tosca h a opposes he
motion of e Vehicle.
tsiction dao%91kin tsicdion daag is CauIed by he
Fsictiona sSigBance betudeen he
Ou and he 9uslace of the Vehide. The a e
Cloest o he Quatoce of h e Malecus
due o h e Vis Cos Vehi
of ha az, and ohis aon
Jauyn of
as Ja uds doln h a a moloculos F he ouwaK
som h e Su9Hace. Tis <(ulls ina focce hot
oPPOeshe Molion of he vekide
3 PsessLe dohag PsessuSe dso is Cased by h e
Pe so diffaence oudeen t e
upPey ond odex Suaitoces of
heVehicle. he Ol
ouina ovex h e GPAAutaco of Jhe Vehic
MoveS Pogtonhan he oUg
Joui hndn h e
Doudex SutaCe ot h e Vehido, Cxlating a Pse3SuSe
A:CConence This PsesSuge
ditEaenCe Cseate a fosca
h a s oPpo h e Mafion of the Vehicla.

u.) nduCed daag' Tnduced daa 1s Couged

b he
of , i c h is hece3 Sax Pxouc
oth i i g oody o t o n fox an Opa
dhe ois, Hs f i s
Onducad O Vos ex is Cseat2d at h e uSin9ips, whic
eSuRs in
inaa douonudaSd FoxCe on, e
O he i n Thus upLiand FoECeais,and dan upwaxd
OPPaS3 the metta
nd h e foscS duato Qe8 Odnahuc dnag ot Velocik
50 Kmph and 60 kmph, KalWing sesig tonce and hadliet
BSistanCe og9uhing P= 12kg|m3 a 3% of adiend,maas
Ot Vekicle 200kg, dxas CocPPiciend is 0.8, aueo-04 m
i s 0.013 ond x e sodius is o29 m
9chJa GJen
Densilx of oj P) = 1.2 kg/m

dao Coalficiond (Ca)= 0.8 ,

tsondol oLea of She vehicl. (A) = 07 m

CoePficiu of solling se3isdavuce (Lu) =0.013,

ixe sodius ()= 0.29m
Gsodien (o) =3 /% = 0.03,
Mo9% of Jhe yekida (m) = 200 Kg
Nosmal osce an h e ixes (N) = Ma Cos(O)
N = 200x3.8 x Cos (0.03
N = 1961.39 N
A 90 km|h, Jhe vwoci of Jhe Vehicla is(V) =30kmln
V 8.33m/s
agnodynoamic dsag (FJ) = 0.5 x Pxcdx Axv2
Fd 0.5 x 1,2x 0:8x 0.7x (8.33
Fa23.31 N
KinasesisJonce. FoscaFg) = Nxu
Fs 1961.99 x 0:013
F 25.50N
Gxadiend sesik donce tosto (Fg) = mx x 9in (o)
Fg 200x9,81 x 9in (0-03)
Iherefose, Ahe atol sesistounCe fosco ot 20 km|h is

F esiskouco 23.31+ 25.50 + 1.02

ssisloa 50 N
H60 Kmlh, the veJocih of he vehicla is; V=60 Kmlh
V 16.67mls
OQsodnoamic dhag osce Fa) = 0.5x1.2 x 0-8x 0.4 x (16.62)

Fa93.97 N
Koin stsistance fos ca (F) = 1961.99 x O:013

Gsadion xsistanCe fosca(f) = 200x 9.81x Sin (0 03)

sesisBance fosca o 6o km|h is
Theue tost, h e Sola
Fsesistonce atFst f
stsistomca -48.374 2550+ 1.02
FBuieCe 19.83 N
2b Find Le doto sactive poudex fox a 9- whealo
sequired at 90 Kmph, Io oves come hoe a2sodynamic
do ag2sading ssisHonca and xolin ssistanco.The dala
Of he vehicle ae asallouds, ma98 60 lkg, Co=0.45,|
09Leo 1,6m2 uis 0.01s
ol.t Given,
mos of Jhe Vehide (m)= 6 0okg.
daas, Cocis Ccd) =0.u5
tSontol oeo of Jhe Vehide
(A) =I. 6 m
Coefficiend of collinase vigd ance (Lu)= 0.015
Vedoci of Jhe Ve hicde (v) = 90 Km/h = 25m/9
HesodynaMic daa2 tosce(Fa) - 0.5 x Px Cd xAxV
x1.2x d.45 x 1.6 x
Fa 240N
KoVingsesiston Ce. fos Ca (fs)

.8) X0.0I5
6oox 9
Fs =

Gsodian sStonce toxcal Fa) = mx x in (0

600x 3.8)xSin (o)

esikonce fa + Fy + Fay
ysioce240 4
lsistsetE 358.29 N
Tol a Eaive Poude (P)= FssiJan ca x V -35823 X25
P 357.25 w 8.95ku
dao Soling sesisAance oand
ompule FoxCaS due o
hadien Fox a 2 wheela a38uming P = I.2 lkg/m and
- 8 find h e aesodynoamic doog a JuIo veloci
aso find h e s allug gesistance a d o velacidieS.
Given doa ae as faows Weie9 uooka, Ca = 0.9,
aSaa 0.6m U = 0.05, V, = 6o Kmph , V2= 8olkmph.
old GUwen
weign of h e vekile (m)= 4oo kg,
daag Co eificiens (Ca) =
Sonta oaa de (A) 0.6 m
of Jhe Vehi =

CaePficien! of sa0Dng xesighance (u) =0.0l5

Den3 of aux (P) = 1.2 kg/ms
Gxaditnd (O) = 8°

<o km/h = l16.67 m/9S

VJoci(v,) =

vedocaV,) =8okm/ 22.23 mls

A Veocda (v,) = 6o kmlh
V, 16 6 mls
aaodnamic daag (Fs,) = 0.5x 1,2x 0:9x 0.6 x(T669

Koinxesi slanca fosce(fs,)= NxJu

s40Ox 9.81 x 0.01S

Gsodien ssigdanca fosce (Fa)= mx 3x Sin (oD)
y00 x 3.81xSin(8)
F 516.12 N
A Veloci (V,) = 8o km/n
odunauc doag Fosce(Fa.) = 0.5x 1.2x 0.9 x 0.6x(2213
Fa,l 60.12 N
KoWingesigkance Fosce Fs Nxu
52 MXU
Fs uo0 x 9.3 I x 0015
Fs2 58,86N
Gaadin sesigdance fosce (Fa)= y00x 9 8 Ix Sin(3
g546.12 N

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