E&hv Assignment-05 - Rahul Sit - 20020100 PDF

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AssignmentNo 05

Name! Kahul 94 Kollo lr MEE 20LI5

Kas No! 2002010D
Bsoneh Mechonical
Q1d what ae he Sigmificonce of EP3?
Chg The ignificance of PS:
O Mease of PsPabiliy- eps is a key manse
which Psovides a clea
of o Compon's psoftabil
ndegndiug of how much Paofu a
Confoy is maling Rex Bhaa. The hahes he EPS, Ihe
mose Portable he Comfoawg
Compaison oih Peess i- Monce
£Ps Con be usdoCompose he festos
of a Compny ih i s peorS.
nuestox! Con Campoehe Eps of one Compay with ha
o anothr Componyiiwhe
h e Bame industs
indstsy o get a Sane
of haw ley c Pestoxnin seloive o each ohen.
(iy Valation - ps is a csuca Poelors in delesninghe val
and ahaysis olen
oF a CoMpany's toclk, nvesos
a measue of a coMpany's valuion Ahishen EPs qunesa
onsla los to a wha PÀ salio, indicaig amose Voluable
|Co Mpong+
CyTmpact on ock psicsi- AçoonPony's ectvingg sePox!, which
ineludes s EBS, Can have a Bignifica
seposs a hiahe EPs
Ahan ex pected, i Can Caue e deadoadsop in he
la oex-han- execod EPS Can
ock sice
Dividend Paymens EPs is also used o detenine he amaunt
() of dvidend haa Company Can pat o
s haahalde. The ighe he EPS, he mose Mohey a
hag avalabk o dia silbule as divdends do
1bExpain he ehey ow in asing ode in Paallel
hybsid vehicle ?
hgn a Paale hybsid vdcle,also knan as a poex -Spl!
hybsd, he enesg o duing lating mode invelves halipl
|CoMponans oosking Jogetheo Pscpel Jho vehicei
Enes% lousce- The pasaL.) hybid Vehiele yicay haso
ensine and an Sousts of ene:an nteA nal Combuion
electic meox
Dusin tasin mode, both ewesed by a batey pack
e ?cg andhe elatsic
nctos aSe used Jopsovide poles.
ii 8Ao9ling he engine' when Ahe doiex Qloshe vehicle,he
electsic motox is sed to niliale he
enaine 3Aaaup Pscass.The elocAsic matox dras Poex
som he battey Pack o sotate he engin's
anerate mechanical pouex lo dve Ahe
vehicl's ohacle, The engine also poJexs an eloctsic qeheraths,
which chaseshe batty Poclk Jo seplenish ang ehos
used dusing he aning Psocas.
iv clacsic motos asst- As Ahe Vehicle bagig o move, ho
elactsic motos condinnaoasig
he îcE by soviding addiAonal Poe x to h wheals.
Te elocsic mefos osks in dandem wth he îct do
PsoPel he Vehicle Posuasd, inpsoving ovexal pofoxnanca
and uel efficiency
(vBatty seplenishmen The baltey also souides adihJ
Poses Jhen needod, Such al
duing heauy acialeraion os whan heTCE is not qenesaiy
Cnaush Polex o Meet he Vehicle's
Q1 How Ahe Bpeod is Consolled by usin he panta
qeas Byatem.
Arat Hene's how Speed Consol oslkg in a panetay
U npu powes is Supplied dothe Centsa! Qun qeas.
(ÜThe Sun qeas dves Mulile at qaasy that ae
MoLded on a Cataie. The planet qeay mesh witha sing
qea, which is Pixed in lace.
om when Ahe sing qean is ocked, i
Psovdeshe output
Speed of Ahe Bytem.Gn his Couiypatio, he plany
qea Slem acts ile a imple qon seducion
wh Ale ontul Qpeed dterniod by Le satioBugm, of
he Sizs of he Sun q0an and sing qeA,
) TO Ahe adjt oupu Specdy Ohe of dwo
Cau bo used' echniq
"Bsake' One of he qeas Cau be bxaked os loclked in
Pace, psevenig irsom sodag. This
Cases he oAhe aea solale awhd i,sulig

Cluteh' One ot he qeoJS Can be di'sanga ed ox

seeuheled'" allowiny i do s atale independe
ty of Ahe ofhen 9ea. This xesalts ina diflorant oudpd
Bpecd, depending on uwhich qeas is disengaged
(uBy Blaelivey enaging ox disengaging difEerau qaon
ging bsalkeg os cl lehes, a Janelay qear Syglem Can
lbe used o achiee a soe o Oulpt epeods.
2o Mow a F-4-R-E DUAL Axle Complx MEV
dfeen! mod operales in
ealan wh neat diaam,
as-u- Mode'
" a Pson-hybsd sea-elocic dual Aele Complax HEV So
Shere is a hybsd Syalam of îc tugie and molos Conkedd
Ao e Pson whae sounission, and here i's
anohe Syatem ohich is pue elocsie doive Qsan
Oich is counectad o seas wheels os sean saum
No compoa Jo is paall MEV, Le hackon
here is ableo ofeale bolh aS qeneraos und
Molo So shen you antto opeal thos machine
as qenealos, i Can be sed to exsacpoex
fsom Tc engine o changehe baleny
wheni i s wed a a molo, is PoJe% Couwe can
be id do extsad pors tsom the lbateny and
open de i as a motos. Bo tis is a hybid of Te
|enine and electical motox. And Since Ahis is
Connectod to sont soang'ssion i is calla fso
hybsid.And ince oy elecsial System os eloctsic
divesain i's Connecod Jo xeas sangmission,
's Called seaa elochic.
|Since both the sonsmigsion ae used, means ball
sonJsanmission and sea sannissiou ase used
is callod dal ale HEV.
Dutin ad up of Such kind of coutisraion agin
elodaic mode. Bo both dhe motoss a wle
|Jo dsive Ahe fse nd veiss'on and sea Jaanaice
Lo one is baey, Powes Conves ler and ohe mato%,
econd is batten, Pouoes co vester, Ahis motos and
fsot Jsarm'ssiou
() Accalaion mode'-Duoiny acchation mode, he pouJex
aso dlivest d fsom Ahe Tc engine.
So lbeth îc engiue and fson matos dives he fson
hels, whilehe Sea Molox dives he seasonsod
os seu ohe's,The whale Bydam is acive and i's able
do acclerae Vesy quidely
ci Nosmal diving mode' Dusng norma divng osbatery
channg mode, ke
he hechanica
enengy is fsom he Tc ensine is usedodive Ahe
Prsod wheels ond a pat o i is used o chase
Ahe balery oin noxma dsing o fson heed
ao used fos dsiuingthe SygeM, and dhe stan sonnbs
is wad and he electica Conhectedo sa yglemis
tio Light - Load Condiion !- Aqain dusing ighd Jood
Jo fson Jsanemissiove ao Condiion,
nhewheel Conngc led
Asonemissiong ase ony ued tox uppoxg he
iae Soad, and he matos conmaRed o îc ensine usd
alie and he seas wheel Connetod eloesic dveSsasn
ic lso nol ael;ve. o ony Poues is foig tson batte
Pouoes Convecle elesica motox and
and tsont sansssion.
(vDeceleaaion'- Duaing deelion os bsaleing, i is ain
all elocsic andhe oses is extsacted
boh Psofm e Psonl wheels and he seas whees
using is electeic dsivetsajn, and his eleclsic daca
Bo balh Psonl and sea eheatsic divelsaing ooe actes
Ondhe poux is extactod som al0 he whels


Q26 How paneloy geas Byetofm is aplied in Vehicle
explain with diagram


we sequie Specialgeaning tem al Ihe hy brsid mode
of Cenine and elecsic Maors. So ?c engine Bhold be
le o Connact bothJo he sanission and otho
elacical nachine, and should lso ablo o opuals aone
So dhis all hese mode o operation is Poscible by hwing a
Special qeniny Btem hih is noir ag planetoag gaa
Suem, a Can be ceen fsom his diagan, Bothre
asie Vasço s kind of geasy Conmectad ogehen.
So Ahe oulermost qea is knos as simg qeas, andhe
innermost gar is known ag Sun qeo. nd hese Small, ma
qeas Jhich Connes he Sun qeaso e i y geas ae CalG d
|and pnet sea So Sun geasae Connected elctical Modh
|King qeaa is Connected o Jsanniion, andi's poS&i ble Io
Bsonste eney fsom sing gea Jo Sun ea using plane!
|qea.And hene is a inke between Sun qear and paet
gea by this lkind of con heclioh, So Ais s called Caien
qea os CoiS.
" Thos Coaes is acay Comnactodo Te ensie, andiI con
decide basd on ha Speed of operaion, how o sats
Powes fsom ehe Dc enaie o elocical motos os elactsice
Motos Borc engine, os c engine Bo he sansnission
9>How a Fr E-K-HOUAL Ade Conplax HEV oRenates in
ACeran mode explain uwh nea diagam.
ng Fsond Elecsic Roa Hybsid (F-E-R-H) DUAL Axle
opeaas in d:esan mode' tonplax HEV
oas- up nhe contiuaaion of he anoher dualale
Complex MEV whih is sond elecic and sea
hybsid So you Can Bee in he Piqee he Suglem is na
The 9c engine and he metos is Conheeted o sea whos
ohile h Second elecsic daNeain is Connee led othe
fson %onmssion . So dusung asl- up, oly he fsont
dseasan is
ony ace tos
Sa up operaion,
is no acive
while he xest of Suppoia
he Bua n
Ü)Aaing engine- So if he ensine has o be stased
of he Tc engine aSaflen Stast So of the Syatem, he econd
Simle to he Stasing CKonking,. his Syten is Vexy
of he
maloy is woslking aa inderqaled 1C engini wher
(ti Blaoled genratos
Accaleaion-Dusing accaleaion,
devicas o9e acive and althe
both PsoPANsion
divesodn and seas hybddvelsan i's ative fsont elecir
vesy Sinlaso he pesvious Complex HEV .1
ivNosmal diving-Dusing nosna diving, ony he r
engine diveson is acve wh Oo
Ao lkoth he elecic motox ae inoctive. Bo i is
Vesy Sinia oths Counterpo, Buyou Can ee
Ahain a Seca hybd pe o Conplex HEv dusing
nosma dving, ony he seash whels ase sed oduve
he vehicla, andhe fson! wheels aga iling
eceleaion- S:nila o he Póavios Conirlion
m duin
a dacalaoion
e o nOs bsalkeing ogeaiot.
bah ahe
boh he motoss w opeate as qenrtoss and
exsa ho Powex som bolhgea ad fson why
So he Tc enaine is ofF bocause i Cannolseqnete
Ony eneg
)Batey chasing duag daivin So Siilan othe
Pse yious countepat,
ou want o chae the
Pa of he 1c enine eneny batteny dusing doiigke
is sansld ohebtiy
Via operinghe Becond motos ag generalos

FT 1c¬



Keas wheels
Psont ches

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