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Financial and Management Accounting

EC1 Experiential Learning

Objective: Under experiential learning project, students are expected to apply the knowledge
gained in classes.

Case Study Initial Steps:

1. Each student will be part of a team [8-10 members]. Students may form their own team
and teams will be formed randomly by instructor for those students who are unable to
form. The details will be uploaded on Taxila shortly.
2. Each student will be part of only one team. If a student is part of more than one team,
he or she will be awarded ‘zero’ in the experiential Learning component.
3. Each team will be assigned a public limited company [No change allowed].
4. Each team (Group coordinator) will submit a report based on a format given below.
5. Once the team is formed, if any student does not take part in the assignment, the group
coordinator is requested to submit the names of such students in the final report. The
names of such students may be mentioned separately in the final report. Therefore, all
team members must be in touch with the group coordinators. Please note that ‘zero
marks’ will be awarded for those who do not take part (free-riders) in the experiential
Learning component.
6. The deadline for submission is October 13, 2021, 11:55 PM. The submission of assignment after
the deadline is not permitted.
7. Submission by uploading on Taxila platform. [word file only, Times new roman, 12 pts, 1.15
line spacing, 15-20 pages]
8. For data collection you can use any of following sources [or any other reputed source]:

a. Websites and Annual reports of company


c. Yahoo finance,, Google finance, etc.

9. Each team is required to make only one submission by uploading word file before deadline.
Each team should have a group coordinator in order to facilitate the submission of the report.
10. Format for report is given in following pages. The group assignment will be evaluated using the
following four criteria: Organization, presentation, Content, and insights/innovation of the

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Financial and Management Accounting
EC1 Experiential Learning

Financial Statement Analysis

of XYZ

Group No. xx
Group Members (Names, Roll No, email address):
1. [Person who submitted online, Roll No, email address]
2. Other member
3. Other member
4. Other member
5. Other member
6. Other member
7. Other member
8. Other member

Note: All contents of this report should be original [recreated, handwritten or
paraphrased]. Plagiarism [copy paste, pictures] in any form is unacceptable and against
academic ethics. Sources should be quoted for information and data collected. Your
submission will be subjected to plagiarism detecting software’.

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Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

Executive Summary

This section will include summary of findings of this report. You should begin by introducing
the company, and then move on to discussions on market scenario, financials, and comparative
analysis. Should not exceed one page.

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Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

Table of contents

1. Introduction to XYZ ltd [3-4 pages]

a. History of company, Milestones
b. Vision, Mission, objectives of company
c. Organization structure
d. Products and services offered
e. Operational model
f. Five major competitors of company, their brief profile and position in market
2. Research Methodology [Use data from company websites, annual reports, or other reputed
sources only] - [2-3 pages]
a. Which financial ratios would you use for financial analysis of company?
b. Selection of competitors [On what basis did you select the competitors?]
c. Source of Data [Where did you get the financial data for company and competitors?]
3. Financial performance [use tables and graphs for better presentation] - [10-12 pages]
a. Trend analysis of performance in last five years [year on year financial data]
b. Comparative analysis of performance with competitors [at least 2 competitors]
c. Ratio analysis of financial statements [Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability, Efficiency]
d. Comparative ratio analysis of with competitors [at least 2 competitors]
4. SWOT Analysis of XYZ [2-3 pages]
a. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats [from financial performance view
5. Conclusion [1 pages]
a. You comments on overall financial position of XYZ ltd vis a vis its competitors.
Point to areas of concern and areas of good performance. Suggest measures for
improving financial ratios in future.

Annexures [In table format, no pictures] [5 pages]

A. Balance Sheet and Income Statements of company

B. Balance Sheet and Income Statements of Competitors

References [1-2 pages]

List various online and offline sources you referred to. This may include various websites,
databases, reports, books, articles, etc.

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