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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part M:

J Engineering for the Maritime Environment
2022, Vol. 236(3) 644–657
A novel hybrid energy management Ó IMechE 2022
Article reuse guidelines:
strategy of a diesel-electric hybrid ship
DOI: 10.1177/14750902211068931

based on dynamic programing and

model predictive control

Yupeng Yuan1,2,3 , Mingshuang Chen1,2,3, Jixiang Wang1,2,3,

Wanneng Yu4,5 and Boyang Shen6

The energy-saving characteristics of diesel-electric series hybrid ships largely depend on their energy management strat-
egy. In this paper, a strategy that combines dynamic programing and model predictive control (DP-MPC) is proposed to
solve the energy management problems of diesel-electric hybrid ships. The DP-MPC strategy has considered some typi-
cal working conditions of a ship, and the corresponding influence of white noise disturbance on the control strategy was
studied. The simulation results show that the DP-MPC strategy has an excellent anti-interference capability. The control
performance of the DP-MPC strategy is then further analyzed and compared with the rule-based logic threshold control
strategy. The simulation results show that the proposed DP-MPC strategy can save 2.5% of the fuel consumption and
has a better anti-interference capability than the rule-based control strategy.

Hybrid ship, energy management, model predictive control (MPC), anti-interference capability

Date received: 7 July 2021; accepted: 7 December 2021

Introduction energy flow between different energy sources and

improve the efficiency of the power system.5 According
Due to the continuous development of the global ship- to whether the power distribution process needs to
ping industry, the fuel consumed by ships is increasing solve the optimization model, the control strategy can
annually.1 Since fuel consumption is positively corre-
lated with the emission of greenhouse gases and pollu- 1
Reliability Engineering Institute, School of Transportation and Logistics
tants, if no measures have been taken, it is estimated Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
that the carbon dioxide emissions of the shipping indus- 2
National Engineering Research Center for Water Transport Safety,
try will account for approximately 12%–18% of global Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions by 2050.2
Key Laboratory of Marine Power Engineering &Technology (Ministry of
Furthermore, the nitrogen oxide emissions caused by Transport), Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
Fujian Province Key Laboratory of Naval Architecture and Marine
the shipping industry account for 15% of global nitro- Engineering, Jimei University, Xiamen, China
gen oxide emissions now, which is expected to increase 5
School of Marine Engineering, Jimei University, Xiamen, China
in the absence of efficient control scheme.3 6
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
When the exceptional charging and discharging per-
Corresponding authors:
formance in a short time period of supercapacitor are Wanneng Yu, Fujian Province Key Laboratory of Naval Architecture and
considered, a hybrid ship propulsion system composed Marine Engineering, Jimei University, 176 Shigu Road, Jimei, Xiamen
of a diesel generator and supercapacitor pack is 361021, China.
regarded as a highly efficient vessel that will achieve Email:
both the energy saving and emission reduction for the
Yupeng Yuan, Reliability Engineering Institute, School of Transportation
shipping industry.4 The performance or fuel economy and Logistics Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, 1040 Heping
of a diesel-electric hybrid ship largely depends on its Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei 430063, China.
energy management strategy, which can coordinate the Email:
Yuan et al. 645

be divided into two categories: one is the rule-based strategies include equivalent fuel consumption minimi-
control strategy that favors engineering applications, zation strategy and model predictive control (MPC)
and the other is the optimal control strategy that algorithm.16,17 For a multi-energy hybrid ship com-
focuses on optimal modeling and solving.4,6 posed of fuel cells and batteries, Kalikatzarakis et al.18
The rule-based energy management strategy divides established a minimum instantaneous equivalent fuel
the ship navigation mode into several types according consumption model of the hybrid power system. They
to the working state of the power system, and then took a ship’s operating parameters as an example, and
switches the mode according to the corresponding calculated the fuel economy of the hybrid-electric sys-
rules. According to the degree of clarity of the control tem using this strategy by simulation. The simulation
rules, the rule-based control strategy can be refined into results showed that the minimum instantaneous equiva-
two categories: deterministic rule control and fuzzy lent fuel consumption strategy had several advantages
control.7 Nelson et al.8 and Torreglosa et al.9 proposed regarding the improvement of the energy-saving effect
the logic threshold control strategy of a hybrid power of hybrid ships. Furthermore, Saad et al.4 and Raziei
system when implementing the energy management for and Jiang19 designed a model predictive controller to
multi-energy hybrid ships. Moreover, Khan et al.10 and coordinate the output of various energy sources in
Yuan et al.11 applied fuzzy logic control to study the order to stabilize the voltage of a medium-voltage DC
hybrid power system of multi-energy ships and attained powered ship. The simulation results showed that this
good results. The advantage of the rule-based control controller could realize the voltage stability of the
strategy is that it is easy to design and implement. medium-voltage DC network in different working
However, for the energy control of multi-energy ships environments.
with complex configurations, the processing of rules is Although a lot of researches on optimal control
more difficult, and the control effect is not as perfect as strategy have been carried out, there are still some defi-
expected. Therefore, the rule-based control strategy is ciencies in various optimization algorithms. The opti-
more suitable for simple power systems of ships. mization performance of rule-based optimization
Recently, many scholars have applied optimized algorithm is poor, and the formulation of rules depends
control strategies on the energy management problem on a lot of engineering experience. The application of
of hybrid ships.12 For example, Kanellos et al.13 pro- global optimization algorithm needs to know the whole
posed an energy management strategy that applies working conditions in advance, and it needs large
dynamic programing (DP) algorithms to optimize the amount of calculation. In addition, although the real-
power generation dispatching of an entire power sys- time optimization algorithm can achieve the real-time
tem. Their results show that such a strategy can ensure control and has good anti-interference capability, the
the stable operation of a power system and improve results are not globally optimal. Therefore, how to
energy efficiency. Zhang et al.14 focused on hybrid combine the advantages of various algorithms to design
ships composed of solar energy, energy storage sys- the optimal control strategy has become a new research
tems, and diesel generator sets. They constructed an hotspot in this field.
energy management controller with the hybrid system’s Considering that MPC algorithm has good anti-
power as the input and the direct current (DC) bus’s interference capability and can deal with multi-variables
output power as the output, and used particle swarm and system constraints effectively, and moreover the
optimization (PSO) algorithm to optimize the objective DP algorithm can obtain the globally optimal solution,
function, which meant to realize the minimum fuel con- this paper proposes an MPC strategy combined with
sumption. Through the simulation, it was found that DP algorithm, the state of energy (SOE) of supercapaci-
the energy management strategy using PSO algorithm tor obtained by the DP algorithm is taken as the con-
can effectively reduce the fuel consumption of the straint condition of the supercapacitor’s value in the
entire ship. These two optimization strategies belong to MPC optimization process. To be more specific, for the
global optimization control algorithm, which has energy management problem of diesel-electric hybrid
strong universality and they are suitable for parallel ship, the globally optimal solution of SOE obtained by
processing. The global optimization control algorithm solving the dynamic programing equation is used as the
relies on rigorous theoretical basis, rather than expert constraint of the state variable in the real-time optimi-
experience. By using these algorithms, the globally opti- zation algorithm, so as to obtain an optimization algo-
mal solution can be found, but it is difficult to find it in rithm with strong anti-interference ability whose result
an acceptable time range. Therefore, this kind of algo- is approximately the global optimum. The suggested
rithm has not been applied in the practical engineering, strategy combines the characteristics of the optimal
it is mainly used as a good benchmark for an optimal- control effect and fuel economy of the DP algorithm
ity comparison instead.15 with the advantages of the good real-time and strong
The real-time optimization is only concerned with anti-interference performance of the MPC algorithm.
the energy flow control of the instantaneous working By taking the real-time SOE of supercapacitors and the
conditions, which has a strong real-time performance transient fuel consumption of the diesel generator as
and can compensate the deficiency of the global optimi- the state variables, the power output of supercapacitors
zation. The common real-time optimization control as the control variable, and the minimal difference
646 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 236(3)

Figure 1. Power system of the diesel-electric hybrid ship ‘‘Meiwei Kaiyue.’’

between the SOE of supercapacitors and reference val- Supercapacitor model

ues as the objective function, the MPC controller was The supercapacitor bank consists of multiple parallel
designed to realize the optimal energy distribution of and series units,20 where each unit should be equivalent
each energy source. to the resistance of a series capacitor. The model of the
This article is constructed as follows: Section 2 shows supercapacitor bank can be expressed as:
the mathematical model of the diesel-electric hybrid
power system for the ship; Section 3 presents a control Puc ðtÞ = VL ðtÞ  Icap (t) ð1Þ
strategy of energy management using the DP-MPC;
Section 4 presents the modeling results with detailed 1
analysis; Section 5 concludes the entire article. V_ cap (t) = Icap (t) ð2Þ

Q(t) CVcap (t) Vcap (t)

Diesel-electric hybrid power system SOC(t) = = = ð3Þ
Qmax CVmax Vmax
This paper focuses on a diesel-electric hybrid ship E(t) 1
CVcap (t)2 Vcap (t)2
named ‘‘Meiwei Kaiyue,’’ whose power system consists SOE(t) = = 21 2
= 2 = SOC(t)2
Ecap 2 CV max V max
of diesel generators and supercapacitor packs. The
power system is illustrated in Figure 1. ð4Þ
There are four diesel generator sets and two superca-
pacitor packs in the whole ship power system. In order In equations (1)–(4): Puc ðtÞ is the instantaneous
to carry out efficient analysis, this paper simplifies the input and output power of the supercapacitor, kW, and
power system, and chooses a diesel generator and one is in a charging state when the value is positive; VL ðtÞ is
supercapacitor pack to carry out the investigation. the terminal voltage of the supercapacitor at time t, V;
The simplified model of the diesel-electric hybrid Icap ðtÞ is the real-time current flowing through the
power system is shown in Figure 2. The parameters of supercapacitor, A; V_ cap (t) is the first derivative across
the main equipments of the simplified model are listed the equivalent capacitor voltage at time t, A/F; C is the
in Table 1. capacity of the supercapacitor, F; SOC(t) is the real-
Yuan et al. 647

Figure 2. Simplified model of the diesel-electric hybrid power system.

Table 1. The basic parameters of the ship’s power system.

Component Parameters Capacity/quantity

Diesel engine Maximum power 1320 kW

Rated power 1250 kW
Rated speed 1000 (r/min)
Number of sets 1
Generator Rated power 1250 kW
Rated torque 11,937.5 (Nm)
Rated speed 1000 (r/min)
Number of sets 1
Supercapacitor Capacitance 65 F
Voltage 604–820 V
Discharge time 12 s
Charge-discharge 98%
efficiency Figure 3. Load characteristic curve of the diesel engine.
Charge-discharge Constant power
mode discharge
Rated power 150 kW 8
Number of sets 1 : < 1 Puc ðtÞ
Puc (t) \ 0 (discharge)
hcap Ecap
Main propulsion Rated power 840 kW SOE (t) = ð5Þ
motor : hcap Puc ðtÞ Puc (t) ø 0 (charge)
Rated voltage 690 V
Rated speed 1500 (r/min) :
Rated torque 10740.5 (Nm) In equation (5), SOE (t) is the differential form of the
Number of sets 1 supercapacitor’s SOE at time t, and hcap refers to the
efficiency. According to the data provided by the equip-
ment manufacturer, the value of hcap is set as 98%.
time state of charge (SOC) of the supercapacitor; Q(t)
is the amount of charge stored in the capacitor, C; Qmax Diesel engine model
is the maximum amount of charge that the supercapaci-
tor can store at time t, C; Vcap (t) is the voltage across In this paper, in order to achieve the lowest energy con-
the equivalent capacitor at time t, V; Vmax is the maxi- sumption of the entire ship, it is recommended that the
mum voltage of the supercapacitor, V; SOE(t) (SOE is diesel engine works at the rated speed, which can
short for state of energy) is the remaining energy of the appropriately utilize the hybrid ship’s advantages.
supercapacitor at time t; E(t) represents the energy According to the data provided by the manufacturer,
stored in the supercapacitor at time t, J; and Ecap is the the load characteristic curve of the diesel engine at a
maximum energy capacity, J. rated speed of 1000 (r/min) can be fitted, as shown in
The relationship between the differential form of the Figure 3.
SOE, maximum energy capacity, and supercapacitor According to the load characteristic curve of the die-
sel engine, its specific fuel consumption in unit time is
power is shown in formula (5).
B_ e , and the formula is as follows:
648 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 236(3)

Pe be
B_ e = ð6Þ

Where, B_ e is the fuel consumption of the diesel engine

per unit time, g/s; Be is the fuel consumption, g; pe is
the output power of the diesel engine, kW; be is the spe-
cific fuel consumption, g/(kWh).
The fuel consumption of the diesel engine during the
working time t is:

Be = B_ e dt ð7Þ
Figure 4. MAP diagram of the generator.

Where, t0 represents the start time of the diesel engine.

The combination of formula (6) and formula (7) leads In order to ensure the safety of the entire ship’s
to: power system, the diesel generator’s output power
should be limited. The constraints are shown in equa-
ðt tion (12):
pe be
Be = dt ð8Þ
3600 04Pgen:e (t)4Pgen:emax ð12Þ

In order to ensure the safety of the entire ship’s Where, Pgen:emax is the diesel generator’s maximum
power system, the output power of the diesel engine output power, which is 1250 kW in this paper.
should be limited. The constraints are shown in for-
mula (9):
Ship load
04Pe (t)4Pemax ð9Þ As the object ship is still under construction and has
not been launched yet, the relevant load data cannot be
Where, Pe (t) is the instantaneous output power of the obtained directly. Therefore, this paper uses the electric
diesel engine, and Pemax is its maximum output power, load data from a typical electric propulsion ship named
which is 1320 kW in this paper. ‘‘Alsterwasser,’’ which was provided in Bassam et al.21
We expand it by 100 here, because according to calcu-
lations, the power with the highest power mode and the
Generator model cruise mode of ‘‘Meiwei Kaiyue’’ is about 100 times of
that of the ‘‘Alsterwasser.’’Figure 5 shows a part of the
Based on the experimental data from the manufacturer,
real typical power requirement of the ship during its
the efficiency of the generator can be described by non-
voyage. The electrical load in this section includes vari-
linear three-dimensional mapping. The diagram of the
ous operating conditions, such as the ship starting, nor-
generator efficiency is shown in Figure 4. According to
formula (10), the generator efficiency hg (m) at point m mal navigation, and departure from the port.
can be calculated: Therefore, it is very suitable for the simulation verifica-
tion, and for the analysis of the proposed energy man-
hg (m)ðnm , Tm Þ = f(nm , Tm ) ð10Þ agement strategy. In actual applications, for the ships
whose power demand is unknown, the required power
of other ships of the same tonnage sailing on this route
Where, hg (m) is the efficiency of the generator at point should be collected in advance, so as to obtain approxi-
m; nm is the speed of the generator at point m; Tm is mate power and then solve the dynamic programing
the torque of the generator at point m; and f represents equation. The parameters of the electrical load are
the functional relationship between the hg , torque, and shown in Table 2.
Therefore, the output power of the diesel generator
can be expressed by formula (11): Power balance model of the entire ship
Pgen:e (t) = Pe (t)  hg ð11Þ The diesel-electric hybrid ship in this paper is an electri-
cal propulsion series hybrid ship. From the perspective
of energy conservation and power flow, the power bal-
Where, Pgen:e (t) is the instantaneous output power of ance model of the electrical power summation node of
the diesel generator, kW. the whole ship is shown in Figure 6.
Yuan et al. 649

Table 2. The load parameters under given conditions.

Running time 350 s

Maximum power 1706.6 kW

Minimum power 187.7 kW
Average power 1105.7 kW

As shown in Figure 6, the power relationship

between the diesel engine Pe , diesel generator Pgen:e ,
supercapacitor Puc , and ship load Preq can be described

Pgen:e (t) = Puc (t) + Preq (t) ð13Þ

Figure 5. Electrical load characteristic curve of the ship.
Pgen:e (t) Puc (t) + Preq (t)
Pe (t) = = ð14Þ
hg hg

minimum remaining power of the supercapacitor (0.16

In equations (13) and (14), Preq (t) is the instanta- in this paper).
neous load power demand of the diesel-electric hybrid
power system, kW.
The constraints that Puc needs to satisfy can be An energy management strategy based on
deduced from equation (15), which is as follows: dynamic programing and model predictive
control (DP-MPC)
Pgen:emin  Preq ðtÞ4Puc ðtÞ4Pgen:emax  Preq ðtÞ
ð15Þ MPC controller design
As an optimal control method, MPC originated from a
In addition, in order to ensure the safe and stable control technology in the chemical industry.22 It is char-
operation of the entire power system, the values of Puc acterized by slow dynamics, which provide enough time
and the supercapacitor’s SOE must meet the physical for optimal calculations. According to the diesel-electric
constraints under hardware conditions: hybrid power system model in Section 2, the model pre-
dictive controller can be expressed by the following
Pucmin 4Puc (t)4Pucmax ð16Þ equations:
1 u
SOEmin 4SOE(t)4SOEmax ð17Þ u \ 0 (Discharge)
x_ 1 = hcap Ecap u ð18Þ
hcap Ecap u ø 0 (Charge)

In equations (16) and (17): according to the hybrid !

ship power system specifications, Pucmax represents the Puc + Preq
maximum output power of the supercapacitor, which is x_ 2 = B_ e (Pe ) = B_ e ð19Þ
1100 kW in this paper; Pucmin is the minimum output
power of the supercapacitor, (0 kW in this paper);
SOEmax is the maximum remaining power of the super- In equations (18) and (19): x1 = SOE represents the
capacitor (0.64 in this paper); and SOEmin is the remaining energy of the supercapacitor; x2 = Be

Figure 6. Energy flow of the simplified diesel-electric hybrid ship model.

650 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 236(3)

represents the fuel consumption of the diesel engine; Where, N is the length of the prediction horizon; Q is
and u = Puc represents the control variable, which is the state weight value; R is the input penalty; y is the
the output power of the supercapacitor. measurement output; yref is the reference value; U is the
The definitions of state variables, control variables, control variable matrix as shown in equation (31); and i
measurement inputs, and outputs are as follows: is the number of stage.
  2 3
SOE uð k Þ
x= ð20Þ 6 uð k + 1Þ 7
Be 6 7
U=6 .. 7 ð31Þ
4 . 5
u = Puc ð21Þ uð k + N c Þ

v = Preq ð22Þ
Where, Nc is the predicted length of the control
SOE In equations (30), the constraints of y and u are as
y= ð23Þ
Be follows:
ymin 4yðkÞ4ymax , k = 1, 2, . . . , N ð32Þ
The state form of the system after linearization and
discretization is as follows:
umin 4uðkÞ4umax , k = 1, 2, . . . , N ð33Þ
xðk + 1Þ = AðkÞxðkÞ + Bu ðkÞuðkÞ + Bv (k) ð24Þ

yðkÞ = CðkÞx(k) ð25Þ MPC strategy combined with DP

DP equations and results for hybrid ships. The remaining
In equations (24) and (25), k is the time, belonging power SOE value of the supercapacitor is regarded as
to the time set f1, 2,    , Tg, where T is 350. A, Bu ðkÞ, the state variable sk , and the output power Puc of the
Bv (k), and CðkÞ are the following equations supercapacitor is regarded as the decision variable
respectively: uk (sk ). After discretization, the state transition equa-
  tion is as follows:
A= ð26Þ s(k + 1) = T(s(k), u(k)) ð34Þ

Where, s(k) is the state variable of the k stage, namely,
Bu ðkÞ = Ecap ð27Þ
m1 the SOE value of the remaining energy of the superca-
pacitor; u(k) is the decision variable of the k stage,
  which is, the output power of the supercapacitor Puc ; T
Bv ðkÞ = ð28Þ is the function corresponding relationship between the
m1  Preq + m2
state variables and decision variables, showing the rela-
  tionship between the remaining power of the superca-
CðkÞ = ð29Þ pacitor and its output power; and k shows to the time
set f0, 1,    , T  1g, where T is 350.
The SOE value of a supercapacitor at a certain stage
The minimized index function J can be described as the is equal to the difference between the SOE value of the
sum of the difference between the output term and reference previous stage and that of the current stage. Therefore,
term and the weighted norm of the control input term: the state transition equation (34) can be expressed by
equation (35):
min J = min SOEk + 1 = SOEðkÞ  DSOE(k) ð35Þ
 T 2
Where, DSOE(k) represents the change of the superca-
½yðk + ijkÞ  yref (k + i)  + ku(k + i  1)kR pacitor’s SOE value in the k stage.
Furthermore, according to equation (5), the follow-
= min f½yðk + iÞjkÞ  yref ðk + iÞT ing can be obtained:
i=1 8
< 1 Puc ðkÞ Puc (t) \ 0(Discharge)
Q½yðk + ijkÞ  yref ðk + iÞ + DSOE(k) =
hcap Ecap

u(k + i  1)T Ruðk + i  1Þg

: hcap PEuccapðtÞ Puc (t) ø 0(Charge)
ð30Þ ð36Þ
Yuan et al. 651

For the output power of the diesel generator, the dis-

cretization of equation (11) can be obtained:

Pgen:e (k) = Pe (k)  hg (k) ð37Þ

Where, hg (k) is the generator efficiency in the k stage.

For the power balance model, the discretization of
equation (13) can be obtained:

Pgen:e (k) = Puc (k) + Preq (k) ð38Þ

After the discretization of the inequality constraint

formulas (9), (12), (15), (16), and (17), we can obtain:
Figure 7. Variation curve of the supercapacitor’s SOE value.
04Pe (k)4Pemax ð39Þ

04Pgen:e (k)4Pgen:emax ð40Þ f (sðkÞ, k) = minfVk ðsðkÞ, uðkÞÞ + fk + 1 ðsðkÞ, uðkÞÞg

Pgen:emin  Preq ðkÞ4Puc ðkÞ4Pgen:emax  Preq ðkÞ
ð41Þ k = n  1, n  2,    , 0 ð48Þ

f ðsðnÞ, nÞ = 0 ð49Þ
Pucmin 4Puc (k)4Pucmax ð42Þ

SOEmin 4SOE(k)4SOEmax ð43Þ In equation (47): sðkÞ is the state variable of the k
stage; u(k) is the decision variable of the k stage; and
f ðsðkÞ, kÞ is the optimal index value of the control sys-
The performance index function of a diesel-electric tem from the beginning of the k stage to the end of the
hybrid ship in each stage of the DP is the fuel consump- entire control process.
tion of the entire ship Be , and the diesel engine’s fuel The electrical load data obtained from a typical elec-
consumption can be calculated referring to Figure 3 trical propulsion ship is selected to represent the simu-
and equation (8). Therefore, the index function Vk of lation working conditions, as shown in Figure 5. The
stage k can be expressed by equation (44): whole process of 350 s is divided into 350 stages, and
the step length Dt from the k stage to the k + 1 stage is
Vk ðSOEðkÞ, Pe ðkÞÞ = Be (k) ð44Þ
taken as 1 s. The upper and lower limits of the state
variable s(k), that is, the SOE values (upper and lower
Where, Be (k) is the fuel consumption of diesel engines limits) of the supercapacitor, are set as 0.16 and 0.64
in stage k. respectively. In order to ensure that the supercapacitor
The optimal value function fk, n from the k stage to can normally work in the subsequent simulation, the
the n stage can be expressed as: termination value of the SOE is set as 0.40. The simula-
tion results are shown in Figures 7 and 8.
Figure 7 shows the variation curve of the supercapa-
fk, n = Vk ð45Þ
citor’s SOE value under the given working conditions.
According to Figures 5 and 7, when the load is large,
all the energy is used for the energy supply, and the
Where, Vk is the stage index function. supercapacitor is in a discharging state, resulting in the
Within a given working condition time period T, the decrease of SOE; when the load is small, the energy
index function of the entire control process is as storage elements are used to store energy, the superca-
follows: pacitor is in a charging state, resulting in the increase
of SOE. The supercapacitor plays the role of peak-
fk = minfk, n ð46Þ
shaving and valley-filling. Globally, the initial value of
the supercapacitor’s SOE is 0.424. Despite several fluc-
According to the basic theory of the DP algorithm, tuations, the supercapacitor’s SOE value always works
the optimal index value of the control system from in a safe range, and finally returns to the set value of
stage k to stage n can be expressed by the following 0.40, which means it is prepared for the subsequent
formulas: task. The reason is that the result of DP algorithm is
the globally optimal solution to minimize fuel
652 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 236(3)

calculation. In this paper, the SOE of supercapacitor

obtained by the DP algorithm is taken as the constraint
condition of the supercapacitor’s value in the MPC
optimization process, and the reference of the fuel con-
sumption is taken as zero. Equations (15) and (16) are
compulsory to be implemented at each time step, and
the state weight value Q and input penalty R of the sys-
tem are as follows:
10000 0
Q= ð50Þ
0 1

R = 10 ð51Þ
Figure 8. Power variation of the diesel generator,
supercapacitor, and power demand.
The objective function transforms the control input
into a quadratic form. When the predicted horizon
consumption of hybrid power system. Therefore, super- length is N, the trajectory of the future state will be
capacitors should have a slightly higher SOE at the obtained through the discrete model:
beginning of the voyage in order to provide some 2 3 2 3
xðk + 1jkÞ A
energy and thus save the fuel. The overall variation
6 7 6 27
trend of the curve demonstrates that the energy man- 6 xðk + 2jkÞ 7 6A 7
6 7 6 7
agement strategy proposed in this paper is effective. 6 . 7 = 6 . 7 xðkjkÞ
6 . 7 6 .. 7
Figure 8 shows the power variation curve of the die- 4 . 5 4 5
sel generator, supercapacitor, and power demand. In N
x(k + Njk) A
this figure, the red curve is the output power of the die- |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflffl}

X Sx
sel generator Pgen:e , the blue curve is the output power 2 32 3
of the supercapacitor Puc , and the black curve is the Bu 0 . . . 0 uðkÞ
demand power of the load Preq . It can be seen from 6 76 7
6 ABu Bu . . . 0 76 uð k + 1Þ 7
Figure 8 that the diesel engine is always working at the 6 76 7
+6 ..... . .. 76 .. 7
optimal fuel point of 1080 kW, under all working con- 6 .. .. 76 7
4 54 . 5
ditions, to maintain the lowest fuel consumption of the
AN1 Bu AN2 Bu . . . Bu u(k + N  1)
entire ship. At this time, the corresponding specific fuel |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
consumption of the diesel generator is L = 191 g/ Su U
2 3
(kW h). When the power demand of the entire ship is Bv ð k Þ
less than the optimal output power of the diesel genera- 6 7
6 ABv ðkÞ + Bv ðk + 1Þ 7
tor (1050 kW), the supercapacitor is in a charging state +6
6 ..
6 7
and the power is positive, which means the energy stor- 4 . 5
age function can be realized. When the power demand AN1 Bv ðkÞ + AN2 Bv ðk + 1Þ + . . . + Bv ðk + N  1Þ
is greater than the optimal output power of the diesel V
generator, the supercapacitor is in a discharging state ð52Þ
and participates in the power supply of the power
demand, indicating the power is negative. When the 2 3 2 3
power demand changes drastically, the power of the yðk + 1Þjk C 0 0 0
6 yðk + 2Þjk 7 60 C 0 07
supercapacitor changes drastically as well, indicating 6 7
6 .. 7=64 0 0 ... 05 X
7 ð53Þ
that the supercapacitor has a higher degree of participa- 4 . 5
tion in the energy supply of diesel-electric hybrid ships, yðk + NÞjk 0 0 0 C
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
and revealing that the fuel consumption of the entire Y Cx
ship is closer to an economic level. By analyzing Figure
3 with formula (8), we can conclude that the fuel con-
sumption Be of a diesel-electric hybrid ship is 19,730 g By substituting equations (52) and (53) into the orig-
and the average specific fuel consumption is be = 191 g/ inal index function shown in equation (30) and ignoring
(kW h), which are based on the DP algorithm under the the constant term, the convex quadratic index function
given working conditions. that only relates to input can be obtained:
1 T
Jðx0 , u0 Þ = U HU + FT U ð54Þ
The solution of the DP-based MPC algorithm. The MPC 2
algorithm needs to add some constraints to the
Yuan et al. 653


 ðCx Su Þ + R
H = 2(Cx Su )T Q  ð55Þ

 ðCx Su  Yref Þ
F = 2(Cx Su )T Q ð56Þ

The constraints are:

U ø max(Umin ðUÞ, Umin ðUÞUmin ðxÞ) ð57Þ

U4min(Umax ðUÞ, Umax ðUÞUmax ðxÞ) ð58Þ

In equations (54) and (55): H is a Hessian matrix, Figure 9. Load variation curve.
which can be used to solve large-scale optimization
problems23; F is a gradient vector; and Q,  and Yref
should be based on the length of the prediction horizon
of Q, R, and Yref . The constraint update of the control
increment can be calculated by the constraint condi-
tions in equations (54) and (30). For example, the state
constraint can be used as Umax and applied to U.

Simulation results and discussion

Disturbance conditions
In order to simulate the power fluctuation caused by
the influence of wind and wave when the ship is navi-
gating in the sea, different levels of disturbance are
added to the given conditions to simulate the real sail-
Figure 10. SOE value of the supercapacitor under the DP-MPC
ing condition. Compared with the conditions shown in strategy.
Figure 5, 20%, 25%, and 30% of white noise interfer-
ence are added. In the MPC algorithm, the prediction
horizon is an important parameter. As the prediction to evaluate the anti-interference capability of the MPC
horizon increases, the MPC algorithm gets more data algorithm is of good practical significance.
and can make better decisions. However, the MPC Figure 10 shows the SOE curve of the supercapacitor
algorithm is a real time control strategy, and a long under the DP-MPC strategy. It can be seen that as the
prediction horizon is not conducive to the instant con- interference increases, the time taken for the SOE value
trol effect. We simulated three cases of the prediction of the supercapacitor under the DP-MPC strategy to
horizon N = 2,5, and 10, and the results show that track the SOE reference value becomes longer, and it
N = 5 provides a better balance between following the may even fail to track. However, when the disturbance
optimal SOE value under algorithm DP and the speed is below 25%, SOE curves change along with the refer-
of calculation, so the prediction horizon N in this paper ence path obtained by DP algorithm, which indicates
is set as 5, and the initial value of the supercapacitor’s that the system has a good anti-interference capability.
SOE is set as 0.40. After adding different degrees of Figure 11 shows the output power curve of the
white noise interference to the given condition, the load supercapacitor under different disturbance conditions.
variation curve, SOE value of the supercapacitor under It can be seen that when the interference increases, the
the DP-MPC strategy, output power of the supercapa- output power fluctuation of the supercapacitor under
citor, and output power of the diesel generator are the DP-MPC strategy becomes more frequent, the
shown in Figures 9 to 12. number of charging and discharging time increases,
Figure 9 shows the load variation curve under differ- and the time spent on the high-power discharge state
ent interference levels. With the increase of interference, becomes longer. The reason for this is that the load
the fluctuations of load data become more severe. The changes too drastically with the increase in disturbance,
greater the interference, the greater the average power but the diesel generator has power limitations.
of the load will be. In practical applications, the actual Figure 12 shows the output power variation curve of
working conditions will be distributed around typical the diesel generator under different disturbances. It can
pre-set working conditions with uncertainty or interfer- be seen that when the disturbance increases, the output
ence. Therefore, adding a certain degree of interference power of the diesel generator will also increase
654 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 236(3)

Figure 12. Output power of the diesel generator.

Figure 11. Output power of the supercapacitor.

Table 3. Fuel consumption under different level of Table 4. Control logic of the diesel-electric hybrid power
interference. system.

Interference Fuel Average specific fuel Condition Supercapacitor status Energy flow
quantity consumption (g) consumption (g/kWh)
Preq \ Pe Thebest Charging Pgen:e = hg  Pe
20% 24,485.0 192.3 SOE \ SOEmax Puc = Pgen:e  Pdc
25% 24,874.5 193.2 Preq \ Pe Thebest Not working Pgen:e = hg  Pe
30% 26,313.4 199.2 SOE ø SOEmax Puc = 0
Preq = Pe Thebest Not working Pgen:e = hg  Pe
Puc = 0
Preq . Pe Thebest Discharging Pgen:e = hg  Pe
significantly, and the time of the engine running at full SOE . SOEmin Puc = Pdc  Pgen:e
load will be longer, resulting in the increase of fuel con- Preq . Pe Thebest Not working Pgen:e = hg  Pe
SOE4SOEmin Puc = 0
sumption throughout the whole voyage. The reason is
that the increase in disturbance makes the load change
too drastically, and the SOE value of the supercapaci-
in kW. According to Table 4, the specific control rules
tor needs to track the reference, which cause the output
are as follows:
power rise of the diesel generator. The fuel consump-
tion and average specific fuel consumption of the
diesel-electric hybrid power systems under different dis- (1) If the ship’s load Preq is less than Pe The best , and the
turbance levels can be obtained by Figure 3 and equa- SOE of supercapacitor is less than the safe work-
tion (8). They are shown in Table 3. ing value (SOEmax ), the supercapacitor is in the
state of charging, and the excess electric energy
from the diesel generator is recovered. The energy
A comparative analysis flow mode is that the diesel generator supplies
power for the ship load and supercapacitor.
The rule-based logic threshold control strategy is sim- (2) If the ship’s load Preq is less than Pe The best , and the
ple to design and easy to implement, it is widely used in SOE of supercapacitor is more than the safe work-
current industrial control. In this section, this strategy ing value (SOEmax ), the supercapacitor is in the
is adopted to provide a reference for the evaluation of state of no operation, and the energy flow mode is
the proposed DP-MPC algorithm. Since the diesel- that diesel generator supplies power for the ship
electric hybrid power system has a simple structure and load.
all its energy comes from diesel generators, the logic (3) If the ship’s load Preq is equal to Pe The best , the
threshold control strategy of diesel-electric hybrid ships supercapacitor is in the state of no operation, and
adopts the optimal operating point control method. This the energy flow mode is that diesel generator sup-
method takes the SOE value of the supercapacitor and plies power for the ship load.
the demand power as the standard to differ the working (4) If the ship’s load Preq is more than Pe The best , and
conditions. The control logic is shown in Table 4. the SOE of supercapacitor is between the upper
In Table 4, Pe Thebest is the optimal output power cor- limit SOEmax and lower limit SOEmin , the super-
responding to the average output power value of the capacitor is in the state of discharging, and the
diesel generator under the given conditions. The aver- energy flow mode is that diesel generator and
age demand power of the load in this paper is supercapacitor working together to supply power
1105.7 kW, and Pdc is the demand power of the DC bus for the ship load.
Yuan et al. 655

Figure 13. Load variation curve. Figure 15. Output power of the supercapacitor.

Figure 14. SOE value of the supercapacitor.

Figure 16. The output power of the diesel generator.
(5) If the ship’s load Preq is more than Pe The best , and
the SOE of supercapacitor is beyond the upper
limit SOEmax and lower limit SOEmin , the superca- same as that under the DP-MPC algorithm, but its ter-
pacitor is not working and the diesel generator is mination value does not return to 0.40. The reason is
working alone, and the energy flow mode is that that the excessive disturbance causes the load’s average
the diesel generator supplies power for the load. power deviate, while the diesel generator is always
maintained at the load’s average demand power of
The simulation results of the logic threshold control 1205 kW. In order to maintain the power balance of the
strategy without interference and with 20% interference diesel-electric hybrid power system, the supercapacitor
are obtained. The overall performance of the DP-MPC is in the discharging state, and the anti-interference
strategy is compared and analyzed under the same capability of the system is low.
interference conditions. The predicted horizon length N Figure 15 shows the output power variation curve of
is set as 5. The initial value of the supercapacitor SOE the supercapacitor. According to the output power
is set as 0.40. The relevant results are shown in Figures curve with 20% interference under the DP-MPC strat-
13 to 16. egy and under the rule-based logic threshold control
Figure 13 shows the load variation curve without strategy, the output power of the supercapacitor fluctu-
interference and with 20% interference under a given ates more frequently, and the number of charging and
condition. It can be seen that after adding 20% inter- discharging time increases significantly, particularly in
ference, the load fluctuation clearly becomes larger. the time range of 200 to 350 s. The reason is that the
Moreover, after adding 20% white noise, the load fluc- increase in disturbance makes the load change drasti-
tuates more violently, and there is a certain deviation cally, while the diesel generator maintains a constant
from the data. For example, at 150 s, the load deviation power output. Therefore, the supercapacitor needs
is about 200 kW. more charging time and discharging time to ensure the
Figure 14 shows the SOE curve of supercapacitors power supply. As seen from Figure 15, the proposed
under different control strategies. The changing trend control strategy has the better anti-interference capabil-
of the SOE value of the supercapacitor under the rule- ity. Since when 20% disturbance is added to the
based logic threshold control strategy is roughly the required power, the output power fluctuation of the
656 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 236(3)

interference conditions has been compared and ana-

lyzed under the rule-based logic threshold control strat-
egy and the DP-MPC strategy. The main conclusions
are as follows:

(1) The proposed DP-MPC strategy can approxi-

mately obtain globally optimal solution and has
strong anti-interference capability;
(2) The fuel consumption of diesel-electric hybrid
ships using the DP-MPC strategy is lower than
that using the rule-based logic threshold control
strategy. Under the same level of interference, the
fuel consumption of the rule-based logic threshold
control strategy is 25,117.4 g, while that of the
DP-MPC strategy is 24,485 g, which can save
Figure 17. Fuel consumption of two control algorithm under
2.5% of the fuel consumption.
20% disturbance.

The energy management strategy proposed in this

paper can effectively reduce the fuel cost of the ship,
supercapacitor under the proposed strategy is the smal-
improve the stability of the power system, and provide
lest, followed by the rule-based control strategy, and
an important theoretical basis for the green intelligent
the output power fluctuation of the supercapacitor
development of the ship, but there is still a certain dis-
under the dynamic programing algorithm is the largest.
tance to the engineering applications. Although the
Figure 16 shows the output power curve of the diesel
MPC control strategy combined with dynamic pro-
generator. Compared with the output power curve with
graming algorithm has a good control effect, it is lim-
20% interference under the DP-MPC strategy and no
ited by a large amount of calculations of dynamic
interference, the output power of the diesel generator
programing algorithm as well as the operation state
under the logic threshold control strategy with 20%
data of the whole ship in advance. Therefore, the con-
interference is maintained at 1205 kW, and the fuel con-
trol algorithm needs to be supplemented in practical
sumption of the diesel-electric hybrid system is higher.
applications, such as improving the running speed of
The reason is that the increase in disturbance causes the
the controller. In the view of the particularity of fixed
load change drastically, and the average load and out- cruise segments, it is necessary to analyze working con-
put power of the diesel generator increase as well. The ditions in different seasons, at different times and under
DP-MPC strategy has a good anti-interference capabil- different meteorological conditions through big data,
ity and can overcome the fluctuation of the system. and then design corresponding energy management
After adding a 20% disturbance to a given operating strategies. This will further improve the practicability
condition, according to Figure 3 and equation (8), the of the algorithm and reduce the energy consumption of
fuel consumption of the marine diesel-electric hybrid the system.
power system of the rule-based logic threshold control
strategy is 25,117.4 g, and the average specific fuel con-
sumption is be = 197.3 g/(kW h). The fuel consumption Declaration of conflicting interests
of the DP-MPC strategy is 24,485 g, and the average The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest
specific fuel consumption is be = 192.3 g/(kW h). The with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publi-
fuel consumption of two control algorithm after adding cation of this article.
a 20% disturbance is shown in Figure 17.
Conclusions The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial
support for the research, authorship, and/or publication
In this paper, an energy management strategy combin- of this article: This work is Supported by the Research
ing dynamic programing and model predictive control Project of Advanced Technology Ship (No: MIIT
algorithm has been designed for a diesel-electric hybrid [2018]473), the Fundamental Research Funds for the
ship. Furthermore, the influence of different levels of Central Universities (WUT: 2019III125CG) and the self-
white noise on the MPC strategy has been analyzed. determined and innovative research funds of Wuhan
The fuel economy of the hybrid system using the same University of Technology grant 2019-ND-B1-13.
Yuan et al. 657

ORCID iD hybrid ship based on experimental database. Energies

2018; 11(9): 2211–2230.
Yupeng Yuan
12. Yuan Y, Wang J, Yan X, et al. A review of multi-energy
hybrid power system for ships. Renew Sustain Energ Rev
2020; 132: 110081.
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