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Materials Science and Engineering A343 (2003) 265 /272

Anisotropic fracture behaviour of cold drawn steel: a materials

science approach
J. Toribio a,, F.J. Ayaso b,1
Department of Materials Engineering, University of Salamanca, E.P.S., Campus Viriato, Avda. Requejo 33, 49022 Zamora, Spain
Department of Materials Science, University of A Coruña, E.S. Marina Civil, Campus de Riazor, Paseo de Ronda 51, 15011 La Coruna, Spain

Received 7 February 2002; received in revised form 21 May 2002


In this paper the fracture performance of axisymmetric notched samples taken from pearlitic steels with different levels of cold
drawing is studied. To this end, a real manufacture chain was stopped in the course of the process, and samples of all intermediate
stages were extracted. Thus the drawing intensity or straining level (represented by the yield strength ) is treated as the fundamental
variable to elucidate the consequences of the manufacturing route on the posterior fracture performance of the material. A materials
science approach to the phenomenon is proposed, so that the strongly anisotropic fracture behaviour of the steels with high level of
strain hardening (which exhibit a 908 step in the fracture surface) is rationalized on the basis of the markedly oriented pearlitic
microstructure of the drawn steels which influences the operative micromechanism of fracture in this case.
# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pearlitic steel; Cold drawing; Notched samples; Strength anisotropy; Materials science approach

1. Introduction colonies and lamellae become quasi-parallel to the wire

axis or drawing direction in the most heavily drawn
One of the major concerns in civil engineering steels.
construction and maintenance of prestressed concrete At the macroscopic level, it was reported that
structures is the fracture performance of the high- prestressing steel wires (heavily drawn) exhibit aniso-
strength prestressing steel wires which are the funda- tropic fracture behaviour in air [8,9] and in aggressive
mental components in the afore-said composite material environments promoting stress corrosion cracking in
(prestressed concrete), since these wires suffer the high- several forms [9 /11]. More recently, a materials science
est levels of stress and may be damaged by the combined link was established between the microstructure of the
action of both mechanical and environmental agents [1]. cold drawn steels*/progressively oriented by the man-
Manufacture process of prestressing steel wires con- ufacture process */and the macroscopic fracture
sist of cold drawing in several passes an eutectoid behaviour */increasingly anisotropic */in air [12] and
pearlitic steel bar which was previously produced by corrosive environment [13,14].
hot rolling. From the micromechanical point of view, it This paper combines the effects of a high level of
is known that the drawing process influences the strain hardening produced by cold drawing in the steels
microstructure of the material [2,3] in the form of (with its associated microstructural consequences) and
progressive trend towards a closer packing [4,5] and a the presence of stress raises such as notches of very
more oriented arrangement [6,7] so that the pearlitic different geometries which generate a triaxial stress state
in their vicinity (mechanical constraint in the fracture
process zone) and, what could be even more important
 Corresponding author. Tel.: /34-980-545-000; fax: /34-980-545- in this research, produce a geometric constraint which
E-mail addresses: (J. Toribio), (F.J.
forces the fracture path to maintain its own propagation
Ayaso). plane, thereby establishing a competition between the
Tel.: /34-981-167-000; fax: /34-981-167-101. material anisotropy which tends to produce deflection of
0921-5093/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 5 0 9 3 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 3 6 4 - 7
266 J. Toribio, F.J. Ayaso / Materials Science and Engineering A343 (2003) 265 /272

the cracking surface and the geometric constraint which Table 1

obliges the fracture process to develop in mode I in spite Chemical composition of the steels in wt.%
of the inherent strength anisotropy of the material C Mn Si P S Cr V Al
induced by microstructural orientation.
0.80 0.69 0.23 0.012 0.009 0.265 0.060 0.004

2. Description of materials 3 show micrographs of the two basic microstructural

levels of pearlitic colonies and lamellae in steel with four
The materials used in this work were high-strength different levels of cold drawing (steels 0, 2, 4 and 6
steels with different degrees of cold drawing, obtained undergoing, respectively, 0, 2, 4 and 6 steps of cold
from a real manufacturing process by stopping the drawing). Both microstructural units are seen to become
production chain and taking samples from the inter- progressively oriented tending to a direction parallel or
mediate stages. The different steels were named with quasi-parallel to the wire axis or cold drawing direction
digits 0/6 which indicate the number of cold drawing in the most heavily drawn material (steel 6).
steps undergone, so steel 0 is the hot rolled bar (base
material) and steel 6 represents the prestressing steel
wire (final commercial product) which has suffered six
cold drawing steps with increase of both yield strength
3. Experimental programme
and ultimate tensile strength (UTS), as shown in Fig. 1
which plots the stress /strain curves of the steels.
Fracture tests under tension loading were performed
Table 1 shows the chemical composition common to
on axisymmetric notched specimens with a circumfer-
all steels, and Table 2 includes the diameter (Di), the
entially-shaped notch. Four notch geometries were used
cold drawing degree (Di/D0), the yield strength (s02), the
with each material, in order to achieve very different
ultimate tensile stress (UTS) and the fracture toughness
stress states in the vicinity of the notch tip and thus very
(KIC) of the different steel wires. The KIC-value given in
distinct constraint situations, thus allowing an analysis
Table 2 represents the critical stress intensity factor as a
of the influence of such factors on the micromechanical
measure of failure resistance in each steel wire, but it is
fracture processes. The dimensions of the specimens
an actual fracture toughness only in the slightly drawn
named A, B, C and D throughout this paper were the
steels which behave isotropically. In heavily drawn steels
analysed in this paper (4 /6) it is obtained as if the crack
developed in mode I. Geometry A: R /D /0.03, A /D /0.10
Metallographic techniques [15,16], were used to reveal Geometry B: R /D /0.05, A /D /0.30
the pearlitic microstructure of the steels. Fig. 2 and Fig. Geometry C: R /D /0.40, A /D /0.10
Geometry D: R /D /0.40, A /D /0.30

where R is the notch radius, A the notch depth and D

the external diameter of the axisymmetric specimen.
These four notched geometries are depicted in Fig. 4.
Three fracture tests were performed for each material
and geometry (thus a total number of 84 tests were
performed: seven materials, four notched geometries
and three tests of each) recording continuously the load
and the relative displacement between two points distant
25 mm. Thus the extensometer gage length is common
for all the experiments, in spite of the fact that the wire
diameter changes with the level of cold drawing (cf.
Table 2). As a consequence, the displacement recorded
by the extensometer is not proportional to the notch
geometry. This problem will be corrected before the
process for obtaining dimensionless variables in the next
section of this paper. All the tests were performed under
displacement control, so as to allow a complete record-
ing of the load /displacement plot up to final failure,
Fig. 1. Stress /strain curves of the different steels used in the even in the case of ductile behaviour with prolonged
experimental programme. decrease in load for increasing displacement.
J. Toribio, F.J. Ayaso / Materials Science and Engineering A343 (2003) 265 /272 267

Table 2
Diameter (Di), cold drawing degree (Di/D0), yield strength (s02), ultimate tensile stress (UTS) and fracture toughness (KIC) of the different steel wires
(the number of cold drawing steps undergone by each steel is indicated in its name)

Steel 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Di (mm) 12.00 10.80 9.75 8.90 8.15 7.50 7.00

Di/D0 1 0.90 0.81 0.74 0.68 0.62 0.58
s02 (GPa) 0.686 1.100 1.157 1.212 1.239 1.271 1.506
UTS (GPa) 1.175 1.294 1.347 1.509 1.521 1.526 1.762
KIC (MPa m1/2) 60.1 61.2 70.0 74.4 110.1 106.5 107.9

4. Macroscopic results 5. Fractographic analysis

Experimental results of the tests performed with the In this section, a macro -fractographic analysis is
four notched samples are given in Figs. 5/8 in the form performed of the shape of the fracture path depending
of load vs. displacement for the representative test of on the kind of microstructural arrangement produced by
each group of three (that displaying the intermediate the cold drawing process. The study is performed at the
curve). In the name of the specimens, the first symbol macro-level to correlate */in the sense of materials
(the digit) indicates the steel (number of cold drawing science */the microstructure of heavily drawn steels
steps) whereas the second symbol (the letter) denotes the and their macroscopic fracture behaviour.
notch geometry (A, B, C or D). The plots are Figs. 9 /13 show the fracture profiles of notched
represented using dimensionless variables F  and u  samples of steels 4 and 6 (i.e. heavily drawn steels)
defined as: with the geometries A, B and C and the fractographic
appearance of the fracture propagation step parallel to
F F =(s02 S) (1)
the wire axis or cold drawing direction. A clear
u u=d (2) anisotropic fracture behaviour is observed in these
heavily drawn steels in the form of fracture path
where F is the load applied on the sample during the deflection at an angle of about 908 in relation to the
fracture test, s02 is the yield strength of each material initial fracture plane. Thus a step appears in a direction
(given in Table 2), S the area of the net transversal parallel to the drawing direction as a consequence of the
section in the notched specimens, u the displacement
oriented microstructure of heavily drawn steels at the
recorded by the extensometer (corrected to obtain a
two basic microstructural levels of colonies and lamellae
constant ratio between the measurement distance and
(cf. Figs. 2 and 3).
the different diameters of the steel wires) and d the
Geometry D does not appear because in this case of
minimum diameter of the notched samples (that asso-
minimum triaxiality no clear evidence of anisotropic
ciated with the net */or minimum */transversal section:
fracture behaviour in the form of global fracture step is
S /pd2/4).
detected, but only some local deflections which do not
The procedure for obtaining dimensionless variables
makes the curves fit into the same experimental bands become a macroscopic propagation step oriented in the
with the exceptions of steels 0 and 6 due to the fact that direction of wire axis. Such local deflections are only
their stress /strain curves (cf. Fig. 1) have a shape which embryos of anisotropic behaviour.
is slightly different from the others. A final comment should be stated here. In spite of the
No significant differences between the analysed steels 908 propagation steps which appear in heavily drawn
are observed in the matter of the shape of the load / steels, these produce only a very stepped fracture surface
displacement (F  /u ) curves. Such a shape is dependent but not a macroscopic global crack deflection due to the
only of the notch geometry, i.e. of the stress triaxiality fact that the axisymmetric notch act as a geometric
(or mechanical constraint ), but not on the particular constraint which makes the fracture surface follow the
constitutive behaviour of each steel given in Fig. 1. external circumferential ring.
Geometries A and B (sharp notch) present a macro- The fractographic appearance of the fracture propa-
scopically brittle fracture behaviour (with no evidence of gation step parallel to the wire axis or cold drawing
load decrease), while in geometries C and D (blunt direction is given in Figs 9b/13b. It can be described as
notch) the fracture behaviour is ductile, associated with a kind of cleavage-like topography (with the typical
a clear decrease in load in the F /u curves. The most river patterns which mark the propagation direction
brittle fracture behaviour (in macroscopic terms) is that from bottom to top in the micrographs). It is not,
of geometry B which has the highest level of constraint however, conventional cleavage but a sort of deformed
(i.e. maximum stress triaxiality). and oriented cleavage, where the deformation and
268 J. Toribio, F.J. Ayaso / Materials Science and Engineering A343 (2003) 265 /272

orientation are quasi-parallel to the axis of the pearlitic

steel wires.
This special fractographic mode consisting of de-
formed and oriented cleavage indicates that: (i) the
fracture propagation step is a typical unstable and fast
fracture mode; (ii) such a step is a very directional mode
oriented in the wire axis direction. The described
characteristics are a logical consequence of the micro-
structural origin of the step.

6. Materials science approach

In this section a materials science approach to the

phenomenon of anisotropic fracture behaviour in heav-
ily drawn steels is offered in the form of relationship
between microstructure and macroscopic properties (in
this case macroscopic fracture behaviour), as shown in
Fig. 14. It is based in the special microstructure of these
materials. Fig. 14(a) shows a metallographic longitudi-
nal section of the most heavily drawn material (steel 6).
Apart from the standard pearlitic colonies shown in
previous sections (oriented in the cold drawing direc-
tion), an exceptional pearlitic pseudocolony can be
observed in certain areas of heavily drawn steels. This
pseudocolony is extremely slender, aligned quasi-paral-
lel to the wire axis, and has a specially high local
interlamellar spacing due to the fact that the cementite
plates are not oriented along the wire axis direction and
in some cases are pre-fractured by shear during the
manufacturing process. These characteristics make it a
preferential fracture path with minimum local resis-
Thus the pearlitic pseudocolonies act as local fracture
precursors, and their presence could explain the 908 step
observed in heavily drawn steels. Fig. 14(b) shows
schematically the formation of the 908 step when the
macro-crack (the initial fracture propagation path in
mode I) reaches the location of the pearlitic pseudocol-
ony, and then the pearlitic plates are fractured by a
mechanism of shear cracking, shown in Fig. 14(c),
according to the model of shear cracking of pearlite
proposed by Miller and Smith [17].

Fig. 2. Optical micrographs of the longitudinal metallographic

sections those sections containing the axis of the steel wires of a steel
0, b steel 2, c steel 4 and d steel 6 which hae undergone, respectiely,
zero, two, four and six steps of drawing. The metallographic iews show
a progressie orientation of pearlite colonies in the direction of wires
axis or cold drawing direction parallel to the ertical side of
micrographs in this case, in addition to an enlargement slenderising
Fig. 2 of the colonies.
J. Toribio, F.J. Ayaso / Materials Science and Engineering A343 (2003) 265 /272 269

Fig. 4. Notched geometries used in the experimental programme.

Fig. 5. Load /displacement curve F  /u  of the steel wires with notch
geometry A (plotted in dimensionless variables).

Fig. 6. Load /displacement curve F  /u  of the steel wires with notch
geometry B (plotted in dimensionless variables).

7. Conclusions

The manufacturing process by cold drawing in high-

strength pearlitic steels produces important microstruc-
tural changes at the two levels of pearlitic colonies and
lamellae which become progressively oriented in a

Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrographs of the longitudinal metallo-

graphic sections those sections containing the axis of the steel wires of
a steel 0, b steel 2, c steel 4 and d steel 6 which hae undergone,
respectiely, zero, two, four and six steps of drawing. The metallo-
graphic iews show a progressie orientation of pearlitic lamellae in the
direction of wires axis or cold drawing direction parallel to the ertical
side of micrographs in this case, in addition to a decrease of
Fig. 3 interlamellar spacing.
270 J. Toribio, F.J. Ayaso / Materials Science and Engineering A343 (2003) 265 /272

Fig. 7. Load /displacement curve F  /u  of the steel wires with notch
geometry C (plotted in dimensionless variables).

Fig. 10. Specimen 6A: (a) view of the fracture profile; (b) scanning
electron micrograph of the fracture propagation step parallel to the
wire axis or cold drawing direction.

Fig. 8. Load /displacement curve F  /u  of the steel wires with notch
geometry D (plotted in dimensionless variables).

Fig. 11. Specimen 4B: (a) view of the fracture profile; (b) scanning
electron micrograph of the fracture propagation step parallel to the
wire axis or cold drawing direction.

Fig. 9. Specimen 4A: (a) view of the fracture profile; (b) scanning From the materials science viewpoint, there is a clear
electron micrograph of the fracture propagation step parallel to the relationship between the microstructural orientation (in
wire axis or cold drawing direction. the wire axis direction) produced by cold drawing and
the appearance of the fracture profile which becomes
direction quasi-parallel to the wire axis or cold drawing more stepped as the degree of cold drawing increases, it
direction, thus resulting in a very markedly directional being macroscopically flat in slightly drawn steels and
microstructure which influence the fracture behaviour of very irregular (containing 908 steps) in heavily drawn
the materials. steels.
J. Toribio, F.J. Ayaso / Materials Science and Engineering A343 (2003) 265 /272 271

Fig. 14. Microstructural bases on anisotropic fracture behaviour: (a)

Fig. 12. Specimen 6B: (a) view of the fracture profile; (b) scanning pearlitic pseudocolony; (b) formation of the 908 step; (c) fracture by
electron micrograph of the fracture propagation step parallel to the shear cracking of pearlite in the pseudocolony, according to the model
wire axis or cold drawing direction. proposed in Ref. [17].

interlamellar spacing which makes them fail by a

mechanism of shear cracking.


The financial support of this work by the Spanish

CICYT (Grant MAT97-0442) and Xunta de Galicia
(Grant XUGA 11802B97) is gratefully acknowledged.
In addition, the authors wish to express their gratitude
to EMESA TREFILERIA S.A. (La Coruña, Spain) for
providing the steel used in the experimental programme.


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