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Materials Letters 58 (2004) 3514 – 3517

Approximate evaluation of directional toughness in

heavily drawn pearlitic steels
J. Toribioa,*, A. Valienteb
Department of Materials Engineering, University of Salamanca E.P.S., Campus Viriato, Avda. Requejo 33, 49022 Zamora, Spain
Department of Materials Science, Polytechnic University of Madrid E.T.S.I. Caminos, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid, Spain

Received 21 November 2003; received in revised form 27 May 2004; accepted 3 June 2004
Available online 1 August 2004


In this paper, an approximate procedure is proposed to estimate the fracture toughness of heavily drawn pearlitic steels in both
longitudinal (wire axis) and transverse (perpendicular) directions, on the basis of the anisotropic behaviour of the steels, with crack deflection
and mixed mode propagation, the deflection angle being almost 908.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pearlitic steels; Cold drawing; Fracture toughness; Strength anisotropy; Deformation and fracture; Mechanical properties

1. Introduction with the final steps of the manufacturing process to obtain

prestressing steel wires. The preheat treatment consisted of
High-strength cold-drawn steels are used in civil heating up to the austenitic condition and posterior slow
engineering as structural members in the form of bars, cooling to produce fine pearlite associated with the eutectoid
wires, strands, tendons and cables (e.g., high-strength steels point. Table 1 gives the chemical composition (common to
for reinforcing and prestressing concrete) which are axially all the steels), whereas Table 2 shows the nomenclature,
loaded under very severe loads, so that the knowledge of diameter and mechanical properties of the steel wires. The
their fracture toughness is very important [1]. number of drawing steps applied to each one is indicated by
This paper presents a simple procedure for evaluating the the digit in its own name. Figs. 1 and 2 show, respectively,
fracture toughness in cold-drawn prestressing steel wires on the pearlitic microstructure of steels 4 and 6 in the form of
the basis of simple fracture tests in which anisotropic longitudinal metallographic sections whose vertical side
fracture behaviour was detected [2] as a consequence of the corresponds to the wire axis or cold drawing direction, and
microstructural orientation in the wire axis direction where a progressive microstructural orientation with cold
produced during the manufacture process by cold drawing drawing is observed.
[3]. Cylindrical samples of 30 cm were cut from the steel
wires. Samples were subjected to axial fatigue to produce a
precrack. After fatigue precracking, the cracked rods (shown
2. Experimental programme in Fig. 3) were subjected to monotonic tensile loading up to
fracture. The load applied on the specimen and the relative
A high-strength eutectoid steel was used in this work. displacement of two points symmetrically placed in relation
Different degrees of cold drawing were analyzed, associated to the crack plane were continuously monitored during the
The heavily drawn steels analyzed in this paper (steels 4–
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 980 545 000; fax: +34 980 545 002. 6) exhibited anisotropic fracture behaviour with crack
E-mail address: (J. Toribio). deflection and a propagation step oriented 908 in relation
0167-577X/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Toribio, A. Valiente / Materials Letters 58 (2004) 3514–3517 3515

Table 1
Chemical composition (wt.%) of the steels
C Mn Si P S Cr V Al
0.80 0.69 0.23 0.012 0.009 0.265 0.060 0.004

to the initial propagation direction by fatigue in mode I (cf.

Ref. [2]). This 908-step is quasi-parallel to the wire axis or
cold drawing direction, a consequence of the marked
microstructural orientation induced by cold drawing [3].
The fractographic analysis [2] revealed that the predominant
micromechanisms of fracture in heavily drawn steels are Fig. 1. Longitudinal metallographic section of steel 4 (the vertical side of
microvoid coalescence (MVC), i.e., dimpled fracture, with the micrograph is parallel to the drawing direction).
evidence of isolate cleavage (C) facets indicating locally
brittle fracture.
the steel during manufacture by heavy drawing. Such
Fig. 4 shows a scheme of the fracture profiles and
pseudocolonies posses an anomalous (very high) local
microscopic fracture modes in the three steels analyzed in
interlamellar spacing which makes them preferential
this paper. There is a first subcritical crack growth in mode I
fracture paths with minimum local toughness. This is
by MVC over a very small distance x S up to the propagation
consistent with the ideas presented in Ref. [4], according
step and finally further growth in a direction close to the
to which the pop-in in the load–displacement curve is
initial one (20–308 from it). The step gets closer to the
produced by a small amount of abrupt crack extension
fatigue precrack border as the drawing becomes heavier, and
and could be related to the presence of heterogeneities in
in the fully drawn steel the step is located just at the fatigue
the material in the form of large inclusions, carbides or, in
precrack border (x S=0). Fracture surfaces are MVC before
the case of the pearlitic steel analyzed in this paper, the
the step (when x S is different from zero) and MVC with
aforesaid pearlitic pseudocolonies produced by heavy
some C facets after it.
The load–displacement plots during the fracture tests
Therefore, two characteristic points may be defined in the
showed no decrease in load, and this happened with
load–displacement curve: the point of initiation of nonlinear
independence of the degree of cold drawing. The
behaviour (at a load value F Y) and the point of final fracture
appearance of the load–displacement plot in the fracture
(at the maximum load level F max). The former was
tests was seen to depend on the strain hardening level. In
associated with a detectable pop-in in the load–displacement
heavily drawn steels, the plot always exhibited a first
plot, which marks the beginning of the nonlinear behaviour.
linear portion (associated with mode I propagation), later
These two points could be used to define a characteristic
a pop-in (associated with the 908-step) and finally a
load and its corresponding characteristic value of stress
nonlinear part (associated with the further propagation in a
intensity factor.
direction close to the initial one in mode I). The 908-step
explains the nonlinear part of the load–displacement
curve; after a pop-in associated with the step, the plot
3. Evaluation of fracture toughness
becomes curved as a consequence of bending of the
cracked sample.
To evaluate the fracture toughness in the steel wires,
The pop-in is not produced by plastic yielding but by a
an expression is needed of the stress intensity factor
kind of microstructural yielding due to the appearance of
(SIF) for the geometry and loading conditions depicted in
the 908-step as a consequence of the presence of
extremely slender pearlitic pseudocolonies [3] created in

Table 2
Nomenclature, diameter and mechanical properties of the steels
Steel 4 5 6
D i (mm) 8.15 7.50 7.00
D i/D 0 0.68 0.62 0.58
E (GPa) 196.7 202.4 198.8
r Y (GPa) 1.239 1.271 1.506
r R (GPa) 1.521 1.526 1.762
P (GPa) 2.50 2.74 2.34
n 8.69 7.98 11.49
E: Young’s modulus, r Y: yield strength, r R: ultimate tensile stress (UTS). Fig. 2. Longitudinal metallographic section of steel 6 (the vertical side of
P, n: Ramberg–Osgood parameters: e=(r/E)+(r/P)n . the micrograph is parallel to the drawing direction).
3516 J. Toribio, A. Valiente / Materials Letters 58 (2004) 3514–3517

the crack plane in the standard fracture mechanics sense,

G c(h), and it can be related to the directional fracture
toughness K IC(h) as follows:
Gc ðhÞ ¼ K IC ðhÞ=EV ð4Þ
where EV=E in plane stress and EV=E/(1-m ) in plane strain.
In addition, and taking into account the propagation step (cf.
Fig. 4) oriented 908 in relation to the radial direction
(original crack propagation direction in mode I), the relation
between the energy release rates in the radial (h=08) and
axial (h=908) directions is [6]:
Gð908Þ ¼ 0:2615Gð08Þ ð5Þ
which indicates clearly that the energy release rate for crack
deflection is quite lower than the correspondent value for
crack propagation in mode I, and thus crack deviation from
the mode I direction only happens if the fracture resistance
in the axial direction-measured in terms of specific energy
for fracture—is low enough.
Fig. 3. Cracked bars used in the experimental programme.
Fig. 5 shows the relevant fracture instants in the tests:
crack deflection at a load level F Y (associated with the pop-
Fig. 3. In this paper, the following general expression [5] in and the 908-step) and final fracture at a load level F max
is used: following a direction close to the initial one. These two key
pffiffiffiffiffiffi fracture instants allow an approximate evaluation of direc-
KI ¼ Y ða=DÞr pa ð1Þ tional toughness in cold drawn steels.
where r is the remote axial stress, a the crack depth and To obtain the approximate value of the directional
Y(a/D) a dimensionless function given by (cf. Ref. [5]): toughness (the final aim of the present paper), the following
hypotheses will be used:
Y ða=DÞ ¼ ½0:473  3:286ða=DÞ þ 14:797ða=DÞ2 1=2
h  i1=4 (i) The subcritical crack growth by MVC in mode I
ða=DÞ  a=DÞ2 ð2Þ (before the 908 step, cf. Fig. 4) is neglected; that is,
the crack length for calculating the critical value of
which was obtained using the finite-element method
the SIF at the load level F Y is the fatigue crack length:
together with a compliance technique to obtain a global
aca fat.
value of the stress intensity factor from the energy release
(ii) The pop-in crack growth is neglected in macroscopic
terms, assuming that it represents only the size of a
A fracture criterion on the basis of the energy release rate
microstructural fracture unit (the pearlitic pseudocol-
G will be used to account for the anisotropic behaviour, i.e.:
ony described in reference [3]); i.e., Dac0.
G ¼ Gc ð3Þ (iii) The final crack propagation path after the 908-step is
assumed to occur following a direction parallel to the
In materials with strength anisotropy—as the cold drawn
initial crack plane in mode I; that is, the propagation
steels considered in this paper—the specific energy for
angle in Fig. 5b is neglected: Dhc0.
fracture depends on the propagation angle h in relation to

Fig. 5. Relevant fracture instants: (a) initiation of fracture (pop-in) with

crack deflection at a load level F Y; (b) final fracture with crack propagation
Fig. 4. Fracture profiles and microscopic fracture modes. following a direction close to the initial one at a load level F max.
J. Toribio, A. Valiente / Materials Letters 58 (2004) 3514–3517 3517

Now, the fracture criterion based on the energy release

rate is applied to the fracture instants of Fig. 5a and b to
obtain the directional fracture toughness of the steels in
directions h=908 (Fig. 5a) and h=08 (Fig. 5b). With regard
to the first, the fracture criterion (3) yields:

Gða; FY ; 908Þ ¼ Gc ð908Þ ð6Þ

and considering the relation (5) between the energy release

rates in different directions:

0:2615Gða; FY ; 08Þ ¼ Gc ð908Þ ð7Þ

or, in terms of SIF, accounting for Eq. (4) and considering Fig. 6. Directional fracture toughness in the cold drawn steels in radial (08)
that in this mode I case G=K2I /EV: and axial (908) directions.
0:2615KI ða; FY Þ ¼ KIC ð908Þ ð8Þ by considering the markedly oriented pearlitic microstruc-
ture (cf. Ref. [3]) after the manufacture process.
which gives the directional toughness in axial (h=908)
With regard to the instant fracture associated with
4. Conclusion
maximum load (Fig. 5b), the fracture criterion (3) simply
gives, considering hypothesis (iii); i.e., Dhc0:
An approximate procedure was proposed to estimate the
Gða; Da; Fmax ; 08Þ ¼ Gc ð08Þ ð9Þ directional fracture toughness of heavily drawn pearlitic
steels in axial and radial directions, using a fracture criterion
In a mixed mode case like this, the energy release rate
based on the energy release rate and some assumptions
depends on both K I and K II, as follows:
  based on the experimental results. The values of directional
G ¼ KI2 þ KII2 =EV ð10Þ toughness are seen to be quite higher in radial than in axial
direction, which indicates that heavily drawn steels are very
where K I and K II depend on the following variables: anisotropic from the fracture mechanics viewpoint.
KI ¼ KI ða; Da; Fmax Þ ð11Þ
KII ¼ KII ða; Da; Fmax Þ ð12Þ
The financial support of this work by the Spanish
and considering now hypothesis (ii); i.e., Dac0, then
MICYT (Grant MAT2002-01831) and FEDER is gratefully
K IIc0, K I=K I(a,F max) and G=K2I /EV. Then the fracture
acknowledged. In addition, the authors wish to express their
criterion (9) may be expressed in terms of SIF as follows:
gratitude to EMESA TREFILERIA S.A. (La Coruña, Spain)
KI ða; Fmax Þ ¼ KIC ð08Þ ð13Þ for providing the steel used in the experimental programme.

which gives the directional toughness in radial (h=08)

direction. References
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improvement of fracture toughness with the number of cold [2] J. Toribio, M. Toledano, Constr. Build. Mater. 14 (2000) 47.
drawing steps, specially in axial (908) direction. [3] J. Toribio, E. Ovejero, M. Toledano, Int. J. Fract. 87 (1997) L83.
The directional fracture toughness is between two and [4] U.P. Singh, S. Banerjee, Acta Metall. Mater. 39 (1991) 1073.
three times higher in radial direction (h=08) than in axial [5] A. Valiente, PhD Thesis, Polytechnic University of Madrid (1980).
[6] M. Amestoy, H.D. Bui, K. DangVan, in: D. Francois (Ed.), Advances in
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anisotropy of heavily drawn steels, which can be explained

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