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Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121909

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Bio-methane and bio-methanol co-production from biogas: A

profitability analysis to explore new sustainable chemical processes
Francisco M. Baena-Moreno a, b, *, Laura Pastor-Pe
rez b, Qiang Wang c, T.R. Reina b, **
Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department, Technical School of Engineering, University of Seville, C/ Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n, Sevilla,
41092, Spain
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Surrey, GU2 7XH, Guildford, United Kingdom
College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Beijing Forestry University, 35 Qinghua East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100083, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Herein a potential synergy between biogas upgrading and CO2 conversion to bio-methanol is investi-
Received 4 February 2020 gated. This novel idea arises as an alternative path to the traditional biogas e to e bio-methane route
Received in revised form which involves CO2 separation. In this work a techno-economic analysis of the process was performed to
18 April 2020
study the profitability for potential investors. A total of 15 scenarios were analysed. Different biogas plant
Accepted 24 April 2020
Available online 30 April 2020
sizes were examined as baseline scenarios: 100, 250, 500, and 1000 m3/h. Furthermore the potential
effect of governmental incentives through bio-methane subsidies (feed-in tariffs and investment per-
Handling editor: Prof. Bing-Jie Ni centage) was studied. Finally a sensitivity analysis was developed to study the effect of key parameters.
The results of the baseline scenarios demonstrated that not profitable results can be obtained without
Keywords: subsidies. Bio-methane subsidies as feed-in tariffs proved to be effective for the 500 and 1000 m3/h plant
Bio-methane production sizes. For a feed-in tariff subsidy of 40 V/MW, 500 m3/h biogas production plants are remarkably
Bio-methanol profitable (net present value equal to 3106 kV). Concerning 1000 m3/h biogas production plants, 20
Biogas upgrading V/MW of subsidies as feed-in tariffs gives similar net present value result. Our results point out that only
CO2 utilisation
big biogas production can produce bio-methanol at profitable margins under 90e100% of investment
subsidied. The sensitivity analysis showed that electricity, natural gas and bio-methanol price can affect
Waste valorization
considerably to the overall profitability, converting predicted positive cases in negative scenarios.
Crown Copyright © 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction energy technologies have proved their readiness for replacing

traditional fossil fuels (Mas’ud et al., 2015; Mondal et al., 2016).
The growthing trend of renewable energy consumption has Indeed, the technology maturity explains the above mentioned
remarkably increased during the last decades (Destek and Sinha, growthing trend on renawable sources. Nevertheless, sustainable
2020; Zafar et al., 2019). This acceleration responds mainly to two energy production costs are still barely competitive in comparison
factors: depleption of fossil fuels; and greater concentration of with traditional energy sources (Amran et al., 2020; Gong et al.,
greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere. This scenario has 2019; Martínez et al., 2020).
motivated the scientific community to intensify the study of sus- Among the renewable energy platforms, biogas production from
tainable development policies (Bilgili et al., 2017; García-Gusano biomass stands out due to its double-fold benefit: (i) avoiding the
et al., 2017). The movement of current government towards more treatment of large amount of organic wastes; and (ii) production of
environmental-friendly energy consumption policies relies on two a gas product with an acceptable calorific value. Biogas is essen-
key factors: maturity of technology and economy. Renewable tially composed by CH4 (60%) and CO2 (40%) (Baena-Moreno et al.,
2019a), although it may also contain impurities such as H2S, CO,
H2O, N2, H2, NH3 and siloxanes (le Sache  et al., 2019). Biogas can be
* Corresponding author. Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department, used in a combined heat and power (CHP) unit for electricity pro-
Technical School of Engineering, University of Seville, C/ Camino de los Descu- duction. This process releases the CO2 contained in the biogas to the
brimientos s/n, Sevilla, 41092, Spain. atmosphere, making this option a not 100% green electricity pro-
** Corresponding author.
duction path. Another interesting alternative is to upgrade biogas
E-mail addresses: (F.M. Baena-Moreno), t.ramirezreina@surrey. (T.R. Reina). via CO2 scrubbing, obtaining a high purity bio-methane that can
0959-6526/Crown Copyright © 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 F.M. Baena-Moreno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121909

partially replace natural gas minimising the consumption of natural profitability analysis of biogas upgrading to produce bio-methane
resources (Baena-Moreno et al., 2019b, 2019c; Bose et al., 2019). and the simultaneous production of bio-methanol from the
However, the upgrading costs still hampers its implementation at extracted CO2. Under these premised and to the best of authors’
commercial scale. Only in those countries where governmental knowledge, no works have been performed to date in this direction.
incentives are offered, bio-methane production plants are more Bio-methanol production from CO2 was selected since methanol is
abundant. There are two kind of governmental incentives typically an important commodity and its production process via CO2 hy-
applied: bio-methane subsidies through feed-in tariffs or via in- drogenation has been previously addressed (Pe rez-Fortes et al.,
vestment percentage. The first one put an extra-price for each 2016a; Van-Dal and Bouallou, 2013). The overall process scheme
megawatt injected to the natural gas grid, whereas the second one is represented in Fig. 1. In the process three different stages can be
provides to the investor a percentage of the total investment cost. identified: biogas upgrading, electrolysis and bio-methanol pro-
Nevertheless, there is much debate about the biogas incentives to duction. Biogas upgrading allows the production of bio-methane
favour the technology take off. Indeed, only a few studies can be which can be injected into the natural gas grid for replacing nat-
found dealing with these kind of analyses (Cucchiella et al., 2019; ural gas. On the other hand, a high purity CO2 stream is obtained
Cucchiella and D’Adamo, 2016; D’Adamo et al., 2019; Ferella et al., from the upgrading stage. Obtaining bio-methanol from CO2 re-
2019). quires a hydrogen source. In our approach, hydrogen is generated
CO2 utilisation from biogas mixture is a promising alternative via electrolysis using renewable energy resources. Finally, the last
that may help to circumvent biogas upgrading costs (Baena- stage aims to combine both the CO2 obtained in the biogas
Moreno et al., 2019d; Baena-Moreno et al., 2019e; Bennett et al., upgrading stage and the hydrogen produced via water electrolysis
2014; Ferna ndez-Dacosta et al., 2018). Multiple CO2 capture and to obtain bio-methanol as value added ending product.
utilisation technologies can be found in the literature (Baena- Nowadays, the global methanol production reaches 140 Mt
moreno et al., 2018; Le Sache  et al., 2018; Price et al., 2019; Vega (Statista, 2019), of which 90% is produced from natural gas (Dalena
et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020a), wherein for example the pro- et al., 2018). Natural gas reforming to methanol includes three main
duction of carbonates, syngas, hydrates or methanol take a leading steps which are synthesis gas production, syngas conversion into
role (Fabian-Anguiano et al., 2019; Lee et al., 2020; Samimi et al., crude methanol and methanol purification through a complex
2018; Stroud et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2020b). Up till now, the distillation system (Dalena et al., 2018). Even though the conversion
implementation of CO2 utilisation from flue gases at industrial scale e flow rates of this path are high, methanol from natural gas
is not feasible since the worldwide amount of CO2-derived products reforming entails a significantly high carbon footprint (Li et al.,
would be much higher than the market needs. Nevertheless, in the 2018). Thus, renewable alternatives for methanol production
case of biogas upgrading, the amount of CO2 available as raw ma- needs to be explored (Rivarolo et al., 2016). In this sense, despiteour
terial (and therefore the CO2-derived products) could be fittable in proposal deals with lower plant capacities, producing methanol
the market needs. Moreover, the overall economic performance of from biomass is still appealing since it might remarkably reduce the
the biogas upgrading process could be balanced by selling the CO2- environmental impact compared to the traditional fossil fuel route.
derived product. The main goal of our work is the economic evaluation of the
Regrettably, there is a lack of techno-economic evaluations of process described in Fig. 1 in terms of profitability. Our study was
biogas upgrading and CO2 utilisation costs in the literature. The aimed to cover different casuistics, as for example different plant
work herein presented aims to encourage researchers in this area to sizes or natural gas e electricity prices. Thus, our work provides
fill this knowledge gap and contribute to the successful develop- useful data for researchers exploring this topic. Profitability study
ment of biogas technologies. Our proposal deals with the was performed through the well-established Discounted Cash Flow

Fig. 1. Biogas upgrading and bio-methanol production from CO2 process scheme.
F.M. Baena-Moreno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121909 3

(DCF) method. A DCF analysis estimates the value of an investment development of DFC method. DFC method is based on the differ-
today basing on projections of the potential value that a project can ence between the cash inflows (It ) and the cash outflows (Ot ). The
generate. DFC method was applied including an exhaust analysis of discount rate parameter (rd) has the function of reflecting the time
the typical indicators: Net Present Value (NPV), which reveals the effect. More parameters included in these equations are: the proj-
difference between present value of cash inflows e outflows for a ect lifetime (n); the present time (t); and the investment cost (Cinv ).
period of time; Discounted Payback Time (DPBT), which estimates It calculation is described in Eq. (5) and it consists on: bio-methane
the period in which the NPV of a project is equal to zero; Internal sale (Rbio-methane); governmental incentives obtained through bio-
Rate of Return (IRR), which calculates the discount rate that makes methane subsidies (Rsubsidies) (only in the scenarios needed); and
NPV zero for a period of time; and Profitability Index (PI), that bio-methanol sale (Rbio-methanol). Rbio-methane is obtained through
measures the ratio between NPV and the initial investment. Four the bio-methane produced (Qbio-methane) and the natural gas price
biogas production plant sizes have been examined. The sizes (pNG) (Eq. (6)). In those scenarios where bio-methane subsidies are
selected were in agreement with the classification presented in a considered, they are calculated considering the specific price of
previous work (Cucchiella and D’Adamo, 2016): small plants subsidy (psubsidies ) (Eq. (7)). A similar ecuation is employed for
(100 m3/h, 250 m3/h), medium plants (500 m3/h), and big plants obtaining the revenues of bio-methanol selling (Eq. (8)), which
(1000 m3/h). The hypothetical bio-methane & bio-methanol pro- depends on bio-methanol produced (Qbio-methanol) and bio-
duction plant was assumed to be built in Spain for sake of data methanol price (pbiomethanol ).
selection (i.e. natural gas price, electricity price and labour cost).
The influence of governmental incentives through bio-methane X
It  Ot
subsidies on profitability results are also analysed. Both existing
NPV ¼ (1)
t¼0 ð1 þ rd Þt
types of subsidies (feed-in tariffs and investment percentage) were
evaluated. This point aims to serve as a useful guide for policy-
makers because it allows: 1) Estimating the subsidies values X
It  Ot
¼0 (2)
needed to reach profitability in bio-methane production plants; ð1 þ rd Þt
and 2) Focusing on bio-methane production plant sizes which are
more prone to be profitable. Furthermore, an exhaust sensitivity
analysis to examine the influence of the main parameters on X
It  Ot
¼0 (3)
profitability results was performed in agreement with the scenarios t¼0 ð1 þ IRRÞt
explained in section 2.3.
Pn It Ot
2. Methodology t¼0 ð1þrd Þt
PI ¼ (4)
2.1. Process description and modelling
It ¼ Rbiomethane þ Rsubsidies þ Rbiomethanol (5)
The process described in Fig. 1 was divided into three differ-
enciated stages which are biogas upgrading, electrolysis and bio-
methanol production. It was assumed that the biogas production Rbiomethane ¼ Qbiomethane *pNG (6)
plant was already operating and therefore there was no need of
capital investment. Moreover, it was assumed an ideal biogas Rsubsidies ¼ Qbiomethane *psubsidies (7)
composition of 60% CH4 e 40% CO2 composition. Biogas upgrading
stage produces bio-methane, and the separated CO2 is fed to the
Rbiomethanol ¼ Qbiomethanol *pmethanol (8)
bio-methanol production stage. Membrane technology is one of the
most promising technologies for biogas upgrading since it allows to For the calculation of Ot, Eq. (9) was employed. It is formed by
reduce the investment cost and obtain a high purity bio-methane the costs of the three different stages defined, as described by each
stream (Cucchiella et al., 2019). Therefore, membrane technology subscript. All the parameters included in Eq. (9) were obtained with
was selected for the purpose of our work. As there are a wide va- Eq. 10e31. The correspondences of each subscript are the following:
riety of data available in the literature for the sizes proposed “BU” corresponds to the biogas upgrading stage; “EL” corresponds
(Cucchiella et al., 2019; Cucchiella and D’Adamo, 2016), they were to the electrolysis stage; and “MP” corresponds to the bio-methanol
directly implemented in the economic model. The electrolysis plant production stage. The common costs of each stage are: the in-
selected for the production of hydrogen was an alkaline electrolyser vestment, which is supposed to be covered by a third party loan
(AE) since it is the one recommended by suppliers because of its (Cloan); the interest of loan (Cil); maintenance and overhead (M&O)
commercial availability (Bolat and Thiel, 2014). In agreement with (Cmo); depreciation (Cdf), insurance (Cins), installation (Cinst) and
previous works, a small scale electrolyser of 0.6 MW is enough to electricity (Ce). The investment costs of the bio-methanol produc-
feed up the needs of the bio-methanol production plant (Pe rez- tion stage were estimated in agreement with the modelling results.
Fortes et al., 2016b). Regarding the bio-methanol production The economic data and parameters used for the bio-methanol
stage, no economic data were found for the sizes herein considered. production stage investment can be checked in Appendix I. The
Therefore, this stage was first modelled techno-economically in labour cost (Clab Þ is a general plant cost and the number of opera-
agreement with data previously published for CO2 hydrogenation tors is assumed per size of plant. It was assumed that the distance
to bio-methanol (Pe rez-Fortes et al., 2016a; Van-Dal and Bouallou, from the natural gas grid to the plant is minimal so the cost of bio-
2013). Further information of the data and the process layout used methane transportation was not included. The parameters from Eq.
are detailed in:“Appendix I. Modelling and economic data of bio- 10e31 which have not been described previously are the following
methanol production stage”. by order of appearance: years of loan payback (nl ); percentage of
M&O (pmo ); percentage of depreciation (pdf ); percentage of in-
2.2. Economic model assessment surance (pins ); percentage of installation (pinst ); unitary electricity
cost of biogas upgrading, electrolysis or bio-methanol production
Eqs. (1)e(4) describe the profitability indicators selected for the (CueBU ; CueEL ; CueMP ); electricity price (pe ); unitary labour cost
4 F.M. Baena-Moreno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121909

(Clabu ); and operators number (nop ). All the inputs needed to solve
the feasibility study are reported in Table 1. Moreover, Table 2 in- CmoEL ¼ CinvEL *pmo (19)
cludes a notation list for the parameters used in the economic
model. CdfEL ¼ CloanEL *pdf (20)
Ot ¼ CloanBU þ CilBU þ CmoBU þ CdfBU þ CinsBU þ CeBU þ CinsEL ¼ CinvEL *pins (21)
CloanEL þ CilEL þ CmoEL þ CdfEL þ CinsEL þ CeEL þ
  CinstEL ¼ CinvEL *pinst (22)
CloanMP þ CilMP þ CmoMP þ CdfMP þ CinsMP þ CeMP þ Clab
(9) CeEL ¼ Qhydrogen *CueEL *pe (23)

CinvBU CinvMP
CloanBU ¼ (10) CloanMP ¼ (24)
nl nl

CilBU ¼ ½CinvBU  CloanBU * ðt þ 1Þ*rint (11) CilMP ¼ ½CinvMP  CloanMP * ðt þ 1Þ*rint (25)

CmoBU ¼ CinvBU *pmo (12) CmoMP ¼ CinvMP *pmo (26)

CdfBU ¼ CloanBU *pdf (13) CdfMP ¼ CloanMP *pdf (27)

CinsBU ¼ CinvBU *pins (14) CinsMP ¼ CinvMP *pins (28)

CinstMP ¼ CinvMP *pinst (29)

CinstBU ¼ CinvBU *pinst (15)

CeMP ¼ Qbiomethanol *CueMP *pe (30)

CeBU ¼ Qbiogas *CueBU *pe (16)

Clab ¼ Clabu *nop (31)

CloanEL ¼ (17)

2.3. Definition of scenarios

CilEL ¼ ½CinvEL  CloanEL * ðt þ 1Þ*rint (18)
Table 3 reflects the main assumptions imposed for each

Table 1
Inputs used in the economic feasibility study.

Data Value Reference

pNG (V/MWh) 18.48 European Comission (2019)

pmethanol (V/t) 350 rez-Fortes et al., 2016b; Wiesberg et al., 2016)
CinvBU (V/m3/h) 100 m3/h e 6000 Cucchiella and D’Adamo (2016)
250 m3/h e 4500
500 m3/h e 2250
1000 m3/h e 1500
CinvEL (V/kW) 1980 rez-Fortes et al. (2016b)
CinvMP (kV) 100 m3/h e 1639 See Appendix I
250 m3/h e 1712
500 m3/h e 1799
1000 m3/h e 1932
nl (y) 15 Cucchiella et al. (2019)
n 20 Assumed
rd (%) 5 Ferella et al. (2019)
rint (%) 3 Cucchiella et al. (2019)
pmo (%) 10 rez-Fortes et al., 2016a)
(Cucchiella et al., 2018; Pe
pdf (%) 20 (Cucchiella et al., 2015; Ferella et al., 2019)
pins (%) 1 Cucchiella and D’Adamo (2016)
pinst (%) 20 rez-Fortes et al., 2016a, 2016b)
CueBU (kWh/m3 biogas) 0.29 Cucchiella and D’Adamo (2016)
CueEL (kWh/KW H2) 1.62 rez-Fortes et al. (2016b)
CueMP (MWh/t bio-methanol) 0.37 rez-Fortes et al., 2016a; Van-Dal and Bouallou, 2013)
pe (V/kWh) 0.13 PORDATA (2019)
Clabu (V/y/worker) 15,750 BOE (2018)
nop (worker) 100 m3/h e 6 Assumed
250 m3/h e 7
500 m3/h e 8
1000 m3/h e 10
nwh (h/y) 8000 Assumed
F.M. Baena-Moreno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121909 5

Table 2
Notation list for the parameters used in the economic model.

Parameter Meaning Unit Parameter Meaning Unit

DCF Discounted Cash Flow e Cloan Cost of Loan V

NPV Net Present Value V Cil Interest of Loan Cost V
DPBT Discounted Payback Time years Cmo Maintenance & Overhead Cost V
IRR Internal Rate of Return % Cdf Depreciation Cost V
PI Profitability Index V/V Cins Insurance Cost V
It Cash Inflows V Cinst Installation Cost V
Ot Cash Outflows V Ce Electricity Cost V
rd Discount Rate % Clab Labour Cost V
n Number of Years years nl Loan Years years
t Time years pmo Maintenance & Overhead Percentage %
Cinv Investment Cost V pdf Depreciation Percentage %
Rbio-methane Biomethane Revenues V pins Insurance Percentage %
Rsubsidies Subsidies Revenues V pinst Installation Percentage %
Rbio-methane Bio-methane Revenues V CueBU Unitary Electricity Consumption for Biogas Upgrading kWh/m3 biogas
Qbio-methane Biomethane Flow m3/h CueEL Unitary Electricity Consumption for Electrolysis kWh/kW H2
png Natural Gas Price V/MWh CueMP Unitary Electricity Consumption for Bio-methanol Production MWh/t bio-methanol
psubsidies Specific Price of Subsidy V/MWh pe Electricity Price V/kWh
Qbio-methanol Bio-methanol Flow m3/h Clabu Unitary Labour Cost V/worker
pbio-methanol Bio-methanol Price V/t nop Number of workers workers

Table 3
Scenarios and assumptions defined.

Scenario Bio-methane Bio-methane subsidies/ Sensitivity Parameter analysed/Value Purpose

capacity (m3/h) Type/Values (units) analysis

1 100 No/- No e Baseline case and plant size comparison

2 250 No/- No e
3 500 No/- No e
4 1000 No/- No e
5 100 Yes/Feed-in tariffs/10e80 No e Quantification of bio-methane subisidies (feed-in tariffs) needed to
(V/MW) reach profitability for each capacity
6 250 Yes/Feed-in tariffs/10e80 No
7 500 Yes/Feed-in tariffs/10e80 No e
8 1000 Yes/Feed-in tariffs/10e80 No e
9 100 Yes/Investment No e Quantification of bio-methane subisidies (investment percentage)
percentage/10e90 (%) needed to reach profitability for each capacity
10 250 Yes/Investment No e
percentage/10e90 (%)
11 500 Yes/Investment No e
percentage/10e90 (%)
12 1000 Yes/Investment No e
percentage/10e90 (%)
13 500e1000 Yes/Feed-in tariffs/20 Yes Electricity price/± 50% of the Effect of electricity price
(V/MW) defined value
14 500e1000 Yes/Feed-in tariffs/20 Yes Natural gas price/± 50% of Effect of natural gas price
(V/MW) the defined value
15 500e1000 Yes/Feed-in tariffs/20 Yes Bio-methanol price/± 50% of Effect of bio-methanol price
(V/MW) the defined value

scenario. Four different biogas production plants capacities (100, 3. Results

250, 500 and 1000 m3/h) were selected in agreement with different
sizes described in the literature (Cucchiella and D’Adamo, 2016). 3.1. Baseline case: the importance of plant size
These four capacities were analysed in scenarios 1e4, without
considering any bio-methane subsidides. The effect of bio-methane Fig. 2 and Table 4 summarise the results of the profitability
subsidies as feed-in tariffs were analysed in scenarios 5e8, whereas analysis performed for the four different biogas plant sizes defined
the subsidides as investment percentage were studied in scenarios in scenarios 1e4. Concerning Fig. 2, the NPV results obtained are
9e12. Afterwards a sensitivity analysis of the main parameters was negative for all the sizes herein analysed. PI, DPBT and IRR (Table 4)
performed. These scenarios correspond to 13e15 from Table 3. Even confirm the poor values obtained, making fruitless the potential
though current values of these parameters were selected for the investment in this kind of renewable energy under the character-
present study, its variation could affect considerably to the profit- istics of these scenarios. These results are in agreement with the
ability of the project. Therefore electricity, natural gas and bio- current status of bio-methane production plants in those countries
methanol price were examined to predict the potential effect of where no governmental incentives are provided. Indeed, the prof-
their fluctuations on the profitability performance. itability of bio-methane plants is usually linked to subsidies, as
verified in previous works (Cucchiella et al., 2018; Cucchiella and
6 F.M. Baena-Moreno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121909

Fig. 2. NPV results for scenarios 1e4.

Table 4 Regarding the revenues, injecting bio-methane to the natural

DPBT, IRR and PI results for scenarios 1e4. gas grid supposes the 72% of the total whereas selling the produced
Biogas plant size (m3/h) DPBT (years) IRR PI bio-methanol represents the 28%. The revenues for selling bio-
methanol are lower than the bio-methanol production costs for a
100 n.a. n.a. 2.74
250 n.a. n.a. 2.63 typical year. Therefore, the production of bio-methanol from the
500 n.a. n.a. 2.48 separated CO2 does not seems to be profitable in the biogas context.
1000 n.a. n.a. 2.21 Hence one may argue that there are no reasons to synergise CO2
*n.a: not available because the investment is not recovered or the NPV is never equal utilisation and biogas upgrading to bio-methane under the studied
to zero. circumstances. Nevertheless, as explained in the Introduction sec-
tion, two kinds of governmental subsidies are typically applied. Bio-
methane subsidies as feed-in tariffs would not reduce the differ-
D’Adamo, 2016). In agreement with PI values showed in Table 4, a ence between bio-methanol revenues & costs, but bio-methane
bigger plant size favors the profitability as PI value increase with subsidies as percentage of investment can balance the benefits
the size. Nevertheless, NPV values showed in Fig. 2 do not progress obtained in this stage. We will analyse these inputs in section 3.3.
positevely along with biogas plant size. This fact is probably caused
by the influence of other costs e revenues for each situation. In light
of these results, we will analyse the costs and revenues leading to 3.2. Influence of governmental incentives
this unrewarding situation.
Fig. 3 reveals the cost breakdown obtained for each plant size 3.2.1. Subsidies through feed-in tariffs
analysed. For comparison purposes, investment costs were annu- Governmental incentives through feed-in tariffs are a common
alized. As predicted by PI results, investment percentage decreases tool of policy-makers to boost the use of renewable energy. These
considerably as the biogas plant size increases. The highest in- policies are well-extended both in already developed countries (i.e.
vestment costs are related to the bio-methanol stage, whereas Germany (Baur and Uriona M., 2018; Bo € hringer et al., 2017) or Italy
biogas upgrading and electrolysis stages share the second and third (Patrizio et al., 2017)), and in developing countries (i.e. South Africa
position depending on the plant size. Electrolysis investment cost is (Eberhard and Kåberger, 2016) or Sri Lanka (Shi et al., 2018)). The
higher than biogas upgrading investment cost for small sizes (100 reason is simple: the use of renewable energy reduces the energy
and 250 m3/h), while this order shifts for medium and big dependence from big energy producers. Apropos the subsidies for
plants.The results obtained for M&O show essentially a parallel bio-methane production some European countries have already
behaviour to investment costs. On the contrary, electricity cost implemented a strong strategy to utilise this renewable energy
clearly increases from 12% (100 m3/h) to 49% (1000 m3/h). This fact vector. For example, Austria bio-methane’s subsidies are around
is caused by two actions: there is a higher biogas flow to be treated; 12.51e16.51 V/MW while Slovakia subsidies’ are around 10.75
and the need of producing more hydrogen in the electrolysis stage V/MW (Pablo-Romero et al., 2017). From the profitability analysis
to fulfil the bio-methanol production requirements. This makes carried out in section 3.1 of the present work, it seems clear that the
electricity costs to be higher than M&O costs for the largest ca- existence of subsidies is required. As discussed in the Introduction
pacities. It is also the reason why NPV and PI show different section, the value of subsidies is a topic of discussion and it depends
tendencies. on multiple country-dependant parameters (i.e. national salaries,
natural gas price and electricity price). In this sense, this section
F.M. Baena-Moreno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121909 7

Fig. 3. Cost breakdown for each biogas plant size.

provides an estimation of the feed-in tariffs subsidies that would be a wide range (10e80 V/MW) to provide a wider perspective. As can
needed for reaching profitability by plant size. Fig. 4 showcases the be seen from the results herein presented, the subsidies effect on
NPV evolution with subsidies value for each plant size and Table 5 profitability is strongly dependent on the biogas plant size. This
collects the PI results obtained. dependence is boosted when subsidies are increased. For example
The subsidies values chosen for performing the analysis were in Fig. 4 reveals an almost null difference between small plants and

Fig. 4. NPV evolution of scenarios 5e8 with bio-methane subsidies through feed-in tariffs.
8 F.M. Baena-Moreno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121909

Table 5 production of renewable energy are subsidies through a percentage

PI results obtained for bio-methane subsidies through feed-in tariffs. Scenarios 5e8. of investment. Albeit this kind of subsidies are unfrequent
Subsidies (V/MW) 100 m3/h 250 m3/h 500 m3/h 1000 m3/h compared to feed-in tariffs, they could be helpful in those cases
0 2.74 2.63 2.48 2.21
where the investment is the biggest part of the overall cost. Fig. 5
10 2.55 2.22 1.67 0.77 and Table 6 present the profitability results of this work for the
20 2.35 1.81 0.86 0.67 scenarios 9e12.
30 2.16 1.40 0.05 2.1 Scenarios 9e12 (investment percentage) yield worse results
40 1.97 0.98 0.76 3.54
than scenarios 5e8 (subsidides percentage). This observation
50 1.77 0.57 1.56 4.98
60 158 0.16 2.37 6.42 confirms the reason why feed-in tariffs are much more frequently
70 1.38 0.25 3.18 7.86 implemented than percentage of investment. Moreover, the use of
80 1.19 0.67 3.99 9.3 feed-in tariffs forces the investor to run the bio-methane produc-
tion plant to mantain subsidides. Indeed, the overall efficiency of
the plant is projected to be as higher as possible to obtain the
big plants for the lowest subsidies, whereas for high subsidies the maximum quantity of bio-methane. This way we could substan-
difference is remarkable. Indeed, the smallest plants (100 m3/h, tially improve the overall performance of this production plants.
scenario 5) does not reach profitable results even at 80 V/MW. Focusing on the results obtained in scenarios 9e12, NPV values
Increasing the size plant to 250 m3/h (scenario 6) would not solve (Fig. 5) are only positive for the highest percentage of investment
the profitability problems since a subsidy of around 64 V/MW for medium and big plant sizes.
would be needed, which is hardly tolerable. Reasonable values for From the results obtained in Table 6 a curious discussion arises.
subsidies as feed-in tariffs are 10e40 V/MW, altought this may As the percentage of investment subsidied increases, PI decreases
depend on several factors. For these values only medium and big for small and medium plant sizes (scenarios 9 and 10). This fact is
plants would be profitable. For 500 m3/h (scenario 7) the first NPV due to the mathematical formula which defines PI (see Eq. (4),
positive value is obtained for 30.66 V/MW of subsidie. For this section 2.2). In these cases the investment decrease is higher than
value, a DPBT of 20 years would be needed to recover the invest- the NPV increase in percentage, which makes the approach less
ment. For the same plant size at 40 V/MW, 3106 kV of NPV are profitable at higher subsidides (according to PI indicator). For me-
obtained, with a PI of 0.76 and a DPBT of 5 years. These conditions dium and bigger plants this unusual behavior is corrected as seen in
are much more appealing for investors. Concerning the 1000 m3/h Table 6.
biogas production plant (scenario 8), 20 V/MW represents a
compromise solution between investors and subsidies from gov- 3.3. Sensitivity analysis
ernements. For this subsidies value, a PI value of 0.67 and NPV of
3095 kV are obtained, which is both attractive and risky for the Finally and to cover as many economic variables as possible, a
investor since a fluctuation for example in electricity price could sensitivity analysis of selected parameters was performed. The
reverse the benefits. Risky scenarios related to electricity, natural parameters studied were electricity price (scenario 13), natural gas
gas and bio-methanol prices are included in section 3.3. price (scenario 14), and bio-methanol price (scenario 15). These
parameters were chosen in agreement with the results obtained in
3.2.2. Subsidies through investment percentages the baseline scenarios (scenarios 1e4), which highlighted the
The other type of governmental incentives for rewarding the importance of electricity costs and revenues. Figs. 6e8 show the

Fig. 5. NPV evolution of scenarios 9e12 with bio-methane subsidies through percentage of investment.
F.M. Baena-Moreno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121909 9

Table 6 reduce risks.

PI results obtained for bio-methane subsidies through percentage of investment. As for the influence of the natural gas price, an obvious reverse
Scenarios 9e12.
trend can be observed in Fig. 7. A notable negative impact on NPV
Subsidies (%) 100 m3/h 250 m3/h 500 m3/h 1000 m3/h value for all the cases is observed when natural gas price is reduced.
0 2.74 2.63 2.48 2.21 In some cases this reduction results in negative NPV as in scenario
10 2.77 2.65 2.47 2.18 14 depicted in Fig. 7. Thereagain investors may lose or spark their
20 2.80 2.67 2.47 2.13 apetetive for this combined bio-methane/bio-methanol technology
30 2.85 2.69 2.46 2.08
depending on natural gas market oscillations. The policies and
40 2.90 2.73 2.46 2.01
50 2.99 2.77 2.45 1.92 prices for natural gas are closely linked to international relation-
60 3.11 2.84 2.4 1.77 ships and they are quite difficult to predict for a 20-year future.
70 3.32 2.94 2.43 1.53 Moreover, the countries which lead the natural gas production
80 3.73 3.18 2.39 1.05
(United States, Russia and Iran) have evidenced political differences
90 4.96 3.86 2.3 0.39
100 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
in many occasions. For intermediary countries which receive nat-
ural gas from producer countries, this is a hardly controllable factor.
*n.a is a direct consequence of the PI formula. Please see section 2.2, Eq. (4) for a
Methanol price has varied considerably during the last years,
better understanding.
presenting constant fluctuations. Even though 350 V/t is a repre-
sentative value, methanol price has reached 450 V/t and in some
NPV results obtained for scenarios 13, 14 and 15. As indicated in cases this value has diminished to 225 V/t (Methanex, 2019). For
Table 3, the sensitivity analyses were performed on 500 m3/h and this very reason a sensitivity analysis of bio-methanol price was
1000 m3/h biogas production plants, assuming a feed-in tariffs carried out in our work, which corresponds to scenario 15. The
subsidy of 20 V/MW. The reason is to examine cases which are close reference values were ±50% of 350 V/t for sake of analyzing the
to a zero NPV value and then discuss the risk e opportunities of worst case (175 V/t) and the best case (525 V/t). As depicted in
certain parameters. Fig. 8 no profitable results are reached for a 500 m3/h plant. Even at
Electricity costs were proved to be very important in scenarios 3 a bio-methanol price of 525 V/t and considering 20 V/MW of
and 4 analysed in section 3.1. Inasmuch electricity price suffers subsidies as feed in tariffs, NPV is 2039 kV. A critical thought
important variations yearly, Fig. 6 shows the effect of this param- against this result can be extracted since methanol price is strongly
eter on the NPV in our combined bio-methane/bio-methanol pro- unstable. The integrated process for biogas upgrading and bio-
duction route. A reduction of 50% in the electricity price makes methanol production herein analysed may be more appropriated
500 m3/h plants almost reach profitability, whereas an increase of for the biggest capacity plants. For the previous parameters, some
50% would reverse to negative 1000 m3/h biogas production plants. political actions could be taken to foster investors’ appetite, but
Therefore, the influence of electricity price is very strong and some methanol context is international and its price is linked to the raw
measures could be taken by policy-makers to prevent negative materials. Thus, even if there are political interests on this kind of
results in cases of electricity market price oscillation. Stability on renewable energy production plants, investors would always carry
electricity price would be the desirable scenario for investors to a risk when supporting this initiative. Alternatively, government
incentives could be linked to methanol price for medium plants.

Fig. 6. Influence of electricity price on NPV. Scenario 13.

10 F.M. Baena-Moreno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121909

Fig. 7. Influence of natural gas price on NPV. Scenario 14.

Fig. 8. Influence of bio-methanol price on NPV. Scenario 15.

F.M. Baena-Moreno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121909 11

Thus, higher subsidies would be provided when methanol price processes within the context of a circular economy.
falls. This fact could promote the implementation of this renewable
production strategy in rural areas. On the other hand, larger biogas CRediT authorship contribution statement
plants would be profitable even at the lowest methanol price.
Francisco M. Baena-Moreno: Writing - original draft, Writing -
review & editing, Resources, Methodology, Investigation, Formal
4. Conclusions rez:
analysis, Data curation, Conceptualization. Laura Pastor-Pe
Visualization, Methodology, Investigation. Qiang Wang: Visuali-
We have performed a profitability analysis to upgrade biogas
zation, Validation, Supervision, Resources, Methodology, Investi-
and simultaneously produce bio-methanol in order to assess the
gation. T.R. Reina: Writing - original draft, Writing - review &
economic interest of this renewable route for potential investors.
editing, Validation, Supervision, Software, Resources, Project
The following points summarise the conclusions of our work:
administration, Project administration, Funding acquisition, Formal
analysis, Conceptualization.
- The results obtained for the baseline scenarios are not
commercially appealing and none of the biogas plant sizes
studied are deemed profitable. The cost analysis showed Acknowledgments and Funding
domination of the investment cost and M&O for the smallest
plants, whereas electricity cost was the highest one for medium This work was supported by University of Seville through V
and big plants. PPIT-US. This work was also partially funded by the CO2Chem UK
- Feed-in tariffs does not seem to solve the profitability handicaps through the EPSRC grant (No. EP/R512904/1) and the Royal Society
for small plants. Nevertheless, this kind of subsidy can be a valid Research Grant (No. RSGR1180353).
solution for medium-large biogas plants.
- Concerning the effect of bio-methane subsidies as percentage of Appendix I. Modelling and economic data of bio-methanol
investment e this action is not as effective as feed-in tariffs. production stage

Our results invite to reflect about new policies to balance the The main goal of the bio-methanol production process model-
potential negative impacts that these parameters may have over ling was to estimate the investment cost corresponding to this
the profitability of the process analysed. Overall, our approach for stage, as well as the raw materials needed and the production of
an integrated green process to generate bio-methane & bio- bio-methanol. To this end, CO2 hydrogenation to methanol process
methanol would be profitable under the studied circumstances was selected since a wide variety of data are available in the liter-
for large biogas plants when small-medium subsidies are applied. ature (Borisut and Nuchitprasittichai, 2019; Fang et al., 2019;
Future research will be leaded to study the influence of biogas Leonzio, 2017; Van-Dal and Bouallou, 2013). The proposed process
composition and real mixtures on profitability results (i.e. the was a simplified version of the optimization presented by Van-Dal
impact of incorporating a biogas desulphurisation unit). Further- and Bouallou (2013) (Van-Dal and Bouallou, 2013), which has also
more, alternatives for utilisation of the residual CO2 (i.e. carbon- been used by other authors previously (Pe rez-Fortes et al., 2016a).
ation) will be explored. In any case, this is an encouraging result In their work, these authors optimised to reduce the number of
that opens new research avenues in process design, reaction en- compressors and heat exchangers, which considerably decrease the
gineering and low-carbon policies to explore new sustainable investment costs. Fig. I.1 shows the process modelled.

Fig. I.1. CO2 hydrogenation to bio-methanol process flowsheet. The abbreviations used for the different equipments are the following: M e Mixer; C e Compressor; HX e Heat
Exchanger; PFR e Plug Flow Reactor; D e Distillation Colum; KO e Knock-Out Drum;
12 F.M. Baena-Moreno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121909

As a brief explanation of the proposed process, first CO2 and H2 Table I.1 (continued )
need to be compressed to 78 bar. CO2 compression is carried out in Equipment Biogas plant size (m3/h) e Key Biogas plant size
four compressor stages located in serie cooling between stages, parameter (m3/h) e Cost
whereas H2 is compressed in a single stage. After mixing both raw (kV)
materials and the recycle stream, previous the reaction stage the mix 500 e SM ¼ 1989 kg; 500e122
is heated to 210  C. The reactor is a pluf flow adiabatic reactor, which 1000 e SM ¼ 2039 kg; 1000e124
consist on a packed fixed bed of Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 commercial catalyst. Reactor 100 e V ¼ 1.03 m3 100e95
250 e V ¼ 2.58 m3 250e131
The kinetic models was implemented exactly as proposed by Van-Dal
500 e V ¼ 5.2 m3 500e182
and Bouallou (2013) (Van-Dal and Bouallou, 2013). For the cost esti- 1000 e V ¼ 10.32 m3 1000e272
mation of the catalysts, it was assumed to be replace each month. The
mix leaving the reactor is cooled and separated to recycle the non-
reacted raw materials in KO-1. The products obtained in the reactor
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