English Grammar

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Present simple( English tense)


Present continous
Present simple

Ex: I am working
I work
You work
Positive Negative Question
I work I don’t (do not) work Do (I You We They) work?
You work You don’t work Does ( He she it) work ?
They work They don’t work
He works He dosen’t (does not) work Where do you live?
She works She dosen’t work What do you do?
It works It dosen’t work

Spelling changes need to make when we use (he, she, it)

most verbs add s dance = dances
cook = cooks
sleep = sleeps

verbs ending in s, sh, ch, x add es kiss = kisses

wash = washes
teach = teaches
fix = fixes
verbs ending in consonant and y drop y study = studies
add ies try = tries

athers go = goes
do = does
have = has

Vowals ( a, e u i, o)

Present simple Short answer

Do they need help?
Yes, they do.( no contraction)
No, they don’t.
Does he speak Fench?
Yes, he does. ( no contraction)
No, he dosen’t.
Do you like this song?
Yes, I do.(no contraction)
No, I don’t.

Present continuous (Present prosive)

I am working + to be + verb +ing
You are
We are
They are
He is
She is
It is
When we use present continuous tense

Now The baby is sleeping.

Around now He is writing a book.
Temporary We are staying at a hotel.
Trend The prices of homes are icresing.
Repeated action They are always making noise.
Future She’s flying to Mexico next week.

Wrong example
Permanent I am living in Canada.
I am working at ABC Company.
Stative verbs I am understanding English.
We are linking this show.
They are having a car.
Are you needing help?
Stative Verbs
Are not used in Continuous Tenses
Feelings Thoughts Senses Possession Measure, cost
opinions others
like Know Feel Belong Cost
Dislike Think Hear Own Measure
Love Understand See Have Weigh
Satisfy Believe Smell Owe
Wish Guess Sound Seem
Hate Recognize Taste Be
Prefer Mean Touch Appear
Want Suppose Look Consist
Need Doubt Fit
Mind Realise contain
Care Remember
Astonish Forget
Please Agree
impress Disagree
surprise promise

How to form present continuous tense?

Subject + to be + verb+ing Ex: I am working
Verb “to be”
Positive Negative Question
I am not Am I …?
You you
We are not Are we …..?
They they

He he
She is not Is she…….?
It it
I am I’m
You are You’re
We are We’re learning
They are They’re
He is He’s
She is She’s
It is It’s

I am not I’m not watching.

You are not You’re not/ We’re not/ They’re not
You are not You aren’t/ We aren’t/ They aren’t
He is not He’s not/ She’s not/ It’s not
He is not He isn’t/ She isn’t/ It isn’t

Most verbs add -ing eat- eating

walk – walking
ending drop -e use - using
in -e take – taking

verbs drop -ie lie – lying

ending add -y tie - tying
in -ie

verbs double clap - clapping

ending last sit - sitting
in c-v-c letter
Past simple
To work
We worked

When we use past simple tense?

With time expression Without time expression
Brian called last week. I cooked dinner.

Recent past Distant past

We visited her yesterday She lived in London a long time ago.

One action many action

She talked to her manager. They invited their friends, ordered
pizza, and wached the game.R

Regular Iregular
Work – worked go – went
Clean – clean see - sow
Watch - watched bay – bought
Positive Negative Question
You did not You
We (didn’t) we
They worked work Did they work?
Hey Didn’t he
She she
It It

Where/ When/ Why

+ ed walk walked
Cook cooked

+d bake baked
Use used

-y cry cried
+ied study studied

double stop stopped
last plan planned
+ ed
Past continuous (Past Progressive)

I was working
He was working
She was working
It was working
You were working
We were were working
They were were working

When to use Past Continuous

Contiuing Sarah was studying all day.
during a period

Continuing At 11:00 pm, I was sleeping.

during a momenta

Continuing They were having dinner when we arrived.

when interrupted

Planned action I was wandering of you could help me

Polite request
Subject + was/were + verb + ing

Positive Negative Question

I i
He he
She was working Was not working Was she working?
It it

You you
We were working Were not working Were we working?
They they

Were not – wasn’t
Were not - weren’t

Most verbs Add - ing Talk – talking
Sell - seling
Verbs ending in -e Drop -e Make – making
Take - taking
Verbs ending in -ie Drop -ie add -y Tie -tying
Lie - lying
Verbs ending in c-v-c Double last latter Jog -jogging
Sit - sitting
Future simple


Informal Formal
Planed future simle future simple
wil will
Present Okey, I’ll meet John I will meet Mr. William
Continuous tomorrow. tomorrow.
going to

When to use it
Formal The ceremony will begin at 8:00
Planned The doctor will see you at 3:00
Business ABC Company will open a new factory.
Predicting Experts say food pieces will rise.
Informal I’ll call you later.
Unplanned Hey, I’ll give you a ride to the subway.
Ordering I’ll have a small cheese pizza.
Promising I’ll return your book tomorrow.
Offering I’ll help you finish the report.
Possibility Maybe I’ll take a break and watch a movie tonight.

Subject + will + verb

Positive Negative Question

You you
We we
They will work Will not work Will they work?
He he
She she
It it

Future Continuous
Continue Our team will be a Hending
for a period a conference from March 5-8.
Continue At 2:30, will be taking my English exam.
during a moment
Continue On Tuesday, Jack will be giving a presentation and
toghrther Stive will be meeting a client.
Polite Will you be checking in early?
Time marker tomorrow/ next week/ at 9:00 on Friday/ in sammer

In future continuous can not use sateve verbs

Future continuous tense
How to use it
Positive Negative Question
I Will I be
Will you be
You won’t/ will not Will we be
be working Will they be working?
We will be working Will he be
Will she be
They Will it be
When/ Where/ How long

Most verbs Verbs ending with

- e
add -ing Drop -e
Example Example Example Example
Help – helping Write- writhing

Do - doing Bake - baking

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