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Role of Planner as Arbitrator:

Arbitrator is an independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute. Basically it is a third
party that listens to both opposing sides and makes a final, legally binding decision.


An arbitrator plays the role of a neutral person. Arbitrators help in resolving conflicts outside of the
court system by aiding the relevant parties in settling disputes.


Clarifying the arguments of opposing parties.

Applying roles, procedures and industry knowledge to settle disputes.

Role of Planner as an arbitrator:

A planner should be a neutral person when it comes to resolving conflicts/disputes. Decisions on a

dispute should be based on evidence presented by parties.

Role of Arbitrator played by a Planner involves overseeing the arbitration hearing, make sure the
arbitration procedures are followed, hear testimony, collect and examine evidence, and weigh the
arguments of all parties involved.

General Disagreements

Disagreements between the parties — owners and contractors, contractors and subcontractors,
subcontractors and supply houses may appear:

 When one side doesn't fulfil their commitments, whether contractual or otherwise.
 These disputes can occasionally be the result of a blatant violation of a contract clause.
 Other times they are simply the consequence of a party’s reaction to or disregard of a particular

Maybe it is associated with timing — the job is off track and not moving as quickly as it should. Maybe it
is a payment matter — change orders not being paid or payment applications far out pacing the actual
progress on the job.


Start with a good contract. Negotiate the best terms possible to suit your needs and make sure you
understand what you are getting yourself into before you start a job. Then document everything — keep
good records as to performance, communication and payment. Corroboration will be needed to either
prosecute your position or defend against any claim.


An Arbitrator is a neutral person who makes decisions based on evidence presented by the parties.
Applying Rules and laws applicable to arbitration.A planner's role as an arbitrator includes presiding over
the arbitration proceeding, ensuring that the arbitration procedures are followed, listening to testimony,
gathering and analysing evidence, and weighing the arguments of all parties.

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