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******** Columns definitions and preconditions ********


Speed used for recovery estimate

Rollforward speed 46080 MB/Hours
Rollbackward speed 10240 MB/Hours

Settings used to control report sections

Only show application info if application has held the oldest log for more than 30
Only show log info if logs to redo is more than 10 GB, else section is omitted
Min log space usage for program to be included in report, is 2 GB
Min locks pr program/table to be included in report, is 100000 locks
Min locks pr database is 125000 locks, if less lock section is omitted from report
If locks held is higher than 5000000 locks, locks pr table overview is not included
in the report

Limits for mail alerts

Alert limit for log span is 50 pct
Alert limit for application holding oldest log is 360 minutes
Alert limit for database locks held is 24 pct of locklist
Alert limit for application locks held is 16 pct of locklist
Alert limit for application MAX_LOG is 60 pct of MAX_LOG

H00-H23 :: Hour 00 to Hour 23

TOTAL_LOG_AVAILABLE_GB :: Remaining log space available to database in GB
TOTAL_LOG_USED_GB :: Log space used currently in GB
LOG_UTILIZATION_PERCENT :: Current log utilization in PCT
ROLLFORWARD_GB :: Log space to redo for recovery in GB
EST_ROLLFORWARD_H :: Time needed for rollforward in hours (based on
ROLLFORWARD performance of 46080 MB pr hour)
ROLLBACK_GB :: Log space used by current uncomitted Units of Work in
EST_ROLLBACK_H :: Time needed for rollback in hours (based on ROLLBACK
performance of 10240 MB pr hour)
EST_RECOVERY_H :: Time needed for crash recovery (ROLLFORWARD +
ROLLBACK) in hours
PCT_LOGSPAN :: Current usage of NUM_LOCK_SPAN in PCT
PCT_LOGSPAN_IN_1H :: Usage of NUM_LOCK_SPAN in 1 hour with current activity
level in PCT
PID_APPLINFO :: Application PID and other application information
AGENT_ID :: AGENT_ID of the application in DB2
UOW_START_TIME :: When did Unit of Work start
ELAPSE_MIN :: Minutes since Unit Of Work started (last commit)
LOCKS_HELD :: Locks held by application
LOG_SPACE_MB :: Log space used by application in MB
REQ_SINCE_COMMIT :: Number of SQL requests since last commit
OBJECT :: Lock object, see below
TABLE_LOCK (Normally there's one TABLE LOCK (only
intent lock) when there's ROW LOCKS on table)
ROW_LOCK (These are the actual locks on the table,
many ROW LOCKS equals many updates on table)
INTERNALP_LOCK (Any execution of SQL, whether static
or dynamic, must be done while holding a 'package lock'. This ensures that no-one
can drop the package that is being executed)
INTERNALV_LOCK (Any execution of dynamic SQL is done
via an entry in the SQL cache known as a variation. In order to ensure that the
variation remains valid during the execution)
LOCKMODE :: Lock mode, see below
IN (Intent None)
IS (Intent Share)
IX (Intent Exclusive)
NS (Scan Share)
NW (Next Key Weak Exclusive)
S (Share)
SIX (Share with Intent Exclusive)
U (Update)
X (Exclusive)
Z (Super Exclusive)
NB_LOCKS :: Number of locks pr object/table
PROGRAM :: Grouping of agents with simular accounting strings
AGENTS_USED :: Number of agents used by program
PCT_OF_MAX_LOG :: PCT used of parameter MAX_LOG
LOCKLIST_MB :: Defined Locklist for database in MB
LOCK_LIST_IN_USE_MB :: Amount of Locklist in use currently in MB
PCT_LOCKLIST_USED :: How much of the locklist is used currently in PCT
ACTIVE_AGENTS :: Number of agents that is executing at the moment
AGENTS_WAITING :: Number of agents that is waiting for locks at the
PCT_WAITING :: Percentage of active agents waiting for locks
PCT_OF_LOCK_ESCAL_POINT :: Percentage of maxlocks used, when maxlocks is reached,
row locks will be escalated to one table lock, which can hurt concurrency

HWM_LOG_USED_GB :: High water mark for used log space (based on a 15 min
PCT_LOGSPAN :: High water mark for logspan percentage (based on a 15
min interval)
HWM_ROLLFORWARD_HOUR :: High water mark for rollforward time, not including
rollback time (based on a 15 min interval)
HWM_LOCKLIST_USED_MB :: High water mark for used locklist (based on a 15 min
PCT_LOCKLIST :: High water mark for used locklist percentage (based on
a 15 min interval)
HWM_LOCKS_HELD :: High water mark for locks held (based on a 15 min
DEADLOCKS :: Deadlocks pr day
TIMEOUTS :: Lock timeouts pr day
HWM_LOCK_WAITS :: High water mark for lock waits (based on a 15 min
LOCK_WAIT_MIN :: Lock wait time pr day in minutes
HWM_EXEC :: High water mark for agents executing concurrently
(based on a 15 min interval)
HWM_WAIT :: High water mark for agents waiting for locks (based on
a 15 min interval)

********************* HWM Section ************************

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