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Ch 6 Animals

Fill in the blanks

1. There are many kinds of______________ around us.

2. animals come in _____________sizes, shapes and colors.

3. animals use different parts of their bodies to __________in

different ways.

4. animals live in ____________places.

5. herbivores eat only________________.

6. we can _____________animals by what they eat.

7. carnivores eat only other ______________.

8. omnivores eat both _______________and other ____________.

9. Animals have different ___________ ____________ because they

eat different types of food.

10. animals provide us with __________ and_____________we


11. animals help us ________ __________ and ________ us

from ____________ to __________.

12. We should ____________ for animals.

13. The___________________is the largest animal in the world.

14. The _____________ Is the fastest land animal.

15. The deers run with their ___________.

16. the squirrel ____________ with it's legs.

17. the millipede crawls With its _____________.

18. The bat and eagle fly with their __________.

19. The coyotes run with the______________.

20. the snake slithers with its ___________.

21. the fox walks with its ________________.

22. the earthworm crawls with its ______________.

23. the seal, turtle, and dolphin swim with their____________.

24. the yellow tang, angelfish and sharks swim with


25. in some places sharks ___________ are eaten for food.

26. a bird flies with its____________. a bird can also walk with

27. a monkey climbs with its __________ and __________.

some monkeys can also swing with their ___________ .

28. The birds live in a_____________on a tree.

29. The snail lives on the_______________.

30. The earthworm lives ___ the ground.

31. the fish live in _____________.

32. the turtles and frog live both on ________and in_________.

33. The rabbit lives in a ____________.

34. The elephant has a large________ teeth to chew leaves and


35. the leopard has ___________teeth to tear the __________it


36. the grasshopper uses its mouth part to ____________


37. the grasshopper mouthparts work like a ___________.

38. The snake_____________it's Whole Food.

39. the baboon uses its teeth to ___________and


40. Animals are_______________to us in many ways.

41. cows and sheep give us________ and ___________.

42. chickens give us__________ and ___________.

43. sheep give us ___________ that is used to make clothes and


44. cows give us ___________ that can be made in to shoes and


45. Shoes and bags are also made from _____________.

46. ____________help us plough land.

47. Horses _______ us to different places.

48. __________________ helps to fertilize the soil and makes

plants grow and become healthier.

49. elephants can also ___________ us to different places.

50. A kangaroo hopes with its_______________.

51. a goose flies with its_______________.

52. The butterfly____________ up food.

53. the mouth part of a butterfly looks like a______________.

True / False

1. One animal can be very different from another.

2. Animals didn't come in different sizes shapes and colors.

3. blue whale is as heavy as 35 elephants.

4. animals have different shapes and sizes.

5. Animals come in different colors.

6. some animals come in one color.

7. some animals are colorful.

8. Gorilla is a colorful animal.

9. butterfly have only one color.

10. ladybug is a colorful animal.

11. Jaguar have only one color.

12. Parrot and toucan are colorful.

13. chemeleon is a colorful animal.

14. Sloth and frog are colourful animals.

15. animals move from place to place.

16. We should save sharks by eating sharks Finn.

17. Some animals can move in more than one way using

different parts of their bodies.

18. Bird moves with their wings and legs.

19. a monkey move with its arms legs and sometimes their tails.

20. Animals need food to stay alive.

21. animal eat only one kind of food.

22. Animals have different mouth parts that are related to the

types of food they eat.

23. the snake does not have teeth.

24. The baboon has different kinds of teeths.

25. we must be kind to animals.

26. we must also love our pets so that they are happy.

27. we should not dirty the water fish live in.

28. we should hurt animals.

29. when our pets are ill or injured we should not bring them to

a vet.

30. we should take care of the needs of our pets.

31. our pet needs enough air water and food to stay healthy.

Glossary :






Question / Answer

Q:1 . How can we care for animals?






Q:2. how are animals useful?






Q:3. What do animals eat?









Q:4. Where do animals live?




Q:5. what body parts do animals use to move?









Q:6. what are the different animals around us?






Q:7 why do animals have different mouthparts?






The mouth part of a butterfly looks like a stroke how the butterfly eat



Classify the animals according to their groups

Koala hippopotamus caterpillar elephant Panda

chickens hamster baboon Snake eagle tiger

leopard cheetah boy cow chimpanzee


Carnivores :

a) this mouth you know part belongs to a ______________ . The

animal uses its teeth to ___________the meat it's tear

b) This mouth part belongs to____________.

the animal uses its teeth to

c) this mouth part belongs to __________. the

animal uses its teeth to __________ grass.
State one use for each of the animals below:

a) chickens



b) Camels:



c) Earthworms :



These objects come from different animals.
Objects Which animal does which part of the
the object come animal is used to
from? make the object?
Leather boots
Violin bow

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