Chem SNR District Olympiad

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1. A sample of rock is mostly composed of calcium carbonate. It weighs 615g and requires
12moles of hydrochloric acid to react to completion.
(a) Write down a balanced molecular equation of the reaction between calcium
carbonate and hydrochloric acid. [2]
(b) Calculate the number of moles of calcium carbonate in the sample from the mole
ratio in the equation above.
(c) Calculate the mass of calcium carbonate in the rock sample. [2]
(d) Calculate the percentage purity of calcium carbonate in the rock. [2]
(e) Calculate the percentage of impurities in the calcium carbonate. [2]
TOTAL = 10

2. (a)(i) With the help of a diagram, describe the preparation of chlorine gas using
concentrated HCl and an oxidising agent manganese(iv)oxide. [4]
(ii) Write down the chemical equation for the reaction inside the round bottomed
fast. [2]
(iii) State the observation when you dip pieces of dump red, red and universal
and indicator papers into the gas jar containing chlorine gas. [3]
(iv) State one use of chlorine. [1]
TOTAL = 10

3. (a) Name the following chemical formula.

(i) P4O10
(ii) Fe3O4
(iii) N2O5
(iv) ICl3
(v) PBr5 [5]
(b) Ibuprofen, C13H18O2, is the active ingredient in many nonprescription pain relievers.
Its molecular mass is 206.29g/mol.
(i) If the tablets in a bottle contains a total of 33g of ibuprofen, how many
moles of ibuprofen are in the bottle?
(ii) How many molecules of ibuprofen are in the bottle? [1]
(iii) What is the total mass in grams of carbon in 33g of ibuprofen? [2]
TOTAL = 10
4. (a) Explain the following terms;
(i) Diffusion [1]
(ii) Effusion [1]
(b) Germanium is an element in group (iv) of the periodic table. Some of its chemistry
Resembles that of carbon.
(i) How many electrons does an atom of Germanium has in its outer shell.
(ii) Germanium forms a range of saturated compounds with hydrogen. These
compounds resemble the alkanes. Predict the general molecular formula for
these compounds. [1]
(iii) Germanoethane, Ge2H6 has a similar structure of ethane. Draw the full
structural formula for germanoethane.
(iv) Hydrochloric acid reacts with magnesium germanide to form germanoethane
and magnesium chloride. Construct an equation for this reaction.
(v) Germanium(iv)oxide is an amphoteric oxide. What do you understand by the
(vi) An aqueous solution of germanium (ii)chloride reduces Iron(iii) ions to
ions. Describe a test for Iron (ii) ions and give the results. [2]
TOATL = 10

5. Brass is an alloy containing copper and zinc.

(a) Explain why the physical properties of brass are different from those of zinc and
copper. [1]
(b) A sample of powdered brass is added to excess dilute nitric acid. The mixture is
heated gently until all the brass is reacted. The resulting solution ‘A’ containing
aqueous copper(ii)ions aqueous zinc ions.
(i) Suggest the colour of solution A. [1]
(ii) Describe and explain with the aid of equations what happens when aqueous
sodium hydroxide is slowly added to solution A. [5]
(c) Another sample of powdered brass is added to excess dilute hydrochloric acid. The
mixture is heated and an aqueous solution of a compound B together with a solid C
are formed.
(i) Name both C and D. [2]
(ii) Write the ionic equation for the reaction. [1]
TOTAL = 10

6. (a) Use the following list of oxides to answer the questions that follow;
Aluminium oxide Copper(ii)oxide Carbon monoxide
Calcium oxide Sulphur dioxide Sulphur trioxide
Each oxide can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Name an oxide which;
(i) is used as a catalyst in the contact process.
(ii) is formed during the incomplete combustion of propane.
(iii) reacts with dilute sulphuric acid.
(iv) reacts with water to give sulphurous acid.
(v) when heated in a blast furnace with sand makes slag.
(b) Magnetite, Fe3O4, is one form of Iron oxide in Iron ore.
(i) Calculate the percentage by mass of Iron in magnetite. [2]
(ii) When Iron is extracted from haematite, Fe2O3, in the blast furnace, waste gases
and solid waste products are formed. Write equations to show how they are
formed? [3]
TOTAL = 10
7. Sulphur dioxide, SO2, and nitrogen dioxide, NO2 are both atmospheric pollutants formed
during the combustion of coal at a power station.
(a) (i) Sate one source of sulphur acid as an atmospheric pollutant. [1]
(iii) State one source of nitrogen dioxide as an atmospheric pollutant. [1]
(b) Nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide both cause acid rain. They are released from
flue gases released from the power stations by reaction with moist calcium
carbonate in a process called flue gas desulphurization. Calcium carbonate reacts
with sulphur dioxide to make a solid called calcium suphite and a gas.
(i) What is the name of the gas? [1]
(ii) Nitrogen dioxide reacts with calcium carbonate to make a solid. Suggest the
name for this solid. [1]
(iii) Describe one environmental effect of acid rain. [1]
(c) Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide react together as shown in the equation.
SO2 + NO2 SO3 + NO H = +43Kj/mol
Draw an energy profile diagram for this reaction. Indicate both the enthalpy change
And the activation energy on your diagram. [5]
TOTAL = 10
8. (a) The flow chat shows the reactions of metal ‘A’ and some of its compounds.

Metal A

Green solution B Gas C

Excess NaOH Cl2

Green precipitate. D Yellow solution. E

Red-brown precipitate. F

Identify substances A,B,C,D,E and F. [6]

(b) (i) Water for use in the home is treated using carbon and chlorine. Explain the
of using carbon and chlorine in water treatment.
(ii)River water may contain pollutants from agricultural sources that may cause
eutrophication. Give the names of two anions present in fertilizers which
contribute to eutrophication.
TOTAL = 10
9. (a) Copper is a transition element.
(i) Name two transition elements or compounds of transition elements which
used as catalysts. For each catalyst name an industrial product made using
the catalyst.
(ii) Other than acting as catalysts, state two properties which are specific to
transition elements. [2]
(b) Draw the structure of graphite and diamond. [4]
TOTAL = 10
10. A student reacts magnesium ribbon with excess hydrochloric acid. She follows the
course of the reaction by measuring the volume of the gas produced against time.
(a) Write the equation for the reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric acid. [2]
(b) (i) Draw a sketch graph to show how the volume of the gas produced during the
reaction varies with time and label the line ‘A’. label the axes with the appropriate
units. [3]
(ii)The student then caries out the same experiment at a lower temperature while
keeping the other conditions the same. On the same axes draw another line to
show how the volume of gas produced vary with time and label this line ‘B’.
(c) Magnesium reacts with carbon to form the compound magnesium carbide.
(i)Construct a chemical equation for this reaction. [1]
(ii)Calculate the percentage by mass of magnesium in magnesium carbide. [2]
TOTAL = 10

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