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Information Technology Department

February 13, 2020

Latex is a programming language used to create attractive and consistently formatted doc-
uments .

1 Outlines
• Why LATEX?
• General Document structure
• LATEX Document Structure

2 Why latex
• automatic numbering of sections, figures, tables, and formulas
• make posters, presentations, and other types of documents
• include, align, and number attractive mathematical formulas

2.1 Mathmatics in latex

S = πr2 + sin(x) (1)
One can refer to equations like this: see equation (1). One can also refer to sections in the
same way: see section ??. Or to the bibliography like this: [1].

2.2 Types of Functions in LATEX

Ways to organize or include data:
1. Verbatim
2. Itemize
3. Enumerate
4. figure
5. table

[1] Gaurav Bhatnagar, Introduction to Multimedia Systems , New Delhi, India, (2002)

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