Matter - Properties and Changes Test

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10/4/22, 8:28 PM Matter: Properties and Changes test

Matter: Properties and Changes test
30 Questions DATE  : 

1. Although you can see it, ____________ is not matter.

A heat B light

C a waves D energy

2. Anything that takes up space and has mass.

A substance B solid

C matter D stuff

3. The amount of space a material occupies is its _____________.

A volume B weight

C space D occupancy

4. The particles in ____________ are constantly moving.

A solids B gases

C all types of matter D liquids

5. The particles in a ___________ can slide past one another.

A gas B plasma

C solid D liquid

6. The particles in matter ___________ one another.

A attract B force

C like D repel 1/5
10/4/22, 8:28 PM Matter: Properties and Changes test

7. Iron changing to rust is an example of a ______________ property.

A chemical B associative

C physical D distributive

8. Because sugar dissolves easily in water we say it has a high _______________.

A solution B density

C mass D solubility

9. Which property is not a size-dependent property?

A volume B density

C mass D weight

10. Substances that make up compounds are held together by __________________.

A bonding agents B the strong force

C stocks and bonds D chemical bonds

11. Multiplying the length, width, and height of an object will give you its _______________.

A volume B density

C size D mass

12. The amount of matter in an object.

A mass B density

C matter D weight

13. The formula for density is _____________.

A mass times unit volume (d = mv) B volume per unit mass (d = v/m)

C mass per unit volume (d = m/v) 2/5
10/4/22, 8:28 PM Matter: Properties and Changes test

14. Any characteristic of a material that you can observe without changing the identity of the

A chemical property B size-dependent property

C size-independent property D physical property

15. ________________ is the change of a solid to a gas without first becoming a liquid.

A Sublimation B Deposition

C Condensation D Evaporation

16. When thermal energy is removed from a substance, the particles movement ______________.

A decreases B increases

C fluctuates D stays the same

17. A change in _____________ involves a change in the energy of the particles.

A property B composition

C state D friction

18. __________________ is the changing of a gas to a solid without first becoming a liquid.

A Condensation B Evaporation

C Sublimation D Deposition

19. Although the identity stays the same, its ___________ might change.

A products B properties

C substance D composition

20. The term for the even mixing of one substance in another substance.

A solution B dissolve

C solvent D solute 3/5
10/4/22, 8:28 PM Matter: Properties and Changes test

21. A physical change involves a change in which of the following? (choose all that apply)

A shape B composition

C size D state

22. The particles that are present before a physical change are also present after a physical

A conservation of momentum B conservation of matter

C conservation of energy D conservation of mass

23. Changes in ___________________, density, and state of matter can be signs of a chemical

A texture B shape

C size D color

24. What is a sign that a chemical change has occurred?

A the release of thermal energy B a change of shape

C a change in size D the loss of mass

25. Many changes cannot be _______.

A equal B compared

C measured D reversed

26. The mass of an unburned match plus the mass of the oxygen it reacts with _________ the
mass of the ashes and of all the gases given off when the match burns.

A is more than B equals

C cancels out D is less than

27. Mass is always conserved during _____________ change(s).

A chemical B complex

C physical D physical and chemical 4/5
10/4/22, 8:28 PM Matter: Properties and Changes test

28. What is needed for chemical reactions such as photosynthesis?

A energy in the form of heat B thermal energy

C potential energy D energy in the form of light

29. Formation of a precipitate, a solid that sometimes forms when _______ combine, is a sign of
chemical change.

A two solids B new substances

C two gases D two liquids

30. In a chemical change, the substances that make up matter change into other substances
with _____________________ physical properties and chemical properties.

A equal B different

C reversed D the same 5/5

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