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1. What factors are important in constructing the identity of a "good mother"?

Social factors that include the society and its influence on the mother and feeding practices. Cultural
factors are also important for constructing the identity of a good mother. Probably because the norms
and customs vary from culture to culture. A mother might be a good fit for one culture but not for
other cultures. The spouses of the women also play an important role when it comes to identifying
the qualities of a good mother. Apart from these factors, the economic conditions and the ethnic
backgrounds are also important factors that play a role in shaping the mothers with regard to the
feeding patterns.

2. What other kinds of identities are important for constructions of a "good mother"?
A good mother is the one who fully invests in raising healthy children. That can include either the
mothers who believe in intensive feeding practices or those who are the believers of ‘everything in
moderation’ concept. They invest great physical and emotional labour in addition to significant
financial resources. The ultimate goal of good mothers can be defined as ‘maximizing their children’s
potential regardless of their resources. Race class socio-economic conditions, identity

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