Code Lock Pow - 3

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Name: __________

POW #3 - Code Lock Riddle

A safe has a code lock that unlocks if you input the correct three digit code, in any order. The

lock has a keypad with the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

For example, suppose the unlock code is 100. The safe will open for any order you input those

digits: 100, 010, and 001.

Or consider the unlock code 123. The safe will open for any permutation of the same number

(123,132, 321, ect.)

1) How many different unlock codes are there? (Two unlock codes are the same if they

contain the same digits - like 100 and 010. And are different if they do not use the same

digits like 100 and 123.)


2) Honors: How many different codes are there if the input for my lock is a 4 digit code?

(You may still put them in any order.)


Self-Grade Points
Problem Statement: The problem statement should be a condensed
version of what the problem says in your own words. You should be
able to give this to another teacher and they should have an idea of /2
what you are trying to solve. This should also include some sort of
mathematical language.
Process/Work: This section is the bulk of the write up. This should
clearly describe all of the methods that you tried in detail. If a method
was unsuccessful, what did you learn from it and how did it shape your
approach? This should show your method from the start to finish
whether or not you were able to find a solution. If you received
assistance, describe how it helped (or didn’t help) you and what ideas
or methods resulted from this assistance. This is for you to show me
your thinking and the direction that you went with the problem. Does
not need to include who you got assistance from, exactly what you did,
but should be mathematically what you solved and why.
Solution: Clearly state your answer. State your solution as a sentence
that states what you solved and what the answer is.
Evaluation: Describe your work on the POW. What did you learn
about while working through this POW.

Problem Statement:
How many different three-digit codes and four-digit codes can be created using the digits 0-9?
The codes can be unlocked in any order.

1. I start with 1 lock code which will be 10 different unlock codes because 0 to 9 is 10
2. I try for 2 unlock codes, I use nCr(10,2) is equal to 45

, this is not the full unlock code for the 2 number

unlock codes because there are 10 more for the 2 same numbers,
(00,11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99) so 45+10=55, so there are 55 different unlock codes.

3. For 3 unlock codes there are 120 different unlock codes when we use 3 different
numbers each time.Ex(123,456…) I find 120 by using nCr(10,3)

4. There are 10 unlocked codes for 3 of the same number (000,111,222…)
5. There are 90 unlocked codes for 2 numbers that are the same and 1 number that is
different. Ex(001,011,133….) I got 90 by 45 times 2. 45 comes from nCr (10,2), and 2 is
how many forms it can get. For example, if the 2 number is 4 and 5, we can do 445 or
6. So if I add 90+10+120=220, there is a 220 unlock code for 3 number lock.
7. For 4 unlock codes there are 210 different unlock codes when we use 4 different
numbers each time.Ex(1235,4567…) I find 210 by using nCr(10,4)

8. There are 135 unlock codes when we use 2 of the same numbers.
Ex(1222,2223,2233,…..) I find 135 by using 45 times 3. 45 comes from nCr (10,4), and 3
is how many forms it can get. For example, if the 2 numbers are 4 and 5 we can do 4445
or 5444, or 4455
9. There are 360 unlock codes when we use 3 numbers. Ex(1233,4232,8238) I find this by
using 120 times 3. I find 120 by using nCr(10,3) 3 is how many forms it can get. For
example, if the 3 number is 654, we can do 6546 or 6545, or 6544. These 3 are all
different codes.
10. There are 10 unlocks when we use 4 of the same number. Ex(1111,2222,3333)
11. I add all of this together and get 715 different unlock codes.


There are 220 different unlock codes for 3 number safe lock. And there are 715 different unlock
codes for the 4-number safe lock.

The thing while I worked on this POW is found out this POW is based on finding how many
orders are there and deciding whether is using nCr or nPr. Once I find the order this POW is
easy to slove.

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