Newsletter Sept 11

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LDI NEW SEMESTER September 7-October 19

You are Invited to a



Relational Outreach Structure

We are now officially ready to begin having our district meetings. You can expect to receive a call and an email from your area leader within the next few weeks. You will also be receiving something in the mail with a brief map to your leaders home as well as their contact info. Our first meeting will be on September 25 th from 5:00-6:30 pm with light refreshments. This meeting is for the whole family with childcare provided at each of the sites. There will be no regular PM activities at the church, as we will be connecting with one another at each home site. This will be an excellent opportunity to learn who the other members are that live within your area and to begin catching the vision for reaching our areas together.


9:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:45 AM 12:15 PM Celebration Hour Fellowship Time Worship Service Lunch

All regular Sunday morning activities will be suspended so we can celebrate and share in fellowship ALL together. Nursery will be available for the 10:45 AM Worship Service.

ONTRACK BIBLEConference October25,2011



OCTOBER 2-5, 2011 2-

Dr. Tom Elliff, President, IMB

Sunday, October 2 9:00 & 10:45 AM

5 accomplished preachers show that Gods Word is relevant as they apply it to daily life! And - ON TRACK for ChildrenNightly @ 6:30 pm

Over the past year as Ive lived in Greensboro and attended Cornerstone, it has become obvious to me that there is a hunger for the Truth of the Word in the Body of Christ and even among the lost. Having spent time meeting with groups and individuals on campus at UNCG, I have especially seen a desire to know Him and the things of His Kingdom among college students. Now with the new school year beginning, I have just moved into an apartment with a couple of girls that attend UNCG and we are just a block away from campus. God is already opening doors for evangelism and discipleship opportunities. I am so excited to have begun this step with

Meet Mary Cameron

Cornerstone to reach out in our city! Our college group was recently involved with UNCGs Fall Kickoff event. We gave interested students a water bottle with our new logo on it as well as a card with information about our college ministry. Hundreds of students heard about the church and our upcoming fall events, with many expressing an interest to get involved with Cornerstone. As we begin the fall semester, I would like to express my appreciation for Cornerstones prayers and support. Thank you for allowing me to work alongside you as your college intern. Its a joy and privilege to be working with Cornerstone through intentional outreach and ministry. I will be updating you each month in the College Corner of the newsletter so that anyone can stay involved. If youd like to contact me, Id love to share with you about whats going on with the college group this year. My email is I look forward to being a part of all that God will do this year with and through Cornerstone. Yours in the Gospel,

Dr. Gary Chapman, Author

& Associate Pastor Calvary Baptist W-S Sunday, October 2, 6:30 PM

Dr. Alvin Reid, Professor of Evangelism, SEBTS Monday, October 3, 6:30 PM

Mary Cameron Walker


Dr. Stephen Rummage, Senior
Pastor, Bell Shoals Baptist Tuesday, October 4, 6:30 PM

HOMEWORK ALREADY? YES! PLEASE WRITE A PRAISE! September's First-in-Prayer is a focus on our church and our 25th anniversary! Praise be to God for His faithfulness to us! In gratitude we are being challenged to write a praise/ prayer that will be compiled into a CORNERSTONE PRAISE/ PRAYER JOURNAL. This Sunday, September 4, please bring the card you received last Sunday. If you did not

Dr. Mac Brunson, Senior

Pastor, 1st Baptist Jacksonville Wednesday, October 5, 6:30 PM

receive a card, please write your praises/prayer on a piece of paper and give the paper to an usher on Sunday. Please include one or more of these items: a praise for the past (special memory like a time God really spoke to you or moved in your life at Cornerstone...) a praise and prayer for present (where you see God working today in our church/your life...) a praise/prayer for future (where God is taking us...)

And children are encouraged to write and/or draw pictures! Later, the cards will be copied and put together in a book form so others will be able to read what you have written. They will share in your praise to the LORD and also join in praying for your request. The JOURNAL will be prayed over by the prayer team. The JOURNAL itself will be a living testimony to our LORD's power and faithfulness to us in the past, present and future.



MUSIC MINISTRY It All Started 10 years ago . .

and to celebrate this special anniversary of the Youth Christmas Dinner Drama, we are presenting the very 1st musical that we did:


A hilarious look at why we have done this for the past 10 years!
Along with the Dinner Drama, there will be a look back at past musicals we have presented and a special Alumni gathering of those who have been a part of this yearly event. Listening CDs will be available for the youth Sunday, September 4. Auditions will start on Sundays, September 11 and 18, from 4:30 - 6:00 in the Family Life Center. There are many speaking and solo parts for this production. Questions? See Rob Melhem or Dave Tomasek 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Past Youth Christmas Dinner Dramas Twas the Last Mailing Day Before Christmas Code Red Yo! Christmas Tree Come In From the Cold Twas the Last Mailing Day Before Christmas Code Red Lost @ Christmas Come In From the Cold Objects in Christmas (Are Closer Than They Appear)

Adult Handbells will start rehearsing for the Fall and Christmas season on Sunday, September 18 4:45 - 5:45 in the Choir Room. Interested? Contact Terry Tomasek

Cornerstone Choir
Is presently enrolling new members for the Fall & Christmas MUSIC. Join us Wednesdays @ 6:15 - 7:30 in the Sanctuary.


NEW LDI FORMAT & CLASSES start Wednesday, September 7!
Doctrines & Teaching Tract couples from across the country share candidly about their struggles in communication, finances, sexual intimacy, expectations, and more. Whether you're newly married, remarried, or want to improve your relationship, this study gives you tools to live intentionally and love Biblically. Disciples Character Tract natural way of bringing up Christ and sharing your faith. Womens Ministry Tract

Return to the Garden

Leader: Suzanne Billips Kay Arthur's straightforward lessons from Scripture focus on love, sex in marriage, purity, modesty, and examples of how men and women should relate to each other. These timely messages are for women, whether married or single, mother or daughter. Registration forms for these LDI classes are available in the Commons or call the church office (665-1944).

Old Testament Survey

Leader: Pastor Rick Pastor Rick will teach a brief overview of the Old Testament and discuss key points and how it fits together as a whole. Practical Living Tract

Witnessing: Practical Approaches

Leader: Pastor Moss Pastor Moss will lead this class and utilize two very practical approaches to sharing Christ relationally: Share Jesus without Fear and One Verse Evangelism. This class will prepare you with practical tools to relate with people in a

Marriage Built to Last

Leader: Paul Kress Marriage: Built to Last isn't a typical marriage study. You'll watch 24 real life



PRESCHOOL & CHILDREN Preschool and Childrens Discipleship Classes Begin September 18 6:00 PM
Pre-registration requiredyou should receive a registration card in the mail, if not call the church office for one.
The Plane Truth (1st3rd grade) DVD and Discussion classThe kids will study the Plane Truths of living a Christian life by walking through Moses journey and learning how God directs their life journey. Rock Solid (1st3rd grade) DVD and Discussion classThe kids will learn to take an active role in their choices and behavior and how to become rock solid in their Christian life. Topics include listening to God, slowing down before talking, controlling anger, trusting God, and more. Extreme Sayings (2nd4th grade) DVD and Discussion classThe kids will learn some extreme sayings that Jesus made and what each of these mean. Topics include loving, forgiving, faith, priorities, and more. Prayer (4th5th grade) Discussion driven study that helps preteens develop a foundation for growing closer to God. They will study what prayer is, study prayers and prayer warriors from the Bible, and creative ways to have a personal prayer life. Whats Bugging You (4 year oldsK) DVD and Discussion classThe preschoolers will learn 5 biblical purposes of why we are here on earth. Topics include preparing their hearts for Jesus, why am I here, worship, fellowship, discipleship, and more.


Preschoolers, children, and youth will promote to their new classes on


Salt & Light Ministries Sunday,October2thru Wednesday,October5 6:30 - FLC

Sunday, September 4.

Operation Christmas Child

Take advantage of back to school sales and begin to fill your shoeboxes. Cornerstones goal is 600 boxes!
November 23. Watch for more details and sign ups. This is a great opportunity for families to serve together. (Minimum age of 13) There are only 25 spots. For more information about filling the shoeboxes, go to:

Operation Christmas Child

Mark your calendar Cornerstone will be volunteering at the Boone Processing Center on Wednesday,



Youth Happenings

1 Timothy 4:12 12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

September 4 - Promotion Sunday; New 6th graders join the youth. September 7 - After Maximum IMPACT, Student Leadership meeting in the Conference Room. September 18 - New Sunday School Study on the book of Ephesians. September 18 - Introduction to Youth Dinner Drama September 25 - Student Leadership Meeting in the FLC; Lunch provided. September 30 - Middle School 5th Quarter October 9 - Student Leadership Meeting in the FLC; Lunch provided; 10th graders invited. October 9 - FaithWorks begins in Sunday PM Service October 14 - High School 5th Quarter October 15 - Pig Pickin at the Coxs October 23 - Student Leadership Meeting in the FLC; Lunch provided October 28 - 30 - Fall Retreat November 23 Boone NC - Samaritans Purse Packing Day in

Festivities begin at 10 pm and will end at 7 am. Tents will be needed


Beginning October 9 we will begin offering a variety of classes for students to attend on Sunday night. Faith Works is designed to take the student deeper in their faith so that they will be equipped to defend their faith from the lies of the world. The Fall dates for Faith Works are October 9, 16, 23 (break for Fall Retreat), November 6, 13, 20 (break for Thanksgiving Holiday) and December 4. Classes and facilitators will be announced in next months newsletter.

The Fall Retreat will be at Look Up Lodge in Taylor Ridge South Carolina. The Camp offers so many things to do. Some of the fun adventures include the following: Paintball, Hiking, Fishing, Kayaking, Canoeing, Paddle Boats, Indoor and Outdoor Basketball, Sand Pit Volleyball and High Ropes Course. This is sure to be a great weekend!

Retreat Dates: October 28 30

Cost $125

Registration forms can be located at the information desk in the Commons



WOMENS MINISTRY - Reaching Up, Reaching In, Reaching Out!

The Womens Ministry will feature a Bible study as part of the Wednesday night lineup of LDI classes. The first class that will be offered in the Womens Ministry Tract is: that say, subtly and not so subtly, "Sex sizzles." "Sex outside of marriage is OK." "Everybody's doing it." How's a woman to live? Kay writes from the perspective of one who has experienced God's grace and voices heartfelt concern for a sexsaturated society that has forgotten how to blush. From the beginning of time, our sexuality and distinctiveness as women has been front and center with God. We are designer goods, designed by God, no less! And when it comes to our sexuality, He has much to say to us. If you would like to register for this class, forms are available in the Commons or you may call the church office (665-1944).

Ladies Summertime Soiree - a huge success!

We had about 50 ladies in attendance. The evening was fun and enjoyable for all, I believe. We were served a delicious chicken dinner, catered by Liz White (Anna Jolly's mom). We collected 115 pairs of shoes to be donated to Soles4Souls. They will be redistributed to those in need, either in the U.S. or abroad. Each attendee received a pair of brightly colored flipflops in exchange for her shoe donation. Martha McDowell, a pastor's wife from Lexington, NC (and also Suzanne Billips's sister-in-law) delivered a very compelling message entitled "Lessons from Martha's House." She had us all laughing, but also gave a wonderful reminder that as we serve, we must not lose sight of Him and His plan for us.

By Kay Arthur September 7-October 19 6:15-7:30 pm Led by Suzanne Billips

This interactive Bible study is an honest, redemptive call to recognize and return to God's standards for purity. Kay's straightforward lessons from Scripture focus on love, sex in marriage, purity, modesty, and examples of how men and women should relate to each other. These timely messages are for women, whether married or single, mother or daughter. Daily we're confronted with messages

Return to the Garden


Friday's for HIM

will meet every Friday in September. We meet from Noon to 1:00 pm in the sanctuary. For more information contact Joanne Schulze at 336-668-2502 or

Womens Fall Bible Study

This study will be offered on Friday Mornings and Tuesday Nights. Childcare will be offered on Friday mornings for those who sign up ahead of time Friday Mornings September 30 November 11 Tuesday Evenings September 27 November 7 Brave: Honest Questions Women Ask by Angela Thomas
This Bible study for women looks at the heart of what women are thinking and feeling. Angela speaks to participants about deep feelings that all women have at one time or another. She looks boldly at some of the fears and struggles of being a woman, and she helps us see how we can be brave in the face of those challenges. We've all got insecurities, flaws, and struggles that we're afraid to address. But if we can be brave enough to raise the questions, God will answer us. You've got questions. God's got answers. Be brave. Ask. Why can't I get it together? Am I as invisible as I feel? What am I so afraid of? The Friday Morning study will be led by Rachel Ulmer. The Tuesday Evening study will be led by Ginger Wisnoski. Sign up for these studies on the Womens Ministry bulletin board.

Moms In Touch
Moms In Touch is an organization
that coordinates groups of Moms to pray for their children and their children's schools during the school year. There will be an informational meeting on September 11, 2011 from 3:00-4:30pm at 9 Lake Bluff Ct, the home of Lisa Reid, area coordinator. For more information, Lisa can be reached at 854-3087 or you can contact Joy Peterson at 299-7358 or Joanne Schulze at 668-2502.




THE SEPTEMBER LIBRARY THEME IS You Can Count on the library! This month we are featuring Childrens Books. As we head back to school, its a great time to come in and check out a great book for your childs nightly reading.

Whats New in the Library? Lots of great new titles.heres just a few
Spiritual Warfare for Women by Leighann McCoy -- In Spiritual Warfare for Women, Leighann McCoy shows how sometimes the most significant spiritual battles are the ones you fight inside yourself. With warmth and wisdom, she offers practical tips on identifying and combating Satan's most powerful attacks, helping you find the victory that comes through knowing who God is and who you are in Him. Soul Surfer (DVD) -- Soul Surfer is the astonishing true story of a courageous 13-year-old surfer who lost her arm to a shark attack---but never lost her faith! You'll be inspired by how Bethany Hamilton overcame physical and emotional trauma to return to competitive surfing with the help of her family---and God. Stars AnnaSophia Robb, Helen Hunt, Carrie Underwood, and Dennis Quaid. (PG.) The Warlords of NIN by Stephen Lawhead -- Courage and faith transform an orphaned boy from a lowly servant to a heroic warrior! Ten peaceful years have passed since Quentin aided the Dragon King against the evil sorcerer, Nimrood. But darkness returns when a fearsome giant terrorizes the land. Summoned by the dying king, Quentin faces a breathtaking destiny---and a terrible mission! Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo -- Is there life after death? Just ask 4-year-old Colton, who emerged from life-threatening surgery with astounding details about heaven! Colton's detailed account includes floating away, looking down on his dad praying in the hospital, seeing God's throne, and meeting relatives---including his sister who died in a miscarriage (and whom his parents had never mentioned). Riveting! Curious George Gets a Medal by A H. Rey Since he was brought to life by Margaret and H.A. Rey more than fifty years ago, Curious George has found a lasting place in the hearts of millions of boys and girls. Fans will laugh and cheer as they read this new adventure of their favorite mischievous monkey. Your Library Team! Prisca Onwuemene Lori Rountree

Kellie Bennett

Suzy Handgraaf

Leigh Ellen Salmon

Wow! After nearly three years of talking about our desire to serve God in international missions the day is drawing close. It has been an incredible journey and Cornerstone has played a vital role along the way. Thank you for the support you have offered the past fourteen years. I have been privileged to serve Cornerstone from every point of view lay volunteer, part time worker, and then finally full time. It has been exciting to see how God has worked in the preschool and childrens department and I cannot wait to see what God as in store for the next season at Cornerstone. As my family transitions to Spain, please know that a little piece or maybe a big piece will be going with us. We hope that each of you will keep in touch and continue to pray for us. We still do not have a specific travel date, but each day we are a little closer. We will continue to keep the blog up to date at as well as until we leave, continue the weekly Hunter Happenings email. If you dont receive these updates and would like to send us an email at and well add you to the list. We have less than 10% of our support left to raise. If you would like to join us with financial support, email us and well share specifics and more information. Thank you for the fun reception and generous love offering. Both reflect on the blessing of Cornerstone. We will

continue to pray for you as God leads you into new ministries. We cannot wait to see what is around the corner! Cindy Hunter

SEPTEMBER Staff Anniversary! Forrest Moss

2 years - Associate Pastor of Outreach & College Students (September 15, 2009)
The Personnel Team thanks you for your faithful service to the Lord and to the people of Cornerstone.

STAFF: Dr. Rick Byrd, Senior Pastor Rev. Dave Tomasek, Worship/Senior Adults Rev. Forrest Moss, Church Growth/Outreach Rev. Jim Scott, Youth Ministry/Recreation Mrs. Sherri Howard, WEE School Director Web Site:

8:00 am 9:15 am 10:45 am 6:00 pm Worship Sunday School & Worship Sunday School & Worship Evening Worship Childrens Choirs/Discipleship Youth Discipleship

WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE 6:15-7:30 pm Life Development Institute Mission Friends (ages 2-K) RA & GA (Grades 1-5) MAXIMUM lMPACT (Grades 6-12) Cornerstone Choir CARE Ministry (Sept-May)


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God has called a mission team to serve in Haiti this year. On October 8, Brian, Carmen, Jaden and Keenan Lowery and Anita Sumner will leave to partner with Mission of Hope. MOH is an organization that has existed for 15 years to transform lives in Haiti by caring for orphans, providing food, education and medicine to underprivileged Haitians, and most importantly, spreading the gospel message within this impoverished country. The team will do a combination of construction, feeding programs, ministering to the orphans and evangelism. You are invited to be a part of this trip in a variety of ways:

Please pray for each team and the people God wants through them. Pray for and details that will come over the next month.

member to reach logistics together

Shampoo, twin sheets and vinyl mattress covers

There are many items the MOH needs in order to better serve the needs of the Haitian people. If you can donate any of these items, place them in the bin marked Haiti near the Welcome Desk: antibiotic creams, eye drops, cough medicine, vitamins, antacids, HP 60 printer cartridges, childrens clothes, shoes, sandals, backpacks, bars of soap, toothpaste, Selsun Blue

If God leads you to make a financial donation to the team, and you would like it to be tax deductible, make the check out to Cornerstone and write Haiti Mission Trip on the memo line. To give a gift to help a specific team member, enclose a separate sheet of paper with the name of the person.

Thank you for supporting this team as they serve the Lord in Haiti. To God be the Glory for how He will use your gifts to further the Kingdom in Haiti!


BLUE BARRELS for FOOD Collection!
Each month a food item is collected in the blue barrels (located in the hallway by the WEE School office) and donated to those in need.

The church received the following Thank-You note: Dear Cornerstone Family, Thank you to everyone for your prayers and cards (especially from the C.A.R.E. Ministry) for my mom during the past year. I appreciate so much your kindness to my family. Dot Hendricks

Mark your calendars for the following October events: October 2-5 - Annual ON TRACK BIBLE Conference...Sunday morning Kick-Off & nightly @ 6:30 pm ON TRACK for Children - FLC October 9 - Book Fair & Ice Cream Social to benefit the Library October 15 - Annual Pig Pickin @ Howard & Nellie Coxs home


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