Year 12 - Separation of Spouses PDF

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 Basics on which a partner should be chosen:

Righteousness, good character and family profession.

 Methods of preparing partners about to get married:

Teach them Islamic rulings and etiquettes of marriage.
Advice from parents / relatives.
Learning about the rights of husband and wife.
She can bear for him pious children.
More reward for being patient.
Allah’s happiness.
Wife becoming righteuos.

Do not continue disciplining them (nor bring up old issues )if they become obedient.

A reminder for all of us that Allah is above us all. So we should

not oppress our wives.
To appoint two arbitrators one from each side to
reach an agreement (reconciliation) between
husband and wife.
He has been given the responsibility to spend on
the family and take responsibility of the children in
case of divorce.

To divorce her during her menses, or in her purity period in

which he has had intimate relationship.

or in her purity period in which he did not have any intimate

So the husband
can ponder over
the situation

during a
The divorce that is given in accordance to the teachings of Islam
The divorce that is given against the teachings of Islam

Decrease in divorce, less problems and domestic issues.

Divorcee 3
who months
4 months
A widow 10 days

A Till she
pregnant gives
divorcee birth
A divorcee
who hasn’t No
been Iddah
entered on her

To make sure the woman is not pregnant.

To give the husband a chance to revoke.
To preserve the child's rights and lineage if the woman is pregnant.

Bad conduct, this is irresponsible behavior on his part.

As she is the one who asked for the divorce, she has to compensate the husband for
his loss.

Khul’a is permissible if the wife realizes she cannot fulfill the husbands rights

Khul’a is permissible if the woman cannot stand her husband

Woman cannot stand her husband which will lead to Without any valid reason.
her not fulfilling his rights.
If the wife indulges in acts of lewdness. .

Because the husband was compensated with the dowry and not obliged to spend on h

Due to fear of Allah, patience, fear of being unjust to the husband by asking for divorce
Permissible, so that no harm will befall her, and to save her life.

Permissible, as there is no obedience to the creation that involves the

disobedience of Allah


Minor irrevocable
Major irrevocable

By request of
Seperation by the judge

Minor irrevocable
Major irrevocable Due to harm

Minor irrevocable
from wife

Seperation by judge Disappearance of


Some defect Minor irrevocable

Minor irrevocable

Major irrevocable

Minor irrevocable


Minor irrevocable

By saying “I divorce you” Can take her back in the waiting period
without a new nikah
The waiting period is over
Make a new nikah
Issued three divorces Irrevocable unless gets married to
someone else and is divorced
Seperation by a judge

Request from wife Request from both

Wife compensates Judge’s decision will
husband apply

Oath of curse by husband Breaking the nikah

and wife transaction
Seperation for good Can have her back in
To preserve the rights of husband,wife and children.

As she is still under his responsibility

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