Caltpa Handball Lesson Plan

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1. Passing/Throwing
a. Hold the ball in your dominant throwing hand.
b. Step with the opposite leg than your throwing hand.
c. Aim with your non-throwing arm holding it straight out at your target.
d. Cock your throwing arm back into a 90-degree and next to your ear.
e. Throw the ball at your target releasing at your forehead.
2. Catching
a. Keep your eyes on the ball.
b. Stand in an athletic stance with your knees bents at shoulder legs apart.
c. Hold both your arms out in front of you with a slight bend at the elbows.
d. Put your hands together to form a diamond with your index fingers and your thumbs.
e. If the ball is below your waist connect your pinkies with your fingers pointed to the ground.
3. Shooting
a. Hold the ball in your dominant throwing hand.
b. Step with the opposite leg than your throwing hand.
c. Aim with your non-throwing arm holding it straight out at your target.
d. Cock your throwing arm back into a 90-degree and next to your ear.
e. Rotate your trunk to produce power and aim for the corners of the net and release the ball.

4. Dribbling
a. Keep knees bent in an athletic stance for balance
b. Control dribble with fingers and wrist not palm
c. Bounce ball above waist but below high chest
d. Push the ball down, do not slap at it
e. Protect the ball with body and opposite arm
CA Physical Education Content Standards Covered:


Content Standard 1 (psychomotor): 1.1 Demonstrate mature techniques for the following patterns: overhand, sidearm, and underhand
throwing; catching; kicking/punting; striking; trapping; dribbling (hand and foot); and volleying.

Content Standard 2 (cognitive): 2.2 Analyze movement patterns and correct errors.

Content Standard 5 (affective): 5.2 Accept responsibility for individual improvement.

Main Instructional Objectives (Measurable):

CS 1 PM: Measure out of 10 passes, how many can the students accurately make while maintaining proper form and technique.

CS 2 COG: Observe the students’ performance and have them explain 3 movements they did wrong, as well as 3 movements they performed.

CS 5 AFF: The students should be able to explain 3 ways they can improve their performance.

ELD California State Standards:

Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways, (A) Collaborative, (1) Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative
discussions on a range of social and academic topics SL.7.1, 6; L.7.3, 6
Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways, (B) Interpretive, (5) Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic context
SL.7.1, 3, 6; L.7.1, 3, 6
Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways, (C) Productive, (12) Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and other language resources
to effectively convey ideas W.7.4–5; WHST.7.4–5; SL.7.4, 6; L.7.1,3, 5–6
ELD Objectives:

Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways, (A) Collaborative, (1)

 Students will be able to discuss with a partner at least 3 ways they can improve their performance for their future activities relating team
Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways, (B) Interpretive, (5)
 Students will be able to listen to directions spoken by the teacher in English at least 3 times
Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways, (C) Productive, (12)
 Students will be able to describe 3 vocabulary terms that are essential and related to team handball
Physical Education Lesson Plan
Needed Equipment Instructor: Wesley Blomquist Major Content: Handball
24 Handballs Date: 04/25/2021 Intro/IA/Warm-up: Dynamic Stretching
24 cones Grade Level: 7th Fitness: Hand-eye coordination, endurance
Time: 8:45-9:45 Lesson Focus: Passing/Throwing
Minutes of instruction: 47:30 min Game: Mamba Ball
Students: 24

Time Lesson Content Organization/Management/Teaching Hints Assessment

Allotted (Include Tasks, Safety
refinements, extensions, (what are you looking for the
critical elements, checks for students to be able to know
understanding) and do? Specific skills? How
Closure Questions will you know if you need to
(match up with reteach the content or move
objectives) on to the next progression?)
*References: add all
references used

2 minute Intro/Explanation of
Lesson and Purpose of TH: Check equipment for Safety Issues
what you will be teaching:
Hello class how has your
week been so far? Great!
Today we will be learning
how to catch a pass in
Handball. By the end of the
lesson, you will all be able
to demonstrate the critical
elements to throwing a ball,
explain what movements
you performed and how
they succeed, and explain
how you can improve your
performance for next time.
So that way you can throw
and catch the game winning Agenda:
goal. We will create a fun 1. Warm-up
environment through 2. Grouping
positive supportive 3. Review skills
interactions with one 4. Explain game
another with 5. Go to cones form demonstration of the game
encouragement and positive 6. Play the game
attitudes, while maintaining 7. Lesson closure
our safety through safe 8. End of class Students should be warmed up
practices. Describe the Activity: and comfortable to perform all
5 min. Agenda The students will be sent to run a lap around the track in under 3 of the task for the day
minutes. Once back from the lap, the students will sit on their
Warm-Up: numbers and await further instruction. (Include health and fitness
Run lap around the track standards)

TH: Alright students I want you to quickly in less than 2 minutes

3 min form groups of no more than 3 or 4 with people who have the same
color shoes when I say go. If you cannot find a group stand up front
Grouping: and I will place you in a group. When you find your group sit down
Get into groups for game back-to-back to back-to-back in front of me and the whiteboard. GO

TH: circulate groups and ensure correct group numbers. Once

groups are formed pass out clip boards

TH: Review critical elements utilizing white board

Similarly, to your previous years, throwing the handball relates to SWBAT perform the pass
many activities you all have participated in, such as throwing a comfortably while learning how
football, earlier this year. With similar steps such as ball to improve their performance
placement, leg position, and the grips used to catch the ball. Who Content: 1.1, 2.2
remembers the steps to throwing a football?
Similarly, to your offensive strategies learned in your previous years
8 min. through activities such as soccer and basketball, and your ability to
dissect your movements and find errors and ways to correct them.
Lesson Focus:
Passing/Throwing/Catching Critical Elements:
- Hold the ball in your dominant throwing hand. SWBAT perform the pass with
- Step with the opposite leg than your throwing hand. ease while using the correct
- Aim with your non-throwing arm holding it straight out at form and technique. Each
your target. critical element should be
- Cock your throwing arm back into a 90-degree and next to shown through the students’
your ear. performance
- Throw the ball at your target releasing at your forehead. The student should be
- Catch ball with W grip if above the waist understanding of their own
- Catch the ball with the M grip if below the waist performance and be able to
explain how to improve.
Content: 1.1, 2.2, 5.2

TH: Still use whiteboard to explain game

20 min. Include Game Rules, Objectives, Groups, and Diagrams – you

should be able to hand this to someone to recreate and teach it
5-minute Modified Game to Include Objective: Collect as many cones as possible SWBAT perform a pass with
explanati Skills/Concepts learned in correct movement technique, as
on class How: One student will be the receiver while one student will be the well as introduce other
+demo Name of the Game: The thrower. The receiver will run out to a cone of their choice and stand locomotor skills to win the
perfect catch above it. The thrower will then pass the ball utilizing all the critical game
Purpose: elements of throwing a ball to the receiver. If the receiver catches the - Handball exercises for your
Focus on form and ball, they pick up the cone and bring it to their home base and receive training |
technique for making a 1 point. If the ball is dropped, the receiver must pick up the ball and
pass/throw. Allow run it back to the thrower to restart, you cannot throw the ball back.
decisions to be made for Once a point is made the receiver goes to the back of the line and the
improvement. Students thrower is now the receiver. Defense is a strong part of the game, and
should be able to properly the way defense is played here is you can “block” another team from
perform a pass with gaining a point by catching the ball over that cone first, thus
accuracy while utilizing eliminating their chance to gain that point. You CANNOT block other
various locomotive teams with your hands or purposefully stand in their way so they
movements. As well as cannot see the ball.
catch the ball utilizing no-
locomotor and locomotor Point of the game: Utilize non-locomotor movements, locomotor
movements. movements, and object manipulative movements to successfully catch
and throw the ball to various targets. This is a practice for in game
situations where you must move from one location to another to find
the best offensive spot to advance the ball down the field.

Safety: Keep your eye on the ball. Keep your hands in the air.
Maintain your self-space. Look out for other students. Do not throw
the ball unless the student is looking with eye contact

Game Start/Stop: The game will go by quick as there are many

groups. 1 whistle will start the game. 2 whistles will end the game.
When the game is ended count your cones and we will see who wins
that round. After counting is done, students will reset the cones back
on the field and quickly go back to their home base to start again.






Players stand
TH: send students to pick a cone with their team. DO not pick up
ball just yet. Quickly demonstrate game with one group

TH: “what happens to the thrower after the ball is caught”, “how
many points is each cone worth”, and “how should you be throwing
the ball in the game?”
4 min. TH: “how will you succeed in this game”, and “how will you work as
a team” After
Closure Questions to
Check for TH: Circulate around the field to ensure correct form and use of
Understanding/Review critical elements. Provide positive feedback to the students as well
Questions based on your as constructive, specific, feedback. Stay energetic to excite the
objectives - (Did students students.
accomplish your
Students did you all enjoy Organization for Closure: The students will form a semi-circle with
the game? Perfect, within no students behind the teachers back. Make sure that they are sitting
your small group briefly so you can see everyone and have them ready to express how they
demonstrate how to feel about the day’s skills and activity.
perform a pass/throw in
handball while utilizing at
least 3 critical elements that
was explain earlier and
transferred from your
previous task of throwing a
football. Now explain 2
movements you performed
correctly and one
movement you believe
needs more work (call on
one student for answer)
Class can you explain 3
ways to improve your
performance for next time?
(call on student for answer)

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